19 - President & The First Lady

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It was Steve's final year as President, and everything was coming to an end...well not everything.

Had I quit my job to be a stay-at-home mother? Yes, Sarah and Calvin needed me. I needed to be home, and I needed them. Were there more kids in mine and Steve's future? We sure hoped so, but not at the moment. Were we still all living at the White House? Yes, but we had a place picked out for when everything was over, Steve wanted to go back to his roots. Were we married?

I was standing in the living quarters making sure I looked every part of the bride. This was happening. Steve and I were getting married. Steve and I were getting married in the White House gardens. This was all happening and everything was coming together. We had wanted to wait until he was done being President, but news broke of us being together no matter how much we tried to hide it from the public.

The door to the living quarters opened and I looked to see my dad Josh come walking in. He smiled at me, and I smiled back.

"So...how do I look?" I asked. He walked over to me and kissed my cheek.

"You look beautiful." Josh said and I smiled. I sighed and looked at the time.

"Is everything okay?" I asked and Josh nodded.

"Steve has secret service around the perimeter and every open space here and across the street is being watched. Nat is going to get the press in the press room right after the wedding so you and Steve can leave and not be seen." Josh explained and I sighed.

"I'm just so nervous about leaving the kids..." I said and Josh grabbed my hands.

"You deserve a weekend away with your new husband...maybe make me another grandchild." Josh said and we both laughed.

"Well Cal's name was changed last week, he is officially a Rogers and Sarah is your step granddaughter and she loves you so much." I said.

"And I love her. She is amazing." Josh said as there was another knock on the door. Bucky peeked his head in, and I smiled.

"Can you come marry this man, he is pacing in the garden." Bucky said and I laughed but acted like I was thinking about it.

"I mean I could always run..." I said and Bucky smiled shaking his head.

"He will find you, you know you can't hide from him." Bucky said.

"I did once..." I said with a smirk.

"Go marry that man and put him out of his misery." Josh said and I laughed as I linked my arm in his and we walked down to the garden. I smiled seeing Steve standing there and we had a judge standing there ready to marry us. I didn't worry about much of "walking down the aisle" I mean there weren't that many people in attendance.

Bucky was best man, Nat was maid of honor, Wanda was there with Sam who she was now dating, Josh my father, the kids and Maria. We knew we could have a big wedding, but we just wanted to be married.

"We are gathered here today to join Steven Grant Rogers and Blair Michelle Meadows in holy matrimony..." The judge was saying but I took Steve's hands and just drowned everything else out until I heard the judge clear his throat and he was looking at me. "Blair, time for you vows." He said and I smiled. I turned and took the ring from Nat for Steve.

"When I met you, I didn't know what the future was going to hold. I followed your campaign closely and knew if I got lucky enough for this job, I would want to work with you. You had great views and not to mention handsome as hell." I was talking and everyone laughed as did Steve, but he shook his head in disbelief. "But more than that, you were an all-around amazing guy. Yeah, maybe we didn't meet in the most conventional way or even get together that way either, but we knew there was no denying the love we have for each other. We have each other now with Sarah and Calvin and in a year, we get to go live a normal life, just us as a family and have everything we ever wanted. I love you Steve Rogers and I'm so lucky to have you." I finished as I put the ring on his finger, and he smiled at me. The judge nodded at Steve.

"Blair, when I met you as part of my staff, I had heard about your writing before and knew me and my entire team were in good hands with you writing for us. Little did I know what you would turn in to mean in my life. It may not have been conventional, and it may be slightly a cliché, but I don't care, this cliché is going to last, and this cliché is true love. I never knew love and life could feel like this until I met you. You are everything to me Blossom." Steve said using my nickname and I blushed with a smirk. "I want to have a full like with you and give you everything you have ever wanted. I want to be the best husband and father I can be, I want it all with you. I love you Blossom, I always will." Steve said and slipped my band on my finger to go with my engagement ring.

Again, I tuned out the judge, I just want to kiss this man and make him my husband. I knew it sounded wrong, but he was always meant to be mine and I was finally going to have him.

"Now by the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Steve, you may kiss your bride." The judge said and I giggled as Steve pulled me close to him and placed a hand on my cheek.

"I love you." Steve said and I smiled.

"I love you. Now kiss me." I whispered.

"Gladly." Steve growled at me as I saw a look of lust flash in his eyes.

He leaned in and passionately kissed me. I heard people clapping but then the world faded away, all that matter were Steve and me. Once we broke apart, we hugged everyone in attendance and then I looked at Nat.

"You ready to go keep them all occupied?" I asked and she nodded and smiled as she walked inside. I walked over and crouched down to Sarah's level.

"Can I please go with you and daddy?" She asked and I sighed.

"No sweetie, Daddy and I want a few days just him and I but I promise soon, we will go on a family vacation. Right now, I need you to stay with Grandpa Josh and help him and Maria take care of Calvin." I said and she smiled.

"He can be a handful." Sarah said and we all laughed.

"He can." Steve said and I smiled. We quickly hugged and kissed the kids and Josh.

"You ready to go First Lady Blair Rogers?" Steve asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be Mister President." I said and he smiled. We rushed through the White House to the South lawn and got on the helicopter to leave. I leaned over to Steve and smiled placing a hand on his cheek where his new beard was fully grown in.

"I can't wait to see how this feels all over my body." I said and Steve growled.

Steve started growing the beard out a little bit ago when he said he wanted a change, I was all for it and as it started to grow in, I fell in love with it more and more. We hated ourselves but for the last couple months we were abstaining from sex since we didn't want something to happen, like a pregnancy, before the wedding. We wanted to be safe, so I was dying to see how the beard felt all over my body.

Soon the helicopter was arriving at the airstrip of Air Force One and we quickly got on the plane and Sam handed Steve a tablet and we both watched Nat's announcement.

"President Steve Rogers has married former Press Secretary Blair Meadows today in the White House gardens. President and First Lady Rogers share son Calvin James Rogers together. Please respect the couple's privacy at this time while they work on being a new family. Thank you that will be all." Nat said and walked away from the podium while the press was shouting questions. We turned off the tablet and I placed my head on Steve's shoulder, and he smiled down at me.

"She did good." I said and Steve nodded.

"She will be a good replacement for you. Let's just hope Bucky can keep it under control." Steve said and we both started laughing as we buckled in, and I settled in next to my husband.

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