Chapter 16 ID Photos

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Clarke P.O.V
After Max had left, we had all officially greeted Raven, Jasper, and Monty.

It had been two days since then, and today I had to get my ID picture taken, along with having to get my schedule, and books.

Monty and Jasper were going to get their ID pictures taken tomorrow. We hadn't talked to them so much, because they had a roommate situation. Apparently their roommate had accidentally set off a paint bomb, and they were all stuck wiping the green paint off of the walls and carpet.

Raven, Sasha, and I were walking to Bellamy and Camilo's dorm so we could all go get our ID's. Like Monty and Jasper, we hadn't talked to Bellamy and Camilo since they had left our dorm Saturday.

Truth be told, I was anxious about seeing Bellamy again. I wasn't completely sure this,"friends," thing was going to work. I mean, how could it? How could I go from loving someone to just seeing them as a friend? How could I stop myself from feeling a whirlwind of emotions every time I saw Bellamy? I was positive that I would never be able to see him as just a friend, but seeing him as just a friend was better than not seeing him at all.

We reached Bellamy and Camilo's dorm. Raven knocked on the door. I held my breath as I waited for the door to open.

Bellamy P.O.V
As I turned off the showerhead, I heard a knock on the door. I dried myself off, and slipped on some jeans. I pulled on my shirt, and ran a hand through my hair.

I heard Clarke's voice come from outside the bathroom, and I tensed up. I hadn't seen Clarke since Saturday, and I couldn't wait to see her. The friends situation wasn't ideal, but this way I couldn't hurt her and I would still be able to be around her.

I walked out of the bathroom, and saw Clarke, Camilo, Raven, and Sasha. I quickly pulled on my shoes.

"So are you guys all ready to go?" Sasha asked. Everybody nodded, and we went to walk to the theater where the ID photos were going to be taken.

Today, Octavia was also going to get her ID photo taken along with her class schedule. Since I couldn't go, Lincoln was going with her, so that she wouldn't be alone.

Camilo, Raven, and Sasha were walking a good distance behind Clarke and I; effectively leaving us with an awkward silence. Neither of us spoke, simply because we didn't know what to say. I thought back to before Clarke and I were dating. Before then, though we didn't get along completely, we still enjoyed each other's company.

We could still make each other laugh and smile, we could have a normal conversation, and we were able to have comfortable silence. We didn't need to be together to be able to do all that, and ultimately those were some of the few reasons we fell for each other. Maybe we could still have that.

I cleared my throat."So Princess, you looking forward to another terrible ID photo?"

She looked at me eyebrow raised."Me? Did you see your last ID photo?"

I smirked."Yes, and I looked like a Grade A super model."

She rolled her eyes, but grinned."Yeah right, you looked like you were kicked in the face by a donkey."

I put a hand on my heart, feigning hurt."Ouch, that hurt Princess."

She let out a snort, and I grinned. We continued to walk to the theatre, no longer in awkward silence.

When we arrived, I noticed that this theatre was much larger than the one at Arke High. It had red- cushion seats and balconies, along with a grand stage.

We all got in line to get our pictures taken. After we did we received our ID cards, and schedules, and then headed back to our dorms.

Max P.O.V
As I waited in line, I tapped my foot impatiently. Fang stood behind me quietly. Finally after what seemed like centuries it was my turn to get my photo taken. I grinned into the camera and as soon as it flashed I was off to get my ID card and schedule. Fang took his photo, and then received his ID card and schedule.

"Let me see your ID card," I told him. He handed me his card, and I looked at his picture.

His photo showed him unsmiling, with his slick blue- black hair covering his eyes, just like it had since forever ago. I rolled my eyes and handed him his card back.

"Why don't you ever smile in photos? " I asked, giving him a side glance as we walked back to my dorm. "You look like a brooding emo."

Fang raised an eyebrow at me. "I'm not emo."

I crossed my arms."I didn't say you were emo, I said you looked like you were."

He scoffed."Let me see your ID then."

I handed him my ID, and he stared at it for a while before giving it back without a word. We reached my dorm, and I took out my key. I heard the door click, and I turned the knob, before pushing the door open. Fang quickly made himself comfortable on my bed, as I leaned against the wall.

"What was it that you wanted to tell me?" Fang asked, grabbing a car magazine off the nightstand.

I walked over to him, and smacked his hand."Don't touch that, it's not mine." Fang rolled his eyes and put it back. "Good, now what was I going to tell you?"

Fang gave me an incredulous look as I thought back to what I wanted to tell him.

"Oh yeah!" I exclaimed finally remembering what I was going to say."I met these people a couple days ago, they're friends with my roommate. From what I got, one is named Octavia- she's the one that asked if she could be my best friend." I went on to tell him who Clarke, and Bellamy were and who I thought the other people in the room were, along with what what happened.

"And then I told them to be friends, and they agreed." I looked at Fang and he was looking at me with a questioning eyebrow.


I put my hands on my hips."So we are going to get Bellamy and Clarke back together."

His eyebrows drew together."We?"

I nodded."We."

He threw his head back and let out a groan."Why?"

I rolled my eyes at his whiney tone."Because they seemed miserable. We just need some background info. on them, and I already know who we are going to get that information from, since I'm a genius."

Fang sighed, and looked at me knowing he couldn't get me to change my mind."Who?"

The door swung open, and Raven walked in.

I pointed at her."Raven."

Octavia P.O.V
I stood in the gym of my new school, Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School, with Lincoln at my side. I was waiting in line to get my picture taken.

"Next!" The photographer called out. I walked up and smiled into the camera. The camera flashed brightly, and I went off to retrieve my ID card. As I headed to the table where the cards were being handed out, I felt someone bump into me.

"Sorry!" I heard a voices say. I turned around and saw a girl with curly blonde hair, wide blue eyes, and a childlike face. Next to her stood a boy with similar features.

I smiled."It's fine. I'm Octavia and you are?"

The girl smiled, exposing perfectly white teeth."I'm Angel, and this is my brother Jason, but I call him Gazzy."

I raised an eyebrow."Do I want to know?"

She shook her head."No, so what grade are you in?"

"I'm a Senior, and you two?" I asked.

"We're Seniors too," Jason responded.

"Cool, well I have to go get my schedule." I told them."See you around."

Lincoln and I then walked to get my ID and schedule.

Angel and Jason seemed nice.

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