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Days have passed since Moon's first time back for naptime. It's now Thursday. Keeping an eye on the bot from behind the desk, Sun looks up and waves towards you. Returning it with a smile, you watch as he helps with the children. Most of the children are seated at the craft table and drawing whereas the others seem to be chasing each other in the play structures. Looking through the monitors, you see that every item on the cleaning list has been checked off except for the party rooms.

"Hey, Sunny. Moony. I missed the party room clean up last time. I'll be up there for a while," you tell the bot before heading out the doors. Nodding his head in understandment without looking away from the children, Sun doesn't notice someone peeking into the Daycare. Smiling as he gets everything ready for naptime, his rays begin to act up.

Moon: Sun. Your rays.

Acknowledging Moon's statement, Sun looks around. Unfortunately, the being by the doors ducks to the side before being spotted. They needed to wait for Moon, but what wrong is there in taking a few hits on the Sun bot?

"Sunny," they began.

"Y/N? Are you done with cleaning the party rooms already," Sun questions as he continues with helping the children settle down before turning the lights out.

"Almost. But there are a few things that I am needing your assistance with," the being continued. Now looking up, Sun is beginning to get suspicious.

Sun: That's not like them but everyone changes. It wouldn't hurt to help, right?

Moon: You're right. That's not like them. But you need to remember that their right arm's broken. We should stay with the children. Just...ask why they need our assistance.

Helping the kids to a lay down position, Sun does tend to take a step away from the naptime corner.

"What is it you need our help with," Sun questions.

"A table or two? I'm not certain but it looks like some debris is tucked under them pretty well to where I can't get them and the tables are quite heavy," the being replied.

Moon: Now that's just bologna. Y/N would never say the tables are heavy. Also that sounded close.

Sun: Moon what do I do?

Moon: Give me the reins. I scanned the Daycare and this is some sort of endo. Y/N is still in the party room. The only way that we can get rid of this thing is to let me out.

Sun: Wh-what? But the lights are on. You won't be out for a second.

Moon: They're impersonating Y/N. Mimicking them even. They are an intruder Sun and who's the one who normally handles intruders?

Sun: You do.

Acknowledging Moon's wishes, Sun let's Moon take control. Like Sun had said, after Moon came out, his rays kept trying to creep out from their head. Moon, pushing them back in, asks Sun to lay low so he can do his job. Walking towards the doors, the Mimic readies itself. Peeking around the corner, Moon is soon met with a claw swipe to the face. Stumbling back, the children see as Moon covers his face plating.

A few sparks spread through the air from the scrapes but that doesn't seem to bother Moon. The Mimic now entering the Daycare, the children scream in fear. Hearing their cries, Moon turns his head towards them. Unfortunately, that was a mistake as the Mimic had grabbed the bot, around his waist and threw him at the desk.

Moon: How is this endo? What is up with this thing?

Getting up, Moon can feel that he now has a dent in his torso. Looking down at himself, the Mimic raises an arm above itself and slashes down at Moon. Taking a piece of metal with its hand, Moon lunges at the endo. This takes the two to the ground and as Moon tries to swipe a hand at the Mimic, the endo creepily crawls out from under Moon. Doing his best to keep his eyes on the Mimic, Moon feels one of his legs being ripped from his own endoskeleton.

The children still crying and screaming in fear, the Mimic looks at them and begins to walk towards them. Moon, being a Daycare Attendant, does his best to get up and ends up barging himself into the endo. Once the two hit the ground, Moon demands for the children to get out of the corner. They run out and do what they can to hide but there really wasn't any good spots on the ground. While Moon was holding the Mimic down, the children run for the structures. Obtaining more scrapes on his face plating, Moon's body is 'thrown' further back.

The children watching through tears, they flinch with every hit he takes. They didn't want to just sit around and watch, they wanted to help but...they're little kids. If they got hit by the Mimic's claws, who knows what their injuries would be like. One of the children inches from a structure and walks towards Moon and the Mimic. Seeing the endo grab Moon's neck, the rest of the children run towards Moon but stop as the Mimic raises Moon to eye level.

Looking at the children, the Mimic claws at Moon's left arm and torso, leaving scratch marks and tears in the metal. Before Moon could try to give a counter attack, his head has a hand soon pierce around his right eye. The hand began to close. Moon tried to tug its arm away but the Mimic closed its hand even further and began to tug its arm out of Moon's face plating. The Mimic took Moon's eye with its hand and left cracks and a hole in Moon's face. Pulling its arm back, Moon is pulled towards the ground. The children don't know what to do. Seeing Moon on the ground, the children run in front of him, wanting to stop the Mimic.

"Stop it. What did Mr. Moony do to you," one of the children began with question. Moon propping himself up and looking at the kids, he covers the right side of his face.

"L-l-l-leave. Please chil-children," Moon began.

"You helped us many times. When we were sad, had nightmares. We want to help you too," another child began as she turned towards the downed bot. He may have only one eye right now but his expression read fear for the young children. There would be no way that they could stand against a robot. Let alone an endo. As the Mimic raises an arm, Moon takes quick action and stands between the children and the endo.

Sun: Moony?

Moon: Let's just keep this thing away from the kids until Y/N is finished. I have already contacted authorities but I'm not sure what they'd do against this thing.

He did take the strike but he didn't look like Moon. Nor did he look like Sun. It was like, they both came together.

"Get back in the structures little ones," his voice rang. Following his instruction, all the kids disperse and head for the play structures. Hiding in them, Sun/Moon smiled as they are now away from this endo but the smile swam off their face as they were grabbed and pulled before having his face plating scratched and chipped.

His appearance changing back to Moon, the bot continues to receive scrapes, dents, bits and pieces of his metal body gone and now without his right leg, no ability to walk. Pinned on the ground, the Mimic prepares another blow. Suddenly, the party room door you're in opens and you begin to walk out. Moon looking up towards the door, the back of his head is grabbed. Expressing fear as he tries to look at the Mimic, the endo tears the plating off and rips through his wiring.

Moon's eye glitching, his head and body twitching, the Mimic let's go. Moon lands on the floor with a metallic thud and the Mimic soon raised its arm up but hears Vanny in its head. Taking motion, the endo leaves and somehow avoids being in your eyesight. Something feeling off to you, you look into the Daycare. You don't see the children nor do you see Sun. Your mind races through multiple thoughts. You began to head down the stairs and could hear a glitchy voice.

Racing down the stairs, you make it to the doors and soon race in. Calling out for the children, you hear a faint move of metal that sounded like Sun's rays clicking. You also hear bells but they're dull. Looking left and right, you don't see any sign of Sun. Walking further into the Daycare, you can soon see him. Your heart dropped or skipped a beat, you couldn't tell. Dropping to your knees, you cover your mouth.



I felt a little bit silly 🤪

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