5 - Dad Comes to Visit

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It had been a few days and I was sitting in my office working on some speeches for the secretary of state and a few others, keeping myself busy from and only going to see President Rogers when I absolutely had to. He and I weren't talking much after we he told me I was not Sarah's mother and made me give her back to go to Sharon to most likely be spanked for an accident.

I was pacing in my office with my tablet trying to think how to rectify a situation in this speech I was writing when there was a knock on my door.

"Come in." I said and Wanda walking in.

"You have a visitor. I told him you didn't want to be disturbed but he said he gave you life so what you said doesn't count to him." Wanda said with a smile, and I laughed. My dad peaked his head around from behind Wanda.

"Daddy!" I said and ran to him and hugged him as he stepped into my office. Once we broke apart, I looked at Wanda.

"Clear my schedule for the rest of the day." I spoke.

"What about your speech for Secretary Fury? He has been calling." Wanda said. I sighed.

"Right well tell the Secretary if he wouldn't have open his mouth when he thought he could speak his mind I wouldn't have to write him a speech." I said and Wanda sighed.

"Blair..." My dad, Josh, said and I groaned. "I can sit here and wait while you work on the speech." He said and I smiled.

"Dad you will be bored. Why don't I get someone to show you around while I work and then I will come and find you." I said and he nodded. I looked at Wanda.

"Who is here that can give him a tour?" I asked.

"Petro." She said and I smiled knowing he was Wanda's brother.

"Petro is the best guide we have. He will show you everything. Can you call him Wanda?" I asked and she nodded as headed to her desk. "I'm sorry I can't go on the tour with you." I said and Josh shook his head.

"You're busy. I know you are. We will get time together soon when you can." Josh said and kissed my cheek. Petro arrived quickly and I smiled.

"Petro, this is my dad, give him the VIP tour please." I said and she smiled with a nod.

"Gladly." Petro said and they left. I sighed and went back to look at my tablet.

I got thinking about me and dad. It had been dad and I since the day I was born. My parents weren't married when they had me, and mom signed over all parental rights to my father the day I was born. I never missed having a mother much since I only knew time with my dad. There were things growing up I may have missed but I had some aunts to fill in those times and it was just as good as a mom. I sighed and went back to the speech and quickly finished it thinking about what was waiting for me when I got done.

"Blair?" I heard someone say my name as I continued pacing typing on the tablet. I looked up and saw Secretary Fury.

"I just finished your speech, I was about to send it over." I said and he smiled.

"Can I take a peek now?" Fury asked and I nodded handing him my tablet. He started reading over the speech and was smiling as he did.

"You make me sound like a saint." Fury said and I huffed a laugh.

"Which isn't easy." I said and he smiled at me handing me my tablet back.

"Send it over please." Fury said and sent it over right them.

"Sent." I said and he smiled.

"Thanks Blair." He said and as Petro and my dad showed back up.

"Secretary, I would like you to meet my father, Josh Meadows." I spoke. My dad shook his hand and I smiled.

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