Chapter 10 Why?

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Clarke P.O.V
We were already done with Pitch Perfect 2, and had moved on to watching the Harry Potter series, when my phone began to buzz. l checked my phone, and saw an unknown number on the screen. I paused the movie, right as Harry had been placed in Gryffindor, and then put the phone up to my ear.

"Hello?" I asked. All I heard was a bunch of mumbling, and background noises. I hung up, my number must have been accidentally dialed.

"Who was it?" Octavia asked, stuffing a handful of popcorn in her mouth. Sasha had bought the popcorn when we went to get ice cream, and we cooked it in her microwave- which she had been smart enough to bring.

I shrugged."Wrong number." Octavia nodded and we played the movie again. I loved this; I loved having my BFF and new friend with me eating popcorn and ice cream, while watching some of the best movies ever. I loved being distracted from my feelings, I loved not feeling that I wanted to cry and then eventually crying. I just loved how these movies and my friends had made successfully stopped my mind from feeling distraught, even if only for a small period of time. The only problem, was that I could feel a large part of me wanting to be wrapped in Bellamy's arms as I watched this. I shook my head not wanting to think of him, but failing. What was he doing now? Was he talking to Camilo? No- I doubted it, he and Camilo were never friends. They were barely even acquaintances. Was he feeling saddened and alone as I did when I entered my dorm? Truly, I had no idea and I didn't want to torture myself trying to figure it out. What if he was sad though? Maybe I should go and talk to hi- no!

You'll just end up crying again. I told myself, finally giving my attention back to the movie. He's fine, he's fine.

It was around midnight, and we were on the third Harry Potter movie, when my phone buzzed again.

"Hello?" I responded. Octavia paused the movie.

"Clarke I love you!" I heard a seemingly drunk Bellamy slur. I pulled the phone away from my ear. Ow, that was loud.

"I love you Clarke!" This time it was Camilo who yelled, equally as drunk as Bellamy. What the heck? Where they actually drunk? O and Sasha were looking at me with raised eyebrows. I put my phone on speaker.

"I love you Princess! I love you!" Bellamy's drunken voice screamed threw the phone. Though he was drunk, my heart warmed at hearing those words.

"I do too Clarkie!" Once again, it was Camilo who yelled. I glanced at O and Sasha. They were both holding in their laughter.

I cleared my throat."Guys, are you drunk?"

"No, no, no." They stammered together.

"Only a littlle," Camilo hiccuped."Tipsy."

"Idiots!" Octavia exclaimed.
I rolled my eyes at the boys, sighing as I did so. Octavia's face showed irritation. Why on Earth would they get drunk? How would they even get alcohol? They were underage. And more importantly, where were they?

"Are you two in a bar?" Octavia questioned them. They responded by saying they weren't, and that they were in a cab. Of course it took them a couple moments to actually formulate their answer.

They then hung up on us, as soon as we heard the taxi driver tell them they were at their stop. I pushed my phone into my pocket as Octavia and I stood up.

"Where are you two going?" Sasha asked, stuffing some popcorn into her mouth.

"Their dorm, they should be there." Octavia responded. Sasha stood and walked over to me.

"Are you going to be okay?" Her voice expressed concern.

I shrugged."Let's find out." The three of us exited the dorm and headed to the boy's dorm room. When we arrived the door was halfway opened. Bellamy and Camilo were standing with slumped shoulders, and making their way to their beds. From where we stood, we could smell the stench of alcohol coming from them.

Octavia and I walked over to them. We needed to rinse them off. Sasha and I grabbed Bellamy and put his arms around our shoulders while Octavia pushed Camilo onto the bed and took off his shoes. Both boys were mumbling incomprehensible words. Sasha and I took Bellamy into the bathroom and sat him down on the toilet. Their bathroom was luckily bigger than ours, so we weren't cramped. We took of his shoes and socks, then pulled off his shirt.

"Damn, he's got abs." Sasha exclaimed, admiring Bellamy's torso. I glared at her. "What? It's true." I rolled my eyes and turned on the shower. "What about his pants?" She asked.

I turned to her."Do you want to be the one to take off his pants?"

Sasha shrugged."Not really, but they'll get soaked. And c'mon, it's not like you haven't seen him without pants. I mean you two were going to get married."

I bit my lip. We were going to get married, we were going to be together forever, but then he left. "Nothing like what you're thinking, happened between us."

Sasha's eyes grew wide, and her eyebrows shot up to her hairline."Really?" I nodded, and then told her to help me take off his pants. Once we did, he was left in only his boxers. We put him in the running shower and made sure the water hit his face. He grunted in protest. Once we were done rinsing the stench off if him, we turned off the water, dried him as much as we could, and wrapped a towel around his shoulders. We dragged him back into the dorm, and laid him on his bed. Camilo was laying on his own bed, already stripped of his shirt and pants. This time, Octavia and I were the ones to drag him into the bathroom and rinse him off. Sasha was looking for clothes to put on them. We finished rinsing Camilo off and laid him back onto his bed. Sasha, and Octavia dressed Camilo as I put Bellamy into some sweat pants. Once we were finished, we covered them with blankets. I looked at Octavia and with just one look we agreed on one thing. They were so dead once they woke up tomorrow. Octavia and Sasha headed back to the dorm as I cleaned up the bathroom. Once I finished, I went back into the dorm. They were both sleeping soundly. I neared Bellamy's bed, crouching down next to him. I pushed his curls off his face. He looked so calm when he was sleeping. I smiled softly as I remembered how many times I had woken up next to him, but my smile quickly faded as I realized I may never wake up to him again. I felt a tear run down my face.
"Why did you have to leave me?" I asked softly."Why did you have to come back?" I sniffled.

"Why do I still love you?" As expected, he didn't answer. I wiped my tears, and stood up, heading to my dorm.

Max P.O.V
My mind raced a thousand miles per second as I looked out of the balcony. It was past 3 AM and Fang hadn't returned. This wasn't like him. Heck it wasn't like me to worry about him, he could take care of himself.

Yet, why did I have this odd feeling at the pit of my stomach? Something eas wrong and I needed to find out, I looked back into the living room. But, I couldn't just leave my Flock. I sighed amd went towards them, I had to stay put until Fang returned and that was exactly what I was going to do.

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