Chapter 17 First Day

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Bellamy P.O.V
My alarm went off, alerting me that it was time to start the day. I groaned and jumped out of bed. I walked to the bathroom, and banged on the door. Camilo was in there taking a shower. I grabbed some jeans and a black t-shirt and waited for Camilo to come out of the bathroom. As I ran my hand down my face, my thoughts drifted to Clarke.

The past couple of days had made me feel much more lighter, and almost happier than I had felt the entire summer. Somehow, Clarke and I were able to hang out without feeling any sort of awkwardness. Yes there were these moments when I had felt saddened, because I wasn't able to hold her in my arms and tell her how much she had meant to me, but we had slipped easily into being friends. I wasn't sure why it had been so easy. What I was sure of, was that it had something to do with the fact that we acted like we had when we were together- minus the kissing and hugging.

We laughed, we joked around, and we didn't try and hide the fact that we still loved each other. Maybe it was so easy to slip into the role of being friends, because we were friends. We trusted each other, and that's what friends do. It's not just that though. We weren't just friends, we were best friends.

Before we were together we had been friends, even if we didn't care to admit it. Once we got together, our bond grew even stronger, and we became best friends. The fact that we could be each other's best friends, and be together was most likely the reason our bond was so strong.

Before Clarke I had never told anyone I was in love with them on the first date. Hell, I hadn't even truly gone on a date with anyone before Clarke- much less tell anyone I was in love with them.

Sure telling Clarke I loved her on the first date may had seemed a bit rushed to others, but it wasn't really. I had started falling for Clarke ever since that day when she came to Arke High.

First I had thought she was a bit annoying, but undeniably attractive. Then I couldn't get her out of my head. A while after, I began to see her as more than my sister's best friend. I began to admire and notice little things about her, and then I started to grow a liking towards her. Afterwards, I began to grow jealous- that was when I had fought with Millar. Before I knew it, I had fallen completely and hopelessly in love with Clarke.

Camilo came out of the bathroom, and I walked in without a word. After a quick five minute shower, I got dressed and walked out of the bathroom. Camilo was ready, and we went to Clarke's dorm so we could walk to class together. Coincidentally, we all had many classes together.

Today- Monday- Clarke, Camilo and I had a two hour Choir period together at ten. Then we had free time from twelve to about two.
At two, the three of us plus Raven and Sasha had Music Theory.

On Tuesday, the three of us had Music History from eight to eleven. We only had Music History once a week.

On Wednesday we had Choir and Music Theory, again for two hours each. On Thursday we had Humanities, also with Raven, from nine to twelve. Humanities was also just a once a week class. Friday all of us had Major Lessons for an hour- also once a week.

We arrived at Clarke's door, and knocked. Seconds later the door opened and Clarke quietly came out. Slowly she closed the door.
I raised an eyebrow in question.

"Sasha is still asleep," she explained."She doesn't have any classes before Music Theory, and I don't want to wake her up."

"Too late!" Sasha yelled from the other side of the door.

Camilo, and I chuckled.

Rolling her eyes, Clarke yelled back,"Whatever then!"

Clarke turned to us."Shall we go?"

I grinned at her."We shall." We began to walk to class, Clarke in the middle of Camilo and I. We walked into the medium-sized lecture hall, and looked for a seat.

Suddenly we heard,"Hey morons!"

We turned to see Max waving us over. We walked to where she was sitting next to a dark-haired boy. I sat next to Max, Clarke sat next to me, and Camilo sat next to Clarke.

"Hi Max," Clarke greeted her.

Max smiled."Hey guys." Camilo and I greeted her.

"Oh, this," she gestured at the boy sitting next to her."Is my best friend Nicholas, or Fang as I call him."

"Why Fang?" Camilo asked.

Max laughed."You don't want to know." I raised my eyebrows, and Max laughed again.

"Fang say hi," she told the boy next to her. He didn't listen to her, and Max rolled her eyes. She grabbed her notebook, and rolled it up.

"Fang!" She yelled while she repeatedly knocked him on the head with her notebook, drawing the attention of a few people.

Fang glanced up at her, and shielded his head with his hands immediately.
"What the fuck?"

She continued taking swings at him with her notebook. He turned to her putting his hands up in defense.

"Hey, Max. Ow, hey, stop." Fang said, though Max was ignoring him, and now hitting not only his head, but also his arms. He caught her wrist before she could continue.

With one of his hands, he took off his now visible earbud. He raised his eyebrows.

"Yes Max?"

She wrenched her wrists out of his grasp. "I said say hi to these people." She pointed at the three of us.

"Hi," he greeted then put his earbud back in, and looked back down at his notebook.

Once again, Max rolled her eyes."Excuse him, he's antisocial."

"I heard that," Fang mumbled.

"Of course you did," Max said. They were quite a pair. She turned her attention back to us."So are you-" she was cut off by the teacher walking in.

"Hello students," the professor greeted, taking her place at the front of the lecture hall. She had black hair, and pale skin."I am Professor Cartwig."

She then proceeded to tell us about this class.

"And for this class you will need a group," she told us."The groups can be from three to five people. They will be your 'band mates,' for the semester." She put air quotes around the words band mates.

"You will perform projects together, and if you choose you may stick with them after the semester is over. And yes, you can pick who they are."

The class cheered, and Professor
Cartwig instructed us to find our 'band.'

"Can we be in your band?" Max asked.

"Sure," Clarke responded. I guess we had our band.
Max P.O.V
Now that I was in a band with Bellamy and Clarke, it would be easier to get them back together. I just needed to get everybody else on board. Fang, Iggy, Nudge- who was going to NYU, Gazzy, Angel, and Raven were all on board with helping me get them back together. Now I just needed to get the rest of their friends to agree , and we could think of a plan on how to do it. I just hoped my Flock would stay alert, just in case. Either way,  this was turning out to be a pretty good first day of school.

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