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What just happened? One minute, Sunny was telling you NOT to turn the lights out then after you did, this 'Moon' bot comes after and scars you? All on your first day too? Maybe, Moon is the reason why Sunny is afraid of turning the lights out. Maybe that's why he leaves them on. Staring at Sunny, you don't seem to hear footsteps closing in on you.

"Y/N,' a voice began. Turning your head, you see Vanessa. 'Are you alright?" Helping you up you nod in response.

"What were you thinking," she begins with a slight shout.

"Is Sunny okay," you question, ignoring her question. Letting out a sigh, Vanessa looks at the bot.

"Everytime we have had to turn the lights back on, Sun's systems reboot. Whenever Moon is in control, he's completely different from what he was like before," Vanessa answered.

"Different from before? What do you mean," you question.

"Don't worry about it. Go home for the night and rest for tomorrow. We may not have the Daycare open but that doesn't mean there's nothing that can't be maintained," Vanessa continued as she practically pushes you towards the doors. Not protesting against her, you look back at Sun as his arm trails back down and his eyes go black. Exiting the Daycare, both you and Vanessa lock up.

In the security office, you put the keys back on the wall and wish Vanessa a good night before heading to the exit. Waving towards you as you exit, she turns her head in the general direction of the Daycare. As you exited the building, you could see how dark it was. Then again it was about 10:37 at night from what you could tell on your watch. I've been 'playing' hide and seek with Moon for about 2 hours?! 2 HOURS?! I really do need sleep then. Unlocking your car and climbing in, you can't help but think of the two bots. Sunny had the cheerful, joyous personality and seemed to have more potential to him and Moon. Yes he may be creepy at times but he did stop 'hunting' you for a few seconds and seemed genuinely concerned for you. But those two are animatronics. Robots. Walking, talking metal. There was so much more to them and you could see it. Sighing as you put your car in reverse, you shake those thoughts away and drive off.

Finally home, you slump on the couch as this was a looooong shift. First shift too. Would it always be like this? Only time could tell. Turning over on the couch, you lay watching the ceiling. Many more thoughts popped in your head about the two bots. They were so different yet, the same. Does Sunny have Moon on standby mode or something? That should be the case but earlier when I asked Sunny about the lights and naptime, he said it was to follow the rules. Is Sunny afraid of Moon? Reaching into your back pocket and taking the child drawing out, these thoughts continued. You knew Sunny was in the drawing but you kept seeing Moon too. Something about them made you feel...safe, wonderful and warm. Not wanting to get up, you go against your body's protest and walk to your room before getting everything ready to sleep.


Hey everyone. I know what I said in the last chapter but this will MOST LIKELY be the last chapter for today. Hope everyone is enjoying this so far. See you all soon

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