1 - President Steve Rogers

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I walked down to his office and his head of security was standing at the door.

"He busy?" I asked and Sam Wilson shook his head and opened the door. I walked in he was stalking around his office, and I just closed the door and looked at him.

"Mister President...?" I asked confused and slightly concerned.

"Blair, how many times do I have to tell you to call me Steve?" He asked and I smiled.

"Okay well, Steve, I have that speech fixed for you to go over. I need to hear you recite it so I know it sounds good." I said and he nodded.

"One minute, I seem to have lost my daughter." Steve said and I smiled knowing now they were playing hide and go seek in the office.

Not just any office though, the Oval Office. Steve Rogers was President of the United States of America. He was in his second year of a 4-year term. The people loved him and his best friend, lifelong friend and Vice President James "Bucky" Barnes. Steve's wife and first lady Sharon Carter-Rogers had given birth to their daughter Sarah a year before Steve was elected president, so this was the only life Sarah had known, growing up with guards and everyone always looking at them.

"Well, I wouldn't check behind the curtains, no way she is there." I said discreetly pointing to one set of curtains and Steve smiled at me as we heard a little girl giggle. He stalked over to them and picked Sarah up from behind them and started tickling her. Sarah saw me and smiled. Steve put her down and she came over to me and I picked her up.

"Blair! You told daddy!" She said upset and I kissed her cheek.

"Sorry little lady, I really didn't think you were back there." I said and she smiled. Steve walked over to me, and I handed him the folder with the speech in it.

"What is this for again?" Steve asked and I sighed sitting on the couch in his office as Sarah was in my lap.

"The technology and weapons council. You and Mister Stark are going to spearheading this meeting." I said and Steve sighed and nodded.

"Right." He said sitting behind his desk.

"You okay?" I asked as he was reading over the speech.

"Yeah, just Sharon..." He said and I groaned.

"Right, I wondered why you had Sarah. Where is she today..." I said and Steve shrugged. I looked at Sarah on my lap playing with my bracelets I was wearing, not paying attention.

Sarah and I had a wonderful bond. I couldn't explain but the minute I started working for Steve, his daughter Sarah took a quick liking to me and we were like 2 peas in a pod when we were together which was quite often since her mother Sharon was distant and never around, she had been since Steve was elected president. Sarah always ended up in my office if she ran away from the nanny or with Steve.

"This sounds good Blair. You want me to give it right now? Run it through?" Steve asked and I nodded.

"Sarah and I will be your audience." I spoke. Steve smiled at us. Before he could start there was a knock on his office door.

"Yes?" Steve asked and the nanny, Maria Hill come walking.

"I'm here to get Sarah. First Lady Carter-Rogers has returned and would like to see her." Maria said in a shaky voice. I looked at Sarah in my lap and she looked sad. I stood up holding Sarah and took her to Steve and she kissed him. I walked her over to the nanny. Sarah hugged me and kissed my cheek.

"Bye sweetie." I said and handed her to the nanny, and they walked away. Steve came over to where I was standing at the door watching them walk away.

"Sam, I'm to not be interrupted. Blair and I have to work on a speech." Steve said and Sam nodded. Steve shut the door and pinned me against it and I smiled.

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