18 - Can't Leave Him

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***1 YEAR LATER***

"I can't leave him Steve." I whined as I sat at the breakfast table holding the baby and he just smirked at me shaking his head.

"Blair, he will be with Maria all day like Sarah will be and they will be right over here at the house. It's fine. He will be fine." Steve said and I groaned shaking my head.

"I think I will take some of my personal time off and stay home." I said. Steve got up and walked over to where I was sitting and kissed the top of my head, taking our son Calvin from me.

"Cal, will be fine. Maria is here, he will be fine." Steve said and I groaned.

"Fine, I will go get dressed." I said and kissed the top of Cal's head as Steve held him.

I had moved into the Clearmont house much to my dismay while I was pregnant. Steve wanted me close and protected. He wanted me and close once I went on maternity leave and he wanted Calvin close once he was born. They had a home birth for their son Calvin James Meadows. Maria Hill was not only a nanny, but she was also a midwife and was able to help Blair give birth. Calvin was given the Meadows last name, so he wasn't linked to Steve when all birth records were created.

I told my dad I was pregnant the second time and when he questioned the father this time around Steve told me to tell him under extreme secrecy to not say anything to anyone. He wasn't very happy with me or even with Steve for that matter, but we informed my dad of everything that had been going on with Steve and Sharon, again not happy but accepted it since I was happy. He was still trying to plan a trip to come see his grandson.

The public still didn't know about Steve and I which is why I was living in Clearmont house. Steve couldn't be seen coming or going with Sarah and things were easier. Sarah although, this wasn't so easy to explain to her. While I was pregnant Steve and I sat her down and explained how I was pregnant with her brother. She didn't understand how it was her brother since the baby was coming from me and not her mother who was gone. She resented Calvin when he was first born but when Steve held her in one arm and Calvin in the other and explained to her what role she would have as a big sister she was more than happy to help and now loved him so much I swore it wasn't my kid, but hers.

I was getting dressed in the bedroom finding an outfit to wear that looked good with my new body shape. I got my figure back, but my chest was still big from nursing. I put on a blouse that fit and opted for dress pants. As I was sitting at the vanity doing my hair, I heard Calvin start crying and I groaned and went to leave the room, but Maria met me in the hallway.

"I got him, finish getting ready." She said rushing past me. I sighed and sat back down at the vanity. While I was doing my makeup, I looked in the mirror and Sarah was standing in the doorway.

"Hey little lady? You okay?" I asked and she shook her head but was silent. She walked in and I pulled her up to my lap.

"Are you leaving me?" She asked and I looked at her confused.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"You're leaving the house."

"Sarah, I have to go back to work, but I'll be back tonight. Me and your dad both." I said and she gave a small smile, and I wrapped my arms around her to hug her.

"Here, how about this. You hold on to this for me." I said and handed her my promise ring off my finger.

"You never take this off."

"Right, I don't. But you hold on for me today. I promise I will come back for it tonight." I said and she smiled. She kissed my cheek and ran out of the room, and she passed Steve, he smiled down at me.

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