7 - Revelations

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"I knew it!" Sharon said raising her voice.

"Sharon, please calm down..." Steve said, and she chuckled.

"You have got to be kidding me. You want me to calm down? You're fucking your press secretary in your office, and you want me to calm down?!" Sharon asked.

"I'm going to go..." I trailed off getting off Steve's desk and went to walk away but Steve placed a hand on my hip and looked down at me.

"Stay, it's time she knows." Steve said and I sighed.

"Steve...don't do this." I said and he shook his head.

"Do what? Tell her I love you?" Steve asked and then looked at Sharon.

"You what?!" Sharon asked.

"I don't love you anymore Sharon, I don't know if I ever did. You were a marriage of convenience, especially after we had Sarah. You know this as well as I do." Steve said and Sharon scoffed crossing her arms and she scoffed.

"I do know that. I didn't even want Sarah, but everyone said the President should have kids, look like a happy family unit but we aren't that behind closed doors, are we?" Sharon asked and Steve shook his head.

"I'm happier when I'm with Blair and spending the nights with her." Steve said.

"You're so lucky you haven't gotten caught or found out yet." Sharon said.

"Like you with Brock?" I spoke up and she looked at me shocked as did Steve.

"What are you talking about?" Steve asked.

"Wanda told me she saw them together a few days ago sneaking around. Brock and Sharon were making out on the way to Brock's apartment door unable to keep their hands off each other. Wanda took some pictures and a video since she lives in the same building as Brock." I explained and Sharon groaned.

"God, you are such a fucking idiot! His apartment is public and can be seen by everyone!" Steve yelled.

"Like your mistresses isn't?!"

"No, her's is private and has a private entrance, which is how I get in in and out." Steve said and then looked at me. "Would Wanda be willing to get me those pictures and video?" Steve asked and I nodded.

"I will get it for you." I said and he nodded.

"So, what you are going to hold it over my head?" Sharon asked.

"Hold it over you if you don't do what I ask of you." Steve said.

"Which is?"

"I want you out Sharon. Clearmont House across the street...you can move there and get back and forth through the underground passageway. I only want you over here when we have to put on a public appearance."

"And if I don't?" Sharon asked.

"Then I go public with everything I have on you and the divorce we know is looming will just come a lot faster." Steve said.

"Divorce? You won't get divorced while being president..." Sharon scoffed.

"Right, I wouldn't unless I absolutely had to. Although if you think for one second when my term is up, I won't be divorcing you and taking Sarah with me. Sarah, Blair, our baby and I will live a good life after all of this without you. Once this presidency is over, I'm not running again. I want a new start." Steve said and Sharon looked at us a little taken aback. Steve placed his hand around my waist and placed his hand on my stomach.

"She's pregnant?!" Sharon exclaimed.

"Yes, I just took the tests and have a doctor's appointment tomorrow."

"She is giving me the family I always wanted since you didn't seem interested in more kids after Sarah." Steve said.

"Well, I didn't want more kids Steve, so after I had Sarah, I had my tubes tied so we wouldn't have any more children." Sharon said and I could feel the heat and anger radiating off of Steve.

"YOU WHAT?! YOU DIDN'T EVEN CONSULT ME!" Steve yelled making me jump slightly.

"My body, my choice." Sharon said and Steve gripped me to him a little tighter.

"Get the fuck out of my office and get the fuck out of the White House! The house is completely furnished so all you need to take is your clothes. Don't worry about Sarah, I will take care of her like I have been...Blair and I." Steve said, and I smiled up at him knowing I loved Sarah so much.

"You going to move your mistress into our bed? Into the White House?" Sharon asked and I shook my head before Steve could answer.

"No, I will be staying at my apartment. I don't need to move in to be a part of the family that isn't mine...yet." I said causing Sharon to glare at me.

"I hope you two know you are playing with fire." Sharon said.

"We know what we are doing. Just don't forget your end...we act like a happily married couple for the public but behind closed doors, you can do whatever and whoever the fuck you want. Just don't get caught." Steve said.

"Same goes for you Mister President." Sharon said and walked out of the office. Once Sharon was gone Steve pulled me closed to him causing me to giggle as he placed me back on his desk and his lips attached to my neck and I moaned

"Steve..." I moaned out. I knew where this would be leading, and I had to admit I loved it.

⭐ ⭐ ⭐

I walked into the White House the next morning after going to the doctor and I just couldn't stop smiling. I walked to the Oval Office, and I knocked on the door.

"Come in." Steve said and I walked in, and he smiled upon seeing me, but I saw Bucky standing there and sighed.

"I didn't know you had someone in here, I can come back later." I said and Steve just shook his head.

"Did you go?" Steve asked and I just nodded with a smile.

"Let me see." Steve said knowing Bucky was right there. I looked at Bucky, Steve just sighed with a smile. He motioned for me to come over to him and he leaned down to kiss me in front of Bucky who stood slightly shocked.

"Are you two...?" Bucky trailed off.

"We have been seeing each other for about a year. Sharon knows and she is now living in Clearmont House. We have decided to keep up public appearances but nothing else. I love Blair and we are having a baby." Steve explained. Bucky smiled looking between us and saw us smiling.

"This is certainly a surprise, but I can't say I didn't see it coming. You two are great at hiding it but seeing you two together and the smiles that are always on your faces when you are, it was obvious." Bucky said. Steve and I just smiled at Bucky.

"Thanks Buck, you are my best friend and like a brother. You had every right to know." Steve said and Bucky looked at me.

"You still my date to the gala?" Bucky asked and we all laughed as I nodded.

"I am, no worries." I said and he walked over to me and kissed my cheek then hugged Steve.

"Now let's see these ultrasound pictures of the future baby Rogers!" Bucky said. I pulled out the few I had, and we all looked at the miracle growing inside that was made in one of the weirdest situations ever.

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