2 - Little Lady Sarah Rogers

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I was sitting in my office the next morning when my personal cellphone vibrated.

MISTER: Can you please come to my office and talk to me?

MISTER: Please Blair.

MISTER: Damn it Blair, I need to explain shit to you! Stop being like this!

I just ignored him, I didn't want to deal with him today. I picked up my desk phone and called my assistant.

"Can you come in here please." I said and hung up. A few minutes later Wanda came walking in. "Can you please take these down to President Rogers? I would but I need to work on a speech for Vice President Barnes." I said and she nodded. She took the folder I handed her and walked out of my office.

She came back a few minutes later still holding the folder.

"What happened?"

"He refuses to take the folder unless you bring it to him. He said you will have to go over the speech." Wanda said and I groaned. I wrote a note on a post it. I took the folder and threw it right inside the folder.

"Take this back and tell him to open the folder and read the note." I said and Wanda sighed but took it walked out.


There was a knock on my door, and I smiled knowing it was Blair, I was making her come and see me since I turned Wanda away.

"Come in." I said and I saw Wanda come walking in and I groaned silently.

"I'm sorry sir, Blair sent me back down and said to have you read the note in the folder." Wanda said and handed me the folder. I opened it up and read the post it note.

-Take the damn folder, stop being a baby and leave me the hell alone.-

I growled reading the note. I knew I messed up. I mean I could have at least text her but there was a lot going on. Wanda was just standing there.

"Thank you." I said and she walked away. I pulled out my cellphone. I went to text her but I didn't know what else to say to her.


Wanda walked back into my office, and I looked at her.

"He took the folder, but he didn't seem happy about the note."

"Don't care." I said and she sighed. Wanda walked out and I went back to writing the speech.

⭐ ⭐ ⭐

Around lunch time Wanda walked into my office and smiled.

"I'm going to grab some lunch. You want anything?" Wanda asked and I shook my head.

"No, I'm fine." I said and she smiled and walked out. Once my door was shut, I leaned my head back on my chair and just took a deep breath. Steve had left me alone since this morning and I was grateful. I closed my eyes to relax for a few more minutes when the office door busted open and slammed shut. I snapped my head up and saw him coming around my desk. He spun my chair, so I was looking at him. He placed his hands on my armrest caging me in on my chair and leaned down to my face. I then noticed he looked disheveled, his hair was a mess, his tie was loosened, and he looked tired.


"No, you listen. I was going to come over last night, I was halfway out the door. I wanted you, hell I still do, I need you, but Sarah got sick and only wanted me. Actually, she only wanted you, but you were at home. She took me though, and I wanted to stay home with her. I know I should have text you, but I had a kid sleeping on my lap all night, I didn't get a chance. Then you won't even talk to me this morning because you think I was ignoring you! I wasn't ignoring you Blair, I love you, I would never do that." Steve said, he leaned down and passionately kissed me. I moaned in our kiss and Steve knew he still had me. I grabbed hold of his tie so he couldn't move. I skimmed my tongue against his lips, and he growled in the kiss letting me in. He picked me up from the chair and placed me on my desk and bunched up my skirt. I started quickly unbuckling his pants, I needed this man, I knew I did.

"Anyone know you are in here?" Steve asked and I shook my head. "Good." Steve said as he moved my panties off to the side and quickly thrusted in me and I hid my cry out in his neck as he was quickly thrusting in me, and I loved feeling this man. We hadn't been together like this is weeks and I was missing him so much. As Steve kept thrusting harder and harder there was a knock on my office door.

"Ignore it." I whispered and Steve nodded as he kept going.

"Mister President, Blair...it's Maria." She said and I groaned knowing that was the nanny. Steve growled and quickly pulled out of me still hard, neither of us getting release. I didn't think it was possible but now I'm even more frustrated than before. I walked over to the door fixing my skirt and opened the door once we were both presentable. I opened the door, and she was holding Sarah.

"Come in." I said stepping aside. Sarah saw me and reached for me, so I took her.

"Steve she's running a fever." I said and he nodded like he knew.

"Sorry, she wanted you or Blair. Sharon left, I don't know where she went and no clue when she will be back." Maria said and I sighed holding Sarah.

"I can take her to my office and lay her on the couch." Steve said walking over to take Sarah and she clung to me.

"She can stay here with me. It's fine." I said and Steve nodded. Maria walked out and I looked at Steve.

"You sure you got her?" Steve asked and I nodded.

"You said she wanted me last night." I said and Steve nodded.

"She did, okay well I will go look over those speeches and some other work. Thanks for this." Steve said and went to lean in, and I backed away and he sighed knowing we couldn't in front of Sarah and confuse her. He kissed Sarah and walked out.

"Okay little lady, I have to get some work done. Do you want to lay on the couch or sit with me?" I asked her and she clung to me. "Sit with me it is" I said and walked to my desk.

⭐ ⭐ ⭐


It had been a few hours and I hadn't heard from Blair about how Sarah was, so I was getting a little worried. I walked down to her office and saw Wanda sitting outside at her desk.

"She in there still?" I asked and Wanda nodded. "I'm going in." I said and walked in not waiting for an answer. Blair wasn't at her desk, and I was confused. I looked at her couch and saw Sarah and Blair sleeping on the couch cuddled together and I gave a small smile. Sarah coned her into sleeping with her on the couch, same thing she did with me in her bed last night. I walked over to the couch and crouched down. I reached over Sarah and placed my hand on Blairs cheek.

"Blossom." I whispered and she smiled at the nickname and woke up. It how she was in my personal phone and what I loved calling her. She loves the Cherry Blossom trees around Washington, so it just seemed to fit.

"Hey...sorry she got me to lay with her and I must have fallen asleep." I said and Steve nodded. He picked Sarah up easily and I got up.

"Come with me, we can take her to her room. Grab your laptop, I got work I can do up there and we can work in the living quarters today." Steve said and I nodded grabbing up everything and we left my office. 

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