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Halfway through the day and naptime comes around. Sun getting the blankets and pillows for the kids while you grab a book from the bookshelf. Walking back to the little naptime corner with the book, you see that the kids were all ready for you. Sitting down, you begin reading. Within a few minutes of reading, the children are fast asleep. Coming to a stand, you bring the book back to the bookshelf and Sun begins to clean up a bit.

"Hey, Sunny. Can I ask you something," you question.

"What is it, Sunray," Sunny questions as he pauses and turns towards you.

"Why don't you turn the lights out during naptime? I'd think it would be more beneficial for the kids in a way," you answer. Sun's rays retract a bit as he doesn't want to answer. His expression fears as the many memories of Moon attacking and traumatizing the kids came flooding back.

"Sunny," you question again.

"T-to follow the rules. Heheh," Sun chuckles nervously. You look at him with uncertainty but decide not to question it. He goes back to cleaning but you both soon hear the whimper of one of the children. You walk towards the child with Sun following close behind.

"What is it, deary? Did you have a bad dream," you asked the little one. They reply with a nod. You turn your head towards Sun and he looks at you with a bit of concern.

"Would it be better if we sat nearby," Sun questioned and the child answered with a nod yes. Walking back to the corner with the young child, you tend to see something out of the corner of your eye. Along with this, Sun's rays do tend to retract then go back to normal constantly for a couple seconds. Shaking it off, wanting to ask Sun about it later, you continue to walk with him and the child.

Finally back asleep, Sun smiles. You do too but the movement of his rays has you thinking. Something is going on with Sunny. I just need to figure out what. Also what do I keep seeing? Shaking the thoughts from your head, Sun takes quick notice.

"Are you alright, Y/N," he questioned as he turned his head.

"Uh y-yeah. I'm fine," you lie as you keep an eye on the kids.

Now being closing time, all the parents come on by to pick up their kids. Sun waving to the kids as they leave, his smile grows brighter. As the last child leaves with their parents, Sun instantly goes to clean everything. You help too. As you head to the crafts table, a certain picture catches your eye. You look up at Sun as the bot cleans and you smile. Folding the picture, you put it in a back pocket, saving it for yourself.

"Hey Sunny. Not sure if you've seen these pictures but you should see them," you notify the bot. Walking towards you, his rays do the same movement and it doesn't seem to bother him. You take notice of this but like before, you shake it off to talk to him about later. As he arrives at the table, he gets glances of the pictures. His blue eyes shine with excitement.

"My oh my! Our little friends are very talented! Care to help with the wire," Sun begins but asks you as he soon points at a hooked wire before pointing at his back. You look at his back and see a hoop. Reaching up and soon jumping as you are not quite tall enough, you grab the wire and hook it onto his back. Sun grabs hold of the drawings and soon soars towards the balcony. Watching him disappear, you take the other drawing out of your pocket. You examine it more and you don't realize that your face is growing hot. You have to admit. Sun's design does make him look insanely cute and adorable. Soon remembering that you had to close the Daycare, you fold the drawing back up and put it in your pocket. Walking towards the monitors, Sun appears on the balcony and jumps into the ballpit. He exits the pit and walks towards you, hearing you go through the list of the closing procedure.

"Alright, last thing I have to do is turn out the lights," you announce. Sun stops in his tracks.

Sun: No no. Leave the lights on. We MUST leave the lights on.

Pearing from behind the monitors, you can see Sun just standing still as he begins to 'scratch' his arms.

"U-uhm. S-S-Sunray. Let's not t-turn the lights out," Sun began as his expression saddens with fear.

"It'll be fine Sunny. What is there to be scared of," you question. Sun just looks at you with concern and fear as you walk towards the switch from behind the desk.

"Th-that's the one rule we have here. Keep the lights on," Sun continued as he ran towards you, blocking the light switch. His rays, now smaller as they have retracted into his head.

"Sunny. I have to close up here. Plus if we leave the lights on all night," you continue reaching behind him.

"B-b-but you must follow the rules. We can't have you getting in trouble," he replied in a nervous tone. Ignoring him and pretty much pushing him to the side, you flip the switch and his expression just reads fear as his eyes go white.


Hey everyone. Another chapter today and the last one for today too. I hope to have more done later on but it might take me a while as I am working almost everyday. But all I can do is hope that I can get more done. See you all soon

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