Chapter 11 BroTards

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Octavia P.O.V
The next morning, Sasha, Clarke, and I woke up late. It was around midday when we we had all woken up, and gotten dressed. We made our ways to the boy's dorm, not bothering to knock before entering. As expected they were all asleep.

"Wake up dumbasses!" I slammed the door as hard as I could, causing both the idiots to wake up. Bellamy turned on his stomach, and covered his ears, while Camilo covered himself with a blanket.

"Yo Brotards, get the fuck off your asses!" I yelled, earning another groan.

"Go away Octavia!" Camilo muffled voice said.

I rolled my eyes, putting my hands on my hips."GET UP NOW!"

Bellamy gave me the finger before telling me to leave. I glanced at Clarke and Sasha. We nodded at each other and walked into the bathroom. We filled two containers we found with water, and then walked out of the bathroom. Sasha stood in between both beds, ready to yank off the blankets. She pulled them off of them just as Clarke and I poured water on their faces. They both sat up, sputtering like blind fish.

"What the hell Octavia!?" Bellamy screamed furiously. He wiped his face with his hand, failing to dry off the water.

I smiled."That's what you get for being stupid!"

Bellamy and Camilo groaned again, clutching their heads, surely experience one heck of a headache.

"Can you keep it quiet please?" Camilo asked, rubbing his temples.

"No, get up now!" I ordered.

Bellamy sighed."Why?"

Sasha spoke."Because you Brotards were idiots and got drunk last night, and now we're going to have an argument."

Bellamy glared at Sasha."We don't even fucking know you."

Sasha let out a scoff."And yet I still had to help take care of you babies!"

Bellamy didn't say anything and just fell back onto his bed, so did Camilo. I glanced at Clarke.

They both covered their ears, and sat up.

"But my head hurts," Camilo whined like a little kid.
I threw a bottle of Ibuprofen at Bellamy's head, and another at Camilo's. They both swallowed two capsules.

"Now that you've got that, what the fuck were you two thinking!?"
I screamed at them.

They didn't get a chance to answer, before Clarke began to yell at them. "Why the heck would you get drunk!?"

Camilo's face scrunched up in irritation."Octavia was the one who told us to have bro time!"

I glared at Camilo."I didn't mean go get drunk!"

"Well we did what you asked, we had bro time." Bellamy told me.

I turned to him."I never asked you to break the law!"

Bellamy laughed, and raised an eyebrow."Feeling a little dramatic aren't you O?"

I huffed in annoyance."This isn't funny." Bellamy and Camilo scoffed.

Clarke was staring at the pair of retards, her face covered in annoyance."Octavia's right this isn't funny. What is wrong with you two!?" Bellamy narrowed his eyes at her. Uh-oh.

"You! You're what's wrong with us!" He stood up and stalked over to her.

She glared up at him, her hand on her hips."What?"

He didn't back off."We got drunk, because we couldn't get you out of our heads! I got drunk, because I still love you!"

Clarke scoffed."So that's a bad thing? You regret loving me?" Don't answer yes, Bellamy.

Bellamy shook his head."No, I don't regret loving you." I almost sighed in relief."But, you should."
Bellamy P.O.V
Clarke stared at me, clearly frustrated. "How many times do I have to tell you that you're not, and will never be bad for me Bellamy?"

I sighed, "But I am Clarke." I was, I was bad for her. How many times did I have to tell her that she deserved someone better than me?

"No you're not!" She screamed."And don't use me as your excuse for getting drunk!" She shoved me."You don't see me getting drunk do you?"

I rolled my eyes."People cope in different ways Clarke."

She groaned in annoyance."That isn't coping! That's a great way to becoming an alcoholic!" Alcoholic? Just because I got drunk once, didn't mean I would become an alcoholic.

Camilo spoke."Clarke, Bellamy's right. It was just a way for him to cope." Clarke narrowed her eyes at him, and Camilo stood from his bed.

"You guys are idiots!" Clarke exclaimed angrily.

"Why do you even care Clarke!?" I blurted. She seemed taken aback by my question, and I regretted asking her that. I knew perfectly well why she cared, and so did everyone in this room. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Octavia face palm and Sasha shake her head. Even Camilo was looking at me like I was stupid. Clarke inched closer to me.

Her face was centimeters away from mine. "Because I am stupid enough to still love someone who apparently, doesn't love me." I was going to object, but she didn't give me the chance."No matter what he says otherwise. " She raised an eyebrow and though her voice remained solid, her eyes became watery."And you know what the saddest part is?" I swallowed.

"Clarke," I whispered trying to get her to listen to me.

She met my eyes."The saddest part is that I don't regret loving you." She then stepped away from me, and left as quickly as she could. I did love her, and I didn't regret it at all, but the best thing for her was if we weren't together. That was the best thing for her, I was sure. But, I know found the need to remind myself that, that was the best thing for her more constantly than I before.

"Nice going BroTards." O said. I needed to go after Clarke. I ran out the door and chased after Clarke, hearing the others call after me.

My eyes shot open and I sat up abruptly. I looked around and groaned as I saw the red-haired figure next to me.


I shook my head and slumped out of the bed. Picking my pants off the floor, I glanced around the room for my shirt. It was laying on Lisa's chair. I grabbed it and slid it on before pushing on my shoes and sliding out the door.

I ran a hand through my hair and pulled out my phone. 5 AM. 3 missed calls from Max. She was gonna kill me.  I pulled open my texts.

Where are u
sent 1:05 AM

Fang answer me
sent 1:15

These midnight excursions have to stop
sent 1:45

sent 3:09 AM

Im going to look for you if you dont answer
sent 3:54 AM

Shit. I had to get to her. I sighed and ran down the hallway and then down a pair of steps until I reached the bottom of the apartment building. I looked around.

Where the hell was I?

Screw New York, it was too big. I shook my head and pulled out my phone. Google Maps it was.

Now all I had to do was travel 5 miles. Great.

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