21 - Silver Linings

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Steve was back at work, and everything was back to normal in our lives. I was getting back from an appointment and walked into Steve's office, I saw Bucky in there and they were with Nat working on a speech.

"Hey, sorry, Sam didn't say you were having a meeting." I said as shut the door.

"No, it's okay we were just finishing up." Steve said as I walked over to him and gave him a small kiss.

"Blair, you look absolutely glowing. Marriage suites you." Nat said.

"Something else does too..." I said looking at Steve and smiled.

"Are you...?" Steve asked and I pulled out the sonogram and smiled.

"2 months exactly..." I said and he thought about the date and smiled.

"Wait...2 months..." Steve said. I nodded and started laughing as well.

"2 months, why is this date 2 months ago so funny?" Bucky asked and I looked at Steve.

"You never told him?!"

"No! I thought we were taking it to our grave." Steve said. "I did get someone there to clean and detail it though." Steve said and I laughed.

"Clean?! Detail?! Where the hell did you two have sex?!" Bucky asked and I giggled and buried myself in Steve's side and he wrapped his arm around my waist and placed a hand on my stomach.

"We should tell him. He looks like he is about to combust." I said and Steve and he sighed.

"Alright Buck, what I need you to know is we did try and adhere to your rules of only in the bed and for the most part we followed them." Steve started off saying but the wasn't satisfying Bucky since he still looked like he was about to combust. "On our last night in town we went out to dinner. Well things got a little frisky on the way home and -..." Steve was saying.

"YOU HAD SEX IN MY CAR?!" Bucky screamed.

"Bucky!" I said knowing everyone probably heard.

"YOU HAD SEX IN MY CAR!!" Bucky yelled again and I just started laughing but gave a small nod.

"We didn't plan for it to happen in the car, it was really my fault." I admitted.

"But my car..." Bucky said, and I sighed.

"Yeah, but we didn't plan on it happening, we are really sorry." Steve said.

"Look at it this way...that led to you now getting a new niece or nephew..." I trailed off and Bucky just groaned, and Nat smiled.

"See, silver lining." Nat spoke up. This caused us all, including Bucky to laugh.

"Not happy about where it was conceived but happy to have another baby." Bucky said and I smiled as I walked over and hugged him. "Maybe if it's a boy name it James..." Bucky said as we hugged.

"Calvin already has James as his middle name, don't get greedy." I said and we chuckled.

"I had to try." Bucky said and I just shook my head.

⭐ ⭐ ⭐

We were sitting at the dinner table that night and Steve looked at me and smiled as I fed Calvin.

"What?" I asked and he smiled just shaking his head.

"We were just getting him under control and now to start all over." Steve said and I sighed but shrugged.

"I certainly don't mind, do you?" I asked and Steve shook his head.

"Not at all." Steve said and leaned over giving me a small kiss and then kissed Calvin's cheek.

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