6 - Sunflowers & Surprises

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The week flew by and soon my dad's visit to town was over. I didn't want it to be, but he informed me he did have a life to lead back home. So here I was him 2 weeks gone, Steve being distant and me more alone than ever.

I was getting ready for work the next morning when I got an alert from security that something had been delivered to my office. It was searched and scanned. Nothing was found and it was on my desk. I sighed and walked out of my house to see Clint Barton outside the car waiting for me.

"Good morning, Barton." I said and she smiled.

"Miss Meadows." He said with a head nod.

"How are Laura and the kids?" I asked and he smiled as he got in the car after I did.

"Good driving us crazy." Clint said and I laughed.

"Well, you two ever need a break you just bring those angels over to my house and I will watch them." I said and Clint smiled.

We drove the rest of the way to work in silence. Once I got to my office I walked in and smiled seeing what was delivered to my office and I sighed.

Sunflowers, a huge vase full of them. The only person who knew my favorite flower was sunflowers was Steve. He only knew because when I first started, he caught me picking one from the presidential garden they were getting rid of. He never told anyone and for the next week I would find a sunflower on my desk every morning.

I didn't see a card with the flowers and that just proved more to be from Steve. Couldn't have someone read the card. I smiled and smelled a sunflower. I sighed sitting at my desk just looking at the flowers.

I hated still fighting with him, it was a stupid comment that was made out of stress. It had taken time in my mind to realize this because my own brain had been scattered lately. I wasn't Sarah's mother, but as good as. I didn't get to make choices for her life though.

As I was lost in my thoughts, looking at the flowers there was a knock on my open office door, I looked up and saw Wanda.

"Good morning." I said as she walked in setting my coffee down and the smell made my stomach flip, oh this was going to be hard to hide.

"Hey, I wanted to bring you your coffee and to say that President Rogers as requested a meeting with you at 10am." She said and I nodded.

"Accept the meeting. Also, I'm not much in a coffee mood today. Can you take this but maybe get me some tea?" I asked and she nodded.

"Sure can." Wanda said sweetly and walked out. I sighed and looked at my purse knowing it was holding a deep secret and I wasn't sure when it was going to be to be revealed. Once Wanda brought me the tea, I asked her a question.

"My meeting with President Rogers, is it just him and I?" I asked and she nodded.

"Yeah, he said it's a deep speech session." Wanda said and I nodded.

"Right..." I said and she walked away. I sighed and got working on some files I had in my system, going over old and new speeches making sure nothing too important was being repeated. I looked at the clock and it was time to head down for my meeting. I took one last look at the flowers, reached for something in my purse putting it in the folder I was taking as I walked out of my office. Once I got to Steve's office Sam just nodded and I walked in. Steve was sitting behind his desk at the computer when he saw me walk in and gave a small smile.

"Good morning." I said and he gave a small smile.

"Good morning." Steve said and I sighed. I wasn't sure where to go or what to do. Steve stood up and walked over to me and we met in the middle since I was walking to him. We didn't have to say anything, and he just wrapped his arms around me as mine went around his waist, placing my forehead on his chest, instantly relaxing.

"I have missed you." Steve said and I nodded.

"I have missed you too." I said looking up at him. He leaned down giving me a small kiss.

"I'm sorry about what I said. I never should've said what I said to you. You are more of a mother to Sarah than Sharon ever will be. After Sharon admitted she was thinking of spanking her I saw red Blair. I went off on her, I slept in Sarah's room in the rocker that night. I refused to leave her alone." Steve said and I sighed.

"I just want her safe, like I want you safe and happy." I said and he smiled down at me.

"I'm happy with you back in my office, in my arms and talking to me." Steve said and I smiled.

"Well, I had a crazy bouquet of sunflowers on my desk this morning..." I said and then Steve smiled.

"I wonder who sent you those." Steve said leaning down and soon his lips were connecting to mine and I moaned in this kiss. I didn't realize until now how much I missed this man kissing me. Once we broke apart, I looked at Steve and sighed. He took a hand from around my waist and placed it on my cheek. "What's worrying you? I can see it all over your face." Steve said and I released my hold on him.

"It's what's in the folder. Let's sit." I said and Steve took my hand, and we walked over to his desk. We both stood behind his desk. I set the folder in front of him on the desk and he opened it. He seemed slightly shocked when he did. He picked up the pregnancy test and then looked at me. He then looked back and saw the test was positive.

"Blair..." He said looking back at me with a smile on his face.

"I wasn't sure how to tell you, I mean I know it's not ideal..." I said and he groaned.

"I don't care about ideal. I'm so happy right now." Steve said picking me up and spinning me around and I laughed as he sat me on the desk. He stepped between my legs, I opened for him and he placed his hands on my thighs.

"You go to the doctor yet?" Steve asked.

"Tomorrow." I said and then sighed.

"I wish I could be there...I'm going to miss so much...I wish I could be there for you." Steve said and I sighed placing a hand on his cheek.

"Hey, I knew what could happen getting involved with you. We weren't exactly safe, and we knew that. I will keep you as involved as I can, I promise." I said and Steve smiled at me. He leaned in and kissed me. I placed my hands on his hips, linking them in his belt loops and pulling him closer to me. I felt his tongue skim my lip seam begging for entrance, he was pleading, needing me. I finally granted him entrance. He growled low in his throat as his hands moved up my skirt on the inside, up my thighs and I moaned, and he squeezed. As his hands got up further and our tongues dancing in harmony the office door opened.

"Steve -..." Sharon said. Steve sprung back from me as I turned my head and saw Sharon. She just closed the door and crossed her arms.

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