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Nap time coming to an end, you walk towards the light switch. Switching it on, you look towards the children. Walking back to them, something appears in the corner of your eyes. Unfortunately you don't take notice of it. Slightly shaking the children to wake, they rub their eyes.

"Nap time over," one questioned.

"Yes, little one. How was your nap," you answer with question.

"Okay. I saw Mr. Sun and Mr. Moon in my dream. When will they come back," they answered but questioned the bot's existence. Saddening at their words, you're unsure. It's been 4 months and the 5th month just started.

"Soon...I hope," you reply. Getting all the children up and taking the pillows and blankets back to the designated location, excited cheers of the children catches your attention.

"Mr. Sun! You're back," one of them chimed. Your expression lighting up at the words of the child, you walk to a corner and peek around it. Catching sight of the children, you also see the tall bot. Walking around the corner, you stand as you try to process what you are looking at. Sunny..he looks different but the same in a way. Walking towards the giant group of kids and the bot, cautiously, Sunny looks up at you. He doesn't say anything and neither do you. Instead tears begin to flood your eyesight.

"Friend...What's with the tears? Come here. I'll cheer you up," Sun began. You stop in your tracks. He...He doesn't remember. Falling to your knees, your tears continue as they begin to stream from your eyes. Seeing you cover them, Sun saddens. His rays retract in his head a bit and he soon tells the kids to play. Listening, they run for the structures and barrels. Walking to you, Sun internally laughs. Reaching you, he kneels in front of you.

"Y/N. Come on. It's okay. I'm here. Let me cheer you up," Sun begins, your name not registering quite yet.

"No! It's not okay. Your memories are gone," you reply with a slight shout. The children look in your direction. Bringing a hand towards you, Sun hopes to calm you down.

"Y/N.. I promise it's okay," Sun repeats.

"No it's not Sunny! You don't unde-...What did you just say," you begin but also question as you look up.

"Y/N. That's your name anyway, right," Sun replied with question as if wondering if you knew your name.

"Y-you remember," you question with more tears.

"Of course Sunray. How could I forget," Sun responded.

"You stupid piece of metal! You almost made me panic over nothing," you shout.

"I'm sorry Sunray. I promise it won't happen again," Sun replied. Leaning towards him, you cry in his chest. Wrapping his arms around you for comfort, something from his code activates, really calming you down.

You're More (Sun and Moon x reader)Where stories live. Discover now