4 - Not Her Mother

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It had been about 2 weeks since Steve and slept together in his living quarters but that was the last interaction, we were able to have. A few days after that Steve and Bucky had to leave on an international trip. I was supposed to go with them to write speeches, but it just seemed better for me to stay and email everything.

Today was the day they were getting back, and I was so excited to see Steve and just kiss him.

I heard the commotion of everyone freaking out and I looked out the window to see the helicopter landing. I smiled, went to the mirror on the wall in my office to make sure I looked presentable. I wore Steve's favorite outfit of mine because I knew we would be left alone to go over how the speeches went while he was gone.

I let him come in and get settled before I just rushed down to his office.

After an hour of waiting, I couldn't wait anymore, and I walked out of my office and down to the oval office. Sam stopped me from going in.

"I'm sorry Miss Meadows, he is in a meeting." Sam said. He had never stopped me before.

"Sam, I have gone in during meetings before." I spoke. I went to walk in, and Sam stopped me.

"I'm sorry Miss Meadows he asked for no visitors." Sam said. Before I could say anything, I heard a girl giggle inside the office.

"Oh Steve." She said flirting and my heart clenched. I didn't know who she was or what she was doing here or with Steve behind the closed door. I just gave a small smile to Sam and walked back to my office. I looked at Wanda before I could walk in.

"I don't want to be disturbed, I don't care who it is. I have a lot to get done." I said and she nodded.

I walked into my office and closed my door. I was sitting at my desk when my personal cellphone rang, it was my dad.

"Hey daddy." I answered.

"Hey baby girl. You okay, you sound upset?" Josh, my father said.

"Yeah, just the President and Vice President just got back from a foreign trip and things are intense." I spoke.

"Well, I won't keep you long, I know you are busy, but I just wanted to let you know I have my flight planned and I will be in town in 3 days. I know it's early, but I miss you." Josh said.

"Right well I will still have to work but we can work something out. I can also send a car to pick you up. Just give me the flight info and I will get someone to pick you up and take you to my place." I spoke.

"Alright sounds good. I love you and I'll see you soon." Josh said and we hung up. I sighed and put my phone back down and just went to work on writing some things out and looking over schedules and what would be needed when.

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A little bit later my office door opened and shut. I looked and saw Sarah come running in and over to me.

"Blair!" She screamed and had tears streaming down her face.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked and she just started crying harder. "Sarah, talk to me." I spoke.

"I spilled my juice this morning. It was an accident but mommy got so mad she said she was going to spank me, so I ran." Sarah sobbed and then placed her head back on my shoulder.

I knew Sharon could be out of control but spanking a kid for juice was crossing a line in my book. I just let Sarah sit on my lap and hide out with me in my office. I would fight off anyone who tried to come and get her.


I was sitting alone in my office after the French Diplomat left and went to the hotel. I thought for sure Blair would come and see me. It had been too long since I had gotten to touch her, and I needed her. The door busted open and my smile of hoping it was Blair faded when I saw it was Sharon and she looked livid with a slight of panic.

"Sarah is gone!!"

"What do you mean Sarah is gone?!" I asked panicked.

"She spilled juice, and I yelled not thinking and she ran away! Steve she is gone." Sharon said and started crying. I groaned and pulled her close to me and then sighed.

"Listen, everyone here knows who she is, she won't have gotten far. Why don't you go back upstairs, and I will get everyone I know on it, including myself." I spoke. I kissed the side of Sharon's head to help her calm down and she headed back upstairs. I went to every one of her hiding spots. I had no clue where she could be. I went to walk past a shut office door that was never usually shut.

"She in?" I asked Wanda.

"Yes, Mister President but she said she was busy and asked to not be disturbed by anyone." Wanda said and I groaned.

"And I will tell her you told me that when she gets upset." I said and walked into her office. As I opened the door, I saw Blair on the desk phone and then I saw Sarah in her arms on her lap sleeping. Blair looked at me and sighed.

"Can I call you back?" Blair asked and then hung up. "She is not going to back Sharon." Blair said to me.


Sarah had calmed down since she came in but didn't want me to let her go so while I worked, she sat on my lap. I was soothingly humming while I did, and she quickly fell asleep. I was on the phone getting some work done when the door opened, and I saw Steve walk in. I knew I told Wanda I didn't want to be disturb but I knew he was looking for Sarah and didn't much care.

"Can I call you back?" I asked who I was speaking to. They answered and I hung up the phone. "She is not going to back Sharon."

"I should have known she would run here." Steve said.

"She came to me scared and panicked that Sharon was going to spank her, spank her Steve! Over some juice she spilled accidentally. How is that okay?" I asked and he sighed.

"She wasn't going to spank her. She wouldn't." Steve said and I just shook my head.

"She was scared and ran to me Steve, proves there was going to be something. She's here and safe and I plan on keeping her that way." I said standing up while holding her and she shifted in her sleep.

"Blair, she needs to come with me, Sharon is going out of her mind." Steve said and I huffed a laugh.

"Can't stand to have her any other time but now that she is missing because she was mean to her, she is worried." I said and Steve was getting angry with me. This isn't how I was expecting our first meeting going. He rubbed Sarah's back to wake her up.

"Sarah, come with me." Steve said and she gripped on to my blouse tighter.

"No daddy! I want Blair." She spoke.

"Sarah, come on." Steve said.

"No!" she said pushing him away.

"She can stay here with me. I will bring her up soon." I spoke.

"Sharon is her mother Blair, not you!" Steve said and I just looked at him. I felt tears prick my eyes and I didn't even know how to respond. I could tell Steve wanted to take it back the minute he said it. I rubbed Sarah's back.

"Go with you dad little girl, that's where you belong." I said and kissed her check as she went to Steve.

"She harms one hair on her head I get her arrested Steve." I said and he walked out of the office. I just went and sat at my desk, placed my head in my hands and just started crying. What Steve had said was true, I wasn't her mother, but I was a better mother than Sharon.

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