8 - It Was Going Too Good

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It had been 3 weeks since everything happened with Sharon, Steve and I. Sharon had moved and wasn't seen much around the White House, but it didn't seem to matter since everyone seemed happier without her around.

I walked into my office, running late that morning. Morning sickness was a bitch and whoever said it wasn't could go to hell in my book. I was getting settled in my office when there was a knock on the door and Bucky came walking in.

"Good morning." I said forcing a smile.

"Good morning. I was wanting to bring you something." Bucky said and shut the door to my office.

"Which is?" I asked and he handed me a package of ginger flavored hard candy.

"My sister swore by these when she was pregnant. It helped with the nausea and morning sickness." Bucky said and I opened the package and put a candy in my mouth. I know it was crazy, but I instantly started to feel better.

"Thank you, Bucky." I said and he smiled. He then looked at me.

"You sure you feel okay to be here today? You look a little pale." Bucky said and I sighed.

"I have a few speeches to get done. If I feel any worse, I will go home and email them, but I mean I will still be working either way." I said and Bucky huffed a laugh.

"Well if you need anything get Steve or even me. It easier with people who know." Bucky said and I nodded. He smiled and left my office.

Since Steve had told Bucky I was pregnant he was helping keep our secret and making sure I was taken care of since Steve couldn't be seen taking care of me. I thought it was very sweet of Bucky and I was grateful for the help because I also knew a lot of it was coming from Steve.

I sat at my desk and started working. Soon my door was opening, and I smiled since it was cracking open, and I knew who was coming in. Soon her head was peaking in, and I smiled.

"Get in here little lady." I said and she ran over and jumped in my lap in my chair. "Does your dad know where you are?" I asked.

"Sarah?!" I heard Steve yell out in the hallway, and she giggled.

"I would guess not." I said and she shook her head. My door opened back up and I saw Steve standing there and he smiled seeing Sarah in my lap, he thought he would play it off though.

"Hey Blair, have you seen Sarah?" Steve asked and Sarah giggled in my lap.

"Nope, no clue where she is." I said and Steve laughed walking in. Sarah ran over to Steve, and he picked her up.

"I thought I said stay in my office little lady?" Steve asked her and she sighed.

"I missed Blair." Sarah said and I got up and I kissed her cheek.

"Well thank you for coming to see me. It was a nice surprise." I said and she smiled. Steve then looked at me.

"You feeling, okay?" Steve asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, just some nausea." I said and he sighed. I could tell he wanted to hold me, hug me, take care of me but with Sarah he couldn't. He was working on being the single dad since Sharon was probably in bed with Brock and he was trying to be the best President of the United States, tough job.

"Well if you don't feel like staying, don't, go home." Steve said and I nodded.

"I will if I don't feel better soon." I said and Steve smiled. He and Sarah went to walk out, and I watched the two most important people in my life leave and I didn't know when this was going to be able to be a life together.

⭐ ⭐ ⭐

I had just left the bathroom in my office from getting sick when Wanda came walking in with some ginger tea, I had asked her to get.

"You sure you're okay Blair?" Wanda asked and I nodded.

"Just some nausea..."

"Morning sickness..." Wanda trailed off and I just looked at her in shock.

"How did you know?" I asked and she sighed.

"All the ginger. You never wanted anything but coffee but now it's ginger tea and ginger hard candies." Wanda said and I sighed.

"I'm pregnant." I said with a small smile and Wanda smiled broadly at me.

"Who's the father?" Wanda asked and I sighed shaking my head. I had already worked all of this out with what I would tell people.

"It was a one-night stand, stupid I know but things happened. The father knows, I was able to find him and tell him, but he doesn't want to be involved. I'm okay though with doing it on my own. I mean single mothers do it all the time right?" I asked sarcastically and Wanda smiled.

"Well if you ever need anything I'm always here to help." Wanda said and I smiled.

"Thanks Wanda." I said and she smiled leaving my office.

I hated lying to Wanda because she was an awesome secretary and an even better friend but lying was the only option I could have at this point in time. Somehow saying "I'm carrying the Presidents illegitimate love child" didn't quite seem like a good idea.

A few hours later I wasn't getting any better, I was actually getting worse. I had decided that maybe I just needed to go home. I wanted to lay down and sleep. I knew pregnancy was hard and everything I had been reading about it was morning sickness was different for a lot of people and the cramping I was feeling was normal, but I just wanted to lay in a bed and forget about the world. I grabbed some papers for Steve and Bucky, I planned on dropping them off and going home. I stopped by Wanda's desk as I went to leave.

"I got some things to drop off to Steve and Bucky. Once I do, I'm heading home." I said and she nodded.

"Okay I will reschedule any meetings you had." Wanda said and I nodded.

"Maybe for the next couple of days in case I don't feel good enough to come in." I explained and Wanda nodded. I headed down to the Oval Office and I saw Sam outside.

"Can I go in?" I asked and he nodded as opened the door for me. Once I walked in Steve looked up from what he was looking at and I saw Bucky standing there too. Steve smiled upon seeing me but then saw how I looked and was worried.

"You okay?" Steve asked and I shook my head.

"No, I'm not feeling good at all, and nothing is helping, just keeps getting worse. I wanted to drop these files off and I'm heading home." I said and Steve nodded walking over to me. Bucky distracted Sarah so Steve and I could have a moment. Steve walked over and kissed my forehead once he took the files.

"Can I come check on you tonight? Leave Sarah with Sharon or Maria..." He said and I half nodded.

"I wouldn't turn you away." I said and he smiled. He leaned down and placed another kiss on my forehead. I looked at Bucky and smiled.

"B?" I heard Sarah ask. It was what she called me as a nickname. She thought it was so secretive.

"Yes S?" I asked using her initials as her nickname.

"I'll miss you, I hope you feel better." Sarah said and I winked at her.

"I'm going to head back to my office." Bucky said and Steve nodded. Bucky and I headed towards the door. I only took a few steps before I felt my legs give out on me, I remember Bucky catching me before the room went black for me.

Steve and Bucky looked and saw blood running down the inside of my legs.

"CALL 9-1-1!!!" Steve yelled knowing they would hear him.

"B!" Sarah yelled panicked.

"Sarah, sweetie, it's okay..." Bucky said trying to calm her down as Steve rushed to my side as his secret service came running in.

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