22 - Déjà Vu

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"Will daddy be home by the time we get home?" Sarah asked as we got in the SUV from the luncheon, we had just attended that we were just at for the Children's Center and Sarah came with me. I hooked her in her seatbelt and then I got in doing the same.

"I don't know, you want to call him see where he is?" I asked and she nodded as I pulled out my cellphone and pulled a facetime up with Steve. I put Sarah and I both on the screen.

"My girls! You both look beautiful!" Steve said and I smiled giving a small wink. I could tell he was on Air Force One.

Steve had been out of town for the past week having conferences and meetings about weapons and tech for the military. I was just ready to have my husband home.

"How were Mister Stark and Commander Odinson?" I asked and Steve sighed.

"Normal and one was more arrogant than the other. Give you one guess who." Steve said and I smirked at his attitude. "They asked about you though, so I gave them the news and Tony said to expect some crazy gifts to be arriving." Steve said and I just shook my head.

"Great." I said sarcastically.

"Daddy, when are you going to be home?!" Sarah whined and I knew she was missing Steve like crazy.

"Few hours sweetie. I will be home by dinner." Steve said and Sarah smiled.

"Good, you have been gone too long." Sarah said, and I nodded in agreement.

"I know, I didn't think this trip would take so long. I will be home tonight. How does pizza and a movie sound?" Steve asked and Sarah nodded so hard I thought her head would fall off.

"I think it sounds pretty amazing. What about major cuddles too?" I asked and Steve nodded.

"Of course, cuddles were a given. I get to hold my girls and Calvin all in my arms tonight. I will be one happy man." Steve said and I smiled as we pulled up to a red light and I sighed placing a hand on my stomach. "You okay?" Steve asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, the newest edition is deciding I'm a punch bag today." I spoke. Sarah reached over and placed her hand on my stomach.

"Hey baby, calm down." She said and the baby stopped. I just looked at Steve on the phone and then at Sarah.

"She done that before?" Steve asked and I shook my head.

"Nope but we keep her around because it worked." I said and Sarah giggled.

I heard someone trying to get Steve's attention and he sighed.

"Okay well I have to go get some last-minute work done before the plane lands. I will see you girls tonight." Steve said and we both blew him a kiss and hung up.

"I'm happy he'll be home soon. I miss him." Sarah said. I smiled and took her hand.

"I do too but thank you for coming with me today to the luncheon and behaving." I said and she smiled.

"I had fun." Sarah said.

I heard a car come up behind us and start honking its horn. I was unsure of what's going on. I turned and looked but couldn't see anything about the car.

"Clint?" I asked. I tried to stay calm as Sarah grabbed my hand.

"I'm sorry Misses Rogers, I'm trying to lose them." Clint said and I nodded as Sarah grabbed my hand, scared.

"Mommy...." Sarah trembled.

"It's okay sweetie, Clint is going to get us away from this person." I was trying to hide my own fear.

The horn kept honking and Clint was doing everything he could while also on the phone with the police. Clint made a sharp turn and the car followed. The last thing I remember was Clint trying to come to a stop at an intersection, so he didn't drive into oncoming traffic but the car behind us pushed us into it. I threw myself over Sarah to protect her.


"And these contracts need signed. It's just copies of everything that was in the meetings you had but finally all typed up." Wanda said. She had moved to being my secretary once Blair was gone, she asked for the move. Nat now had Yelena, her sister as her secretary.

I sighed and started signing all the paperwork. The tv was on in the plane and I looked up to see a car accident on TV that was being covered in Washington D.C. I read the caption along the bottom.

-First Lady Blair Roger's SUV involved in hit & run crash-

I stopped doing whatever I was doing. I watched the screen, I saw the car was hit from behind and on the one side. The reporter was talking, and I grabbed the remote to turn up the volume.

"We don't know much at this moment, the crash happened only about 10 minutes ago. Our news crews are the first to arrive. All we do know is The First Ladt Blair Rogers and First Daughter Sarah Rogers were traveling back to the White House after a charity luncheon today. They were pursued by a car and pushed into oncoming traffic."

I didn't know what to do or say. The plane couldn't go faster, I couldn't get home any quicker. My cellphone started ringing. Wanda answered the phone and then handed it to me.

"Bucky?" I asked seeing who it was.

"Yeah Steve, have you seen the news?" Bucky asked.

"Yeah, I just did. You know anything?" I asked.

"I know that everyone was responsive when paramedics got there. They were transporting them, the last I knew which was 5 minutes ago." Bucky explained.

"Bucky, I need you to go to the hospital and I will be on my way once we land." I spoke. "HOW SOON UNTIL WE LAND?!" I yelled wanting an answer from anyone.

"Steve, stay calm okay. You panicking now isn't going to do anyone any good." Bucky said and I tried to calm down, but I just kept my eyes on the screen.

"They have any info on the asshole who did this?!" I asked.

"Yeah, the cops caught them." Bucky said and I grimaced.

"I want five minutes alone with whoever they are." I growled.

"Steve..." Bucky warned.


"Steven...." Bucky said and I took a deep breath then it was taken out of my body again.

"Oh god, the baby." I said and Bucky sighed.

"I will find everything out for you as soon as I can. Should I call her father?" Bucky asked and I sighed and dropped my head.

"Yeah and send a plane to go get him. He needs to get here ASAP." I said.

There were a few minutes of silence as my head started filling with déjà vu moments of Sharon and her car accident.

"Don't Steve..." Bucky said knowing where my mind was going.

"How can I not..."

"They will be fine. I promise you Steve, everything is fine." Bucky promised even though he was having a hard time believing it himself.

"I will just be there as soon as I can. Take care of my girls Buck...please."

"I will do everything I can." Bucky said and we hung up.

I placed my head in my hands and just cried saying a silent prayer for my family to be okay and safe. I couldn't live without them.

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