12 - Gala

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It was the night of the gala

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It was the night of the gala...finally! Bucky was still my date, and I couldn't be more excited to be there with him. Even though he was the Vice President and Steve's childhood best friend he and I had become best friends as well and he was aways there for me if I needed to complain or bitch about Steve.

Once we arrived at the gala Bucky and I walked in with my arm linked in his. Steve and Sharon would be the last to arrive and I knew that, but I also knew Bucky and I were second to last to arrive. I looked around as we walked in and I saw some people mingling, dancing, sitting down, getting drinks, a little bit of everything. I saw Wanda there and she was dancing with Sam, which made me smile. I had no clue they were coming together but they seemed to be enjoying themselves.

"Would you like to go sit down?" Bucky asked and I nodded as we walked to our table. Bucky saw the place cards and discreetly changed them around so I would be sitting next to Steve and not him. I smiled at Bucky.

"Thank you." I said and he winked at me. As we sat down a waiter came over and filled our water glasses. Bucky then looked and saw no waiting at the bar.

"What would you like to drink?" Bucky asked.

"Gin and tonic please." I said and he smiled with a nod and walked away. I looked around the room and smiled at people who would nod to me and say their hellos as they passed. I was never crazy about this gala, I would have much rather been at home in my sweats, reading and just having a quiet night. Bucky soon returned with our drinks and sighed.

"They're here." He said and I groaned as I knew they would ne announced.

"Everyone please rise for the arrival of Steve Rogers, President of the United States and First Lady Sharon Carter – Rogers."

Everyone stood as Steve and Sharon arrived and walked in. Everyone applauded upon seeing them and they played the perfect married couple. They still looked perfect together. Without even thinking I grabbed Bucky's hand and squeezed. He gave a reassuring squeeze back as he leaned down to my ear.

"Steve knows how to play his part Blair, don't panic." Bucky said and I nodded. Steve walked up to the podium as everyone was seated and he gave a speech, a well written speech if I do say so myself. Once he was done Steve and Sharon walked to the table, we were all sitting at. Sharon groaned seeing I would be sitting next to Steve.

"Really?" She asked in a groaned as they walked up.

"Behave." Steve said and sat down next to me. He shook Bucky's hand and then took mine and kissed the back of it.

"You look lovely Miss Meadows." Steve said and I blushed.

"Thank you, Mister President, you don't look half bad yourself." I said and he subtly winked as he sat down. Once everyone was seated, dinner was served, and the tables were all making small talk. I kept my one hand firmly placed on Steve's thigh, moving up ever so slightly and would stop before I got right where he would want my hand to actually go. Steve and Bucky were talking business and I just sat there with Sharon, we were both silent and not speaking, I knew I had to break this cycle.

"So, how is Sarah?" I asked and Sharon looked at me.

"She is fine, with the nanny tonight. She wanted to come tonight to see you. You just love taking my family from me, don't you?" Sharon said and I just sighed. Steve groaned.

"Blair was making small talk Sharon...play nice." Steve said and she shook her head slightly.

The night went on with Sharon and I being silent to each other. Dancing had started after dinner. Steve and Sharon had to kick it off, then Bucky and I joined them on the dance floor. After a few dances together Steve came walking over.

"May I cut in please?" Steve asked Bucky and he smiled.

"Thought you would never ask." Bucky said with a smile and walked away. I watched him go over to his assistant Natasha Romonoff. Bucky had been making eyes at her all night. Steve and I assumed the dancing position and he smiled at me.

"You don't know how bad I want to kiss you right now..." Steve said, and I sighed.

"The feeling is mutual." I said and Steve sighed. I felt his hand go lower on my back and I looked at him suspiciously. "Don't start rumors Mister President." I said and he sighed.

"What do you think the public would think of me if I got divorced while being president?" Steve asked and I sighed.

"Steve don't do this okay. You know the public would turn on you. I mean come on, it's only a few years, right? She isn't even living with you and Sarah anymore." I said and Steve slightly shook his head.

"Right but that whole wanting to kiss you in public thing, I could do if we were divorced." Steve said.

"Listen, you may not be able to kiss me in pubic but think of all we get to do behind closed doors..." I said and he growled low in the back of his throat. Steve subtly pulled me closer to him where I was flush against him, and I smiled feeling the hardness in his pants. "Why Mister President, I do believe someone else is trying to tell me hello." I giggled and Steve laughed.

"He wants to tell you hello tonight in my bed and then goodbye tomorrow morning from my bed." Steve said and I groaned.

"Is it safe?" I asked.

Steve sighed and shook his head.

"No...Sarah will be with me tonight." Steve said and I dropped my gaze for a second and just half nodded. The song we were dancing to ended and I broke our hold.

"Well, I think I've had all the fun I'm going to have for one evening. Good night, President Rogers." I said and walked off the dance floor and up to Bucky.

"I'm heading home." I said and he sighed.

"Everything okay?" Bucky said turning way from Natasha for a second.

"Just complicated when a family and your job is involved, like I always said." I said and he sighed but nodded. He hugged me and when we broke apart, I saw Sharon go dance with Steve and she gave me a smug look, like she had won. I believe in this moment, she has.

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