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The daycare. Full of cheerful, playful kids. Only one to tend to them all. A robot. An animatronic. They call him Sundrop. Or Mr. Sun. Or Sunrise. Or Sunny. A jolly and cheerful robot he is. For hours everyday during the week, Sundrop deals with the little ones. Being alone, he doesn't mind. He actually prefers to be the only one watching the kids. But...it wasn't always just Sundrop.

A while ago, there used to be another named Moondrop. Moondrop was incharge of naptime. The kids loved Moondrop too but one day, something in him changed. When naptime came around that day, everything was going as planned but a virus had struck Moondrop's coding. Sundrop was the first to notice.

"Moon? Moony? Everything okay," Sundrop had questioned. Moondrop did not answer. As he had tucked the kids in, his arms acted out. Grabbing a hold of a child's arms, the child screamed and cried. Moondrop just laughed maniacally. The other kids had woken up and watched what was happening, they too began to cry and scream. The staff member helping the bot, had called for security and made their way towards Moondrop, wanting to get the child out of the bot's grasp. Moondrop turned his head towards the oncoming staff member and dropped the child back onto the floor.

"Naughty. Naughty boy," Moondrop began as he darted towards the staff member. He paused in his tracks as Moondrop came closer and began to run the other way. Not understanding what was going on with Moondrop as he's never done this before, Moondrop reached the staff member and clawed at him, scratching his face and torso. Soon enough, security had burst through the daycare doors and could see a 'malfunctioning' Moondrop along with the screaming, crying children.

Ever since then, Sundrop has been the ONLY one in the daycare to care for the kids. No more Moondrop. No more staff members. Just Sundrop. That's how he liked it but it did get lonely...


Hey everyone. Back with a brand new type of story...Gonna try this out. First Fnaf story...

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