Ch. 29 Battle of The Bands Part 2

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Octavia P.O.V
I met Jasper right outside his dorm, we decided to meet his parents at their hotel. I knocked and waited for him to open. He opened seconds later wearing a dress shirt and pants. I raised my eyebrows.

"You look weird."

He laughed."Thanks Octavia, you look mighty weird yourself."

I rolled my eyes and locked my arm with his, dragging him away from his dorm and causing him to barely shut the door.

"So where are we going?" I asked curiously as we walked.

"Some type of fancy restaurant," he responded."My parents booked a reservation as soon as I left."

"Wow," I smiled."Nice."

We decided to take the subway to his parent's hotel, and arrived in an hour. When we got their I was kindly greeted by Mr. and Mrs. Jordan, and also a family friend they had brought along. Her name was Maya. The five of us walked to the restaurant which was only a few minutes from the hotel. When we arrived, we were ushered to our seats by a hostess who gave us some menus.

"So, Octavia is it?" Mrs. Jordan asked. I nodded in response."What is it that you are studying?"

I looked at Jasper then back at Mrs. Jordan. "I'm actually still in high school."

She raised her eyebrows."Oh."

"But she's a senior," Jasper added quickly." She is only a year younger then me."

I nodded backing up what Jasper said.

Mr. Jordan spoke up."Aren't you the same girl who broke up with our son last year?"

I turned my head to glare at Jasper with raised eyebrows. He told them? Jasper shrugged. I rolled my eyes and turned with a kind smile back to the other three people.

"Yes," I began," but I corrected my mistake as you can see."

They nodded as a waitress came to take our orders. After eating, his parents asked if they could take a picture of us. Jasper nodded and put an arm around me, and I began to take a sip of my water.

"Oh don't be shy," his father grinned."Why don't you give your girlfriend a kiss."

I almost spurt out all the water in my mouth, and I began to cough. Jasper patted my back gently.

"You okay?" He asked.

I nodded and looked at his parents."A kiss?"

His father nodded."Why yes, it would be such a nice photo to add to our family photo album."

I glanced at Jasper, and he looked at me pleading. I sucked in a huge breath. What I do for friends. Slowly I leaned in and pressed my lips to Jasper's for a quick kiss. As soon as we heard the shutter of the camera we separated.

As we pulled away I looked past Jasper. My eyes widened as my gaze landed on Lincoln. What was he doing here? He wasn't supposed to be here.
My breaths began to quicken.

His eyes locked in with mine for a split second before he began to walk out of the restaurant.

"Lincoln," I whispered. Jasper looked at me and followed my gaze to Lincoln's retreating form. I glanced at him and he nodded, before I stood up and rushed out the restaurant.

Clarke P.O.V
Bellamy's comforting hand grasped mine as we walked on stage. The light blinded me as soon as we walked to our places.

"If you get nervous," he whispered. "Keep your eyes on me."

With one last comforting squeeze of the hand, Bellamy went to his microphone. He was feature singing this time and playing guitar. Camilo was on drums, Max was backup guitar, and Fang was playing the keyboard.

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