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Things have been going smoothly lately. No sign of the virus taking effect on Moon. No sign of Sun's rays acting up. It all seemed strange. It was nice though. You watch as Sun does his normal routine. Now letting Moon come out a little. But only for a little bit of the day as they're both still scared that Moon would accidentally hurt the children. Both you and Sun have agreed that if the virus DOES take control, you'll do what you can to get Moon back. Moon doesn't mind the small amount of time he has out. It's nice. He appreciates it. Watching Sun, you notice the time. Naptime will start soon. Moon's time. Helping the children to the corner, you head towards the switch. Once all the kids are in place, Sun looks at you and gives you a thumbs up for Moon. Flipping the switch, the lights turn out and Moon's coloration takes place. He is soon powered on and comes to a sit a few ways away from the children as he's still scared of what he could do.

"Come on Mr. Moony. Tell us a story," one of the children began.

"No, I want a song," another argued.

"Now children. There's no need to argue about what you get for naptime,' Moon began. All the children looked at him and he seemed to be overthinking? 'What if I sang a song today and then a story tomorrow?" Smiling, the children get ready and lay down for the song. Moon smiled and he prepared himself.

"Hmmm hmm hm hm hm hm hm hmm hmmm," Moon began with a hum. Walking over as you wanted to make sure all the kids get a bit of sleep, you stop next to Moon. He soon began singing the song and everything felt calm for some reason. Maybe it was the song choice? Maybe it's because it's Moon. Almost halfway through the song, the children have all fallen into their little slumber. Leaning against the bot as you keep an eye on the children, Moon notice's your action.

Not wanting to move, he continues the song. From this your eyes begin to feel heavy as you too begin to feel yourself sinking into slumber. As the song continues, you find yourself in the same slumber as the children as you are now sleeping against the bot. The song coming to an end, he can see the kids have fully fallen asleep as well as you. Slowly moving to come to a stand, he's careful when moving you as your arm is still not fully healed. Laying you down, Moon gets up and goes to retrieve a blanket for you. Coming back with it and soon placing it over you, Moon smiles. He missed naptime.

Sun: Moony. What are you doing? Y/N works here, don't forget.

Moon: Don't worry Sunny. Naptime will end in 10 minutes. I'll wake them before you come back.

Soon attaching a wire to his back, Moon takes flight and keeps an eye for anything. But he continues to watch you and the kids. It'll be over soon. The virus will be gone and he'll be able to come out more. It's only a matter of time.

Getting things prepared for a plan, the rabbit creates blueprints for what she wants to do. A few thoughts feeling completely useless to her, she looks towards someone and a new thought came to mind.

"I've a job for you," Vanny began towards her new partner. (I'm gonna be honest, I really don't want to portray her as 'the rabbit' for this whole thing and we already know who she is) They didn't respond to her but they listened. Their eyes followed as the rabbit paced around the room.

"There is a new employee who thinks they can get rid of my virus in the Daycare Attendant. I failed to stop them so I will need you to go after said Attendant. More so the one in blue. He only comes out when the lights are out,' Vanny continued. Her partner, still listening, does wonder something. 'Since I am asking you to stop him, it clearly means my virus will end. He's done his part. I have no further use for him. Do what you wish." Walking close to her partner, she gives them more instructions. Instructions ONLY they can do.

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