11 - The Return

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I was sitting on the back deck of the beach house of Bucky's in Virgina Beach vacation home that he leant me to run away to. It was 3-hour drive from Washington D.C. to Virgina beach or a 45-minute flight. It was far enough away to get a clear head. Sitting on the back deck looking out at the ocean was comforting, sometimes I would forget why I was here and other times it would come rushing back and the tears would start, this was time for the tears. I was wiping them away when I heard the sliding door open to the deck and I looked to see Bucky come walking out.

"Hey." I said as he walked over and hugged me, then took the seat next to me.

"How are you feeling?" Bucky asked.

"Some days are easier than others..." I answered.

"We all miss you at work." Bucky said and I huffed a laugh.

"Not everyone, I'm sure." I mumbled and Bucky looked at me confused.

"What do you mean?"

"Steve...him and Sharon trying to work on their marriage. I mean that's one of the main reasons I left Bucky. Sharon came to the hospital and told me basically that me losing the baby was a blessing in disguise since her and Steve were going to work on their marriage." I spoke.

Bucky looked out to the water and just started chuckling.

"She came to see you at the hospital? Makes sense now why you wouldn't say why you wanted to run." Bucky said and I groaned.

"I didn't run..."

"What do you call you hiding out here?"

"Taking the vacation, I have earned." I said and Bucky sighed.

"I don't know what Sharon was thinking coming to you and saying what she said. That woman is certifiable I swear to God." Bucky rambled and I just looked at him.

"Bucky, what are you rambling about?" I asked annoyed.

"I think you should call Steve..."

"I think you should just open your mouth and tell me what you know." I said and Bucky sighed.

"Sharon and Steve aren't working on their marriage. She was hoping they could because Brock dropped her like a hot potato when Steve found out and was willing to let their affair happen since he was with you. Brock said it was more fun going behind the Presidents back and getting one over on him. So, with no one in her life Sharon was hopeful that her and Steve could try again but he is done Blair, he only wants you." Bucky explained and I sighed.

"Still doesn't change the fact that he never came to see me at the hospital. I mean I didn't just lose my own baby here, it was he and I. He didn't come at all and left me alone to deal with it. I mean sending sunflowers doesn't mean shit." I snapped.

"He came to the hospital after you left, not knowing you left." Bucky said.

"After Sharon came and told me their marriage was getting worked on and I figured, why stay." I said and Bucky just half nodded.

"I just think you should come back and talk to Steve. I mean he is going crazy not knowing where you are Blair. I mean he has even gone so far as to call your dad to see where you are." Bucky said and I groaned.

"I called my father and told him when I got her, but I said if anyone from work asked about me to not tell them. I can't believe he lied to the president." I said and Bucky laughed.

"I'm sure he will make you think about that next time you ask him to lie for you." Bucky said and I nodded with a smile.

I just looked out at the water and sighed.

"I really like this place, it's peaceful." I said and Bucky nodded.

"Reason I bought it."

"Thank you for being here for me. I know with Steve being like your brother you are going behind his back to help me out." I said and Bucky sighed.

"Yeah, well to be completely honest I'm not too happy with him either. When you went to the hospital, they gave him the chance to go with you, but he told me he couldn't, he knew he couldn't. Reason I went with you." Bucky explained and I looked down at my lap.

"I was such an idiot to sleep with him."

"You can't help who you love Blair." Bucky said.

"I can if they're married and have a family."

"A family that consists of a little girl who loves you more than her own mother and misses you even more than her father." Bucky said and I sniffled as my eyes filled with fresh tears, I hadn't even thought about Sarah. "She went missing the other day from Steve's office and they found her on the couch in your office crying. She was waiting for you to come back." Bucky added.

I wiped away the tears that were falling and sighed. I looked at Bucky.

"I think it's time to face everyone." I said and Bucky smiled at me and held out his hand.

"Back to D.C.?" Bucky asked.

"Back to D.C." I spoke.

⭐ ⭐ ⭐

It was Monday and I was back at the White House and heading to my office to drop everything off. I reached Wanda and she gave me a hug.

"It's good to have you back." Wanda said and I smiled.

"It weird being back but I figured it was time." I said and she nodded.

"Well, I pushed a lot of your meetings that you have missed, and people are anxious to reschedule, especially Fury." Wanda said and I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, I get it, I heard him speaking while I was gone. We have some damage control to do. I have one stop to make first and then we can hit the ground running." I said and Wanda nodded as I headed out of my office, and I knew exactly where I was going. I wasn't sure about the reception I was going to receive but there was only one way to find out.

Sam was standing outside the door and smiled at me.

"Welcome back." Sam said.

"Thanks Sam." I said and he opened the door for me. I walked into the Oval Office. I looked around and didn't see him at first but then I saw him sitting behind his desk, he looked up and saw me.

"Blair..." Steve trailed off.

"I'm back." I said as he rushed over to me and passionately kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck as his went around my waist. His tongue begged for entrance into my mouth, and I allowed it. God, I had missed this man more than I thought I ever could. Any reservation I had about being with him now, was gone and out the window. Once we broke apart, he brought his hands up to cup my face.

"God, I have missed you. I'm so sorry things got so fucked up." Steve said and I shook my head slightly.

"Life happens Steve, I'm just happy to be back." I said and he pulled me into a hug. The office doors opened again, and we broke apart.

"B!!" Sarah screamed running over to me and I picked her up when she jumped into my arms.

"Hey my girl! I missed you so much!" I said and we hugged, and I kissed her cheek.

"Daddy said you were sick, and he didn't know when you would be back. Are you feeling better?" Sarah asked. I looked at Steve.

"Now that I'm back with everyone I love, I'm feeling so much better." I said and she hugged me again tightly. Steve placed a hand on my back and kissed the side of my head so Sarah couldn't see.

This was going to be my life one day...I could just feel it. It had to be my life, I don't know how I was going to survive if it wasn't.

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