16 - A Punch

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Steve had taken a leave of absence after Sharon's death. No one had seen him or Sarah in a week. Bucky had taken over any duties that needed to be done. The only time I saw Steve was at the funeral and he didn't seem to notice anyone there. Bucky gave the eulogy, and I was surprised with how nice he was even though I knew he didn't like Sharon. He didn't make me write it for him and said he would cover it himself. I just kept my eyes cast down the entire time. It was true Sharon, and I didn't like each other but I didn't want her to be killed especially leaving a daughter behind.

I was sitting in my office working on the statement I knew Steve would give whenever he felt like coming back. I heard Wanda's phone ring and then she walked into my office.

"That was President Rogers secretary, he is in his office with Vice President Barnes, and he would like to see the speech you plan for him to give." Wanda said.

"He's back?! It's only been a week." I said in shock and Wanda just sighed with a small shrug. "Okay call her back and tell her I will be down with it in 20 minutes, just finishing it." I said and Wanda nodded and left.

I re-read everything I had and finished typing it up. I had to make Sharon seem humanlike, not a shitty mother or wife. I was finishing it up when Wanda's phone rang again, it had only been 10 minutes since the last call.

"Yes, Mister President, I will tell her..." Wanda said in a small voice and then hung up. She walked back into my office as I hit print on the computer to print the speech out.

"President Rogers just called and yelled about you bringing in the speech." Wanda said and I groaned.

"Okay, well I just got it done. I said and grabbed a small folder placing the speech in it and walked down to his office. Sam was standing there at the door, and he opened the door for me. I walked in and saw Bucky sitting on the couch and gave a small smile.

"Here is your speech Mister President." I said and he half nodded and opened it up. I sighed knowing I couldn't be cold forever. "You sure you're ready to be back?" I asked.

"I'm fine Miss Meadows." Steve said and I just sighed and went to leave the office.

"Wait until I read this, please." Steve coldly replied, I stopped and stood where I stopped. I gently had my arms crossed low around my stomach, Bucky looked at me and I shook my head. He knew I never got to tell Steve. I felt the need to protect my baby from Steve at the moment even though I wasn't sure why. He finished the speech and slammed the folder closed and threw it at me, it fell at my feet.

"THAT IS SHIT! It doesn't capture Sharon at all! Write it again! Stop worrying about when I can start fucking you again because I don't think I ever will again! You are the reason I had no relationship with my wife in the end! Go re-write the damn speech!" Steve yelled. I felt tears slowly falling as I crouched down and picked up the speech off the floor.

"Yes, Mister President." I said and walked out trying to hold my composure as well as I could.


I watched Blair leave in tears and I looked at Steve just leaning on his desk.

"God, sometimes you just don't know when to stop do you?"

"What the fuck are you taking about?!" Steve grumbled.

"You! You don't know when to stop hurting that poor girl! She has kept her distance from you and Sarah no matter how much it killed her, but she let you be a family. Even after all the small digs you have said to her the past week since Sharon died. I know you lost your wife and I'm sorry about that, I can't even imagine how that is, but you are losing someone else who loves you as well! You are pushing her away." I said and Steve didn't seem to listen or care.

"Well, if all she is worried about is us being together again, she has a rude awakening coming, I don't think I can again." Steve said. I walked over to Steve.

"Why?!" I asked.

"Because Bucky! I ruined my marriage by sleeping with Blair."

"No Steve your marriage was ruined from the day you got married to Sharon. She was never right for you. Blair, she is right for you! She wants a future with you!" I spoke.

"Well, she should just move on. You seem close to her why don't you go fuck her and be with her." Steve said. I couldn't hold back anymore, and I balled up my first and punched Steve straight in the jaw knocking him back slightly. Steve stumbled and then looked at me shocked.

"I can't believe you right now! Blair loves you, she wants to be with you. I mean fucking hell Steve she is carrying your child!"

The room went silent as Steve looked at me in shock. The final words I yelled sinking in with him.

"She's pregnant again?" Steve finally whispered out.

"Yeah, she is. She was waiting to tell you then all this happened. Although now you just gave her reason to not want to be with you. You know you didn't mean what you said about Sharon, but you said it any way for some reason." I said and Steve just stood there in shock.

"She's pregnant." Steve repeated.

"Yeah, she is, and you keep pushing her away." I answered.

Again, silence in the room.

"Do you know she left her ring in the living room on the coffee table?" Steve asked after a few minutes of silence.

"I do...it was after the mother comment you said when she offered to help with Sarah." I corrected him.

"Yeah, well when I found the ring, I cried even harder knowing I was losing everything in my life. I had just lost the woman who was my wife, even though we didn't love each other or want to be together. Then I lost the woman I truly love and who is carrying my child." Steve explained.

"You need to make this right..."

"I need to make this right..." Steve repeated. "Hey Buck?"


"Thanks for the punch to the jaw. I needed it." Steve said and I smiled at him.

"Fix everything with Blair or I'll do it again." I said and walked out of Steve's office so he could plan what he wanted to do.

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