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Watching as his head spins and his rays retract into his head, you see Moon's coloration take place. Unfortunately his back is facing you so you can't tell if his intentions are the same as they were before or not. Reaching towards him, your hand begins to shake as you are a bit hesitant. Slightly turning around to face you, you begin to see a small smile on his face. His eyes showed sorrow but his posture didn't give off the same language. Was he sorry for what happened?

"Moon," you question.

"Hey Starshine," he replied. Once he fully turned, you weren't sure if he was going to chase you down like he did the night before or not. All you could do, was hope. He looked at you with calm eyes and a smile but you were still skeptical. He reached toward you but you flinched. This surprised Moon and his expression saddened. Sighing, he keeps his distance to make you comfortable.

"I'm sorry about...last night," he began.

"It didn't seem that way when you were hunting me through the structures," you snap as you cross your arms and turn your head not wanting to look at him.

"I really am sorry. Sometimes I can't control it," Moon replied.

"Are you meaning the...virus," you question as you turn your head back.

"So Sun told you,' he began as he came to a sit. You nod your head in response. 'Did he say how long it's been since it started?" Shaking your head, you do wonder.

"It began one week after you left,' he began. They were building the Daycare and you two while I was still here? 'Yes I know about you, Y/N. It was...painful.' As he continued, you couldn't help but...feel pity towards him. He probably couldn't have done anything to deflect it. Did someone put it into him while he was Sun, hoping that it would affect them both or just Moon?

"My past is not the best...Sun's told you about the one staff member and the children, right,' Moon begins with question. Nodding your head as an answer, his expression saddens as he remembers what he's done. 'I haven't just hurt children. I've...killed some." Shocked at his words, you begin to close the gap between you two. Approaching him with caution, he brings his hands up to his faceplate and covers his eyes. From under his hands, you begin to hear sobs and see oil like tears covering his hands.

"Moon,' you begin as you reach to grab his hands. Before you could, Moon moves his hands downward but you still grab the bots' hands. 'It's not your fault. You were corrupted."

"I still am and I'm terrified of hurting more," Moon replied.

"Sunny is too, Moony. He's scared that you'll hurt me," you inform him. His expression softened as a little redness had made its way to his face. Maybe he's beginning to overheat?

Moon: M-Moony? Sun's the only one who really calls me that.

Pulling his hands out of yours because of his fear, he turns his head and stands. Reaching towards the bot again, he flinches and reaches for the switch. Reaching to stop him, you're a bit late and the lights suddenly blind you and you soon see Sun taking his place.


Hey everyone. Back with a new chapter...still not sure what has been going on with Wattpad lately. I will continue with this story but it might be a while between each chapter before I post the next. See you all soon.

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