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Pulling up to the Pizzaplex, you park your car. Entering the building, you push open the doors and walk towards the security office. Opening the door, you see no sign of Vanessa but...someone else. It seemed to be a rabbit mascot? Slowly grabbing the Daycare keys and turning towards the door, the rabbit turns towards you. The face seemed unsettling to you as the smile was big and wide. Giving you a small wave and bringing a finger up towards the mouth, the rabbit's motion tells you to stay quiet and this puzzled you. Finally exiting the office, you head up to the Daycare. Who was that? Keeping the image of the rabbit in your mind, you open the doors heading to the Daycare. Strolling down the hall/room whatever you wanna call it, you feel like someone is following you. Stopping, you turn to look around. You don't see anything or anyone. Shrugging it off, you continue to the Daycare. The giant door opens as you near it, you can hear the bells of Sun jumping around. Going through the Freddy gate and walking down the relatively short corridor and stairs, you arrive at the doors. Unlocking them, you walk inside.

"Sorry but the Daycare is not open tod-. Oh, Y/N. What a surprise! I didn't think you would be working today," Sun began as he saw you. Smiling at him, you punch in.

"Vanessa said that I'd have to keep things maintained and I don't mind being here on the weekends. I like seeing my friends and you are one of them," you reply as you put your card back. Stunned at your words, Sun's eyes seem to be calculating.

Sun: Friend? Me and Y/N? Friends? Ooh hoo!

Scrolling through the monitors, you look to find anything that will need to be looked upon. Seeing something that peaks your interest you step away from the monitor.

"I didn't know you had a theater," you began as you walked towards the doors.

"Yeah but I never go there. I am meant to attend this very part of the Daycare," Sun replied.

"Why not? Isn't this whole place the Daycare," you question.

"Yes but I am only intended to stay here," Sun continued.

"Okay okay. I get it. I'll be back soon alright," you tell the bot as you exit the doors. As you walk towards the theater, some figure watches over the daycare and Sun's rays acted up again. As you enter the theater, you can see what made Vanessa say 'keep things maintained.' The place was trashed. It seemed that it hasn't been used ever since the Daycare opened. There were webs everywhere, staff bot parts scattered across the floor and there was just a bunch of trash flooding the whole theater. Well. This place won't clean itself. Time to get cleaning.

Holy. That was a lot of cleaning. 4 hours worth. Now I just have to clean the party rooms then I should be good for today. Moving towards the exit, you hear a faint crash. Racing out, your mind instantly shoots to Sun. You race towards the Daycare doors and once you enter the Daycare, Sun only looks at you with question.

"What is it, Sunray? Are you done with the theater," Sun questioned. Panting as you try to catch your breath, you begin to walk around the area ignoring his question. You listen carefully to your surroundings but nothing floods your hearing other than the jingle of the bells attached to Sun.

"What is it, Sunray," Sun repeats.

"I'm not sure. I thought I heard a thud in here," you answer. Sun too began to look around but nothing. Turning back towards Sun, you can see his rays freaking out again.

"Hey Sunny. How long have your rays been acting out," you question, catching the attention of the bot. Hesitating a bit, Sun shrinks into himself.

"Ever since Moon changed," Sun replied.

"Is it possible that we...talk about him," you began.

"I-I-I mean we can but we don't need to," Sun stuttered.

"Sun. We HAVE to try,' you began. Sun just stood still, his rays retracting in his head and his expression changing to a bit of fear. 'What made him change? Why don't you turn the lights out for him? Why did he hunt me last night?"

"He...manifested a virus. His coding completely changed. They wanted to get rid of him because of it but they couldn't as we are one in the same,' Sun began. How can two bots be in the same body? You couldn't believe those words but a virus in his coding... Could there be some way to help Moon? To help them both? 'If I ever turn the lights out during naptime, I'm afraid that he'd attack the children like he did a...few days after the virus hit,' he continued. Wait, he ATTACKED the kids?! 'He also attacked the staff member that was working with us at the time. The staff member..he did not...survive the attack. I don't turn out the lights because of that. I'm afraid he's going to hurt someone again. As to why he 'hunted' you last night, I'm not really sure." Fantastic...Moon attacked kids and a staff member who had died later on. Still no clear reason why he hunted me last night.

"Let me talk to him," you begin.

"B-but Sunray. He could," Sun began with concern.

"I'll be fine. Just let me talk to him for answers. Please," you beg. Sun, being hesitant, sighs and walks towards the light switch. He reaches toward it but stops. He turns back towards you as he doesn't like the idea. You smile at him, letting him know that it'll be alright. Giving you a small smile, he touches the switch before turning the lights out.


Hey everyone...at the time of this chapter being published, I have seen there is only 13 reads on this... Most of them from me... I don't know what's going on. I wanted to try a new type of story/book with this but I guess I should not continue it...I may or may not continue publishing more chapters to this but I don't know anymore. See you all soon...

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