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Everything's so quiet. No kids screaming with joy. The music turned down low. Barrels scattered all over the place. The Daycare doors left open in case...Lights on in the Daycare but off in their room. Fixed like brand new, he sits with his back towards the Daycare.

Sun: How long until they come back?

Moon: The kids or Y/N, Sunny?

Sun: Both.

Moon: Sunny, it's been TWO days since then. We have to be patient.

Sensing someone enter the Daycare, he turned to see who it was. A...child. A lone child. They came from the slide.

Sun: They're back Moony!

Moon: It's just one kid Sunny.

Jumping into the ball pit, Sun jumps up into the child's face before 'introducing' himself and informing the young child what there is they could do. The child didn't seem to have an interest and knocked over a small tower of barrels, causing Sun to leave them alone and head towards the desk.

"You're gonna get us in trouble," Sun informed the child trying to get their attention. Ignoring the bot, the child grabs a security badge from the desk and the lights instantly shut off. Sun growls at the pain of a forced switch and he shrivels into a curl as Moon begins to show. As he takes more control, it didn't seem that he had control of the virus.

"Naughty boy. Naughty boy. It's past your bedtime. You must be PUNISHED! Nighty Night," Moon danced. The child a bit fearful as they don't know what just happened as all they did was take a security badge. That's it...That's all they did. They didn't..turn out the lights. Maybe it was someone else.

Last generator switched on and the lights turn on. Inching his way from the structure, the young child looks around for Sun or Moon. No sight of them, he makes his way towards the doors. Suddenly, Sun appears behind him and bans him, letting him fend for 'himself.' Little did Sun know, Freddy was helping the kid but the other Glamrocks looked to be trying to catch the child. Just like how Moon tried not too long ago and like he did with you when you first started. Looking at the Glamrocks, Sun can't seem to feel his rays retracting. As he closed the doors, he heard footsteps that were more faint than the Glamrock's but a little louder than the child's. Slightly opening the doors back up, he hopes that it is you coming back into work. Unfortunately, it wasn't you but Vanessa.

"Officer Vanessa. What brings you to the Daycare today? I hope you are aware that we're...closed today," Sun began but his tone saddened.

"Yes, Sun. I wanted to let you know that Y/N did get discharged,' Vanessa began, cheering up the Sun bot. 'I know that you are close as coworkers."

"We're not just coworkers. We're the best of friends. Partners if you'd call it that," Sun interrupted.

"Like I was saying. Being discharged, they are gonna have to take a few more days to rest," Vanessa continued. Sun's rays retract a bit in his head as his expression saddened as he'd have to wait much longer and he's not one to wait.

"Don't worry, Sun. They're in good hands. A friend of theirs is staying with them until they are able to come back," Vanessa added.

"But...why must we wait longer," Sun questions.

"Y/N has a concussion, Sun. They have to rest physically and mentally. They're right arm is also broken. They're gonna need the help of someone else while they recover," Vanessa continued. Sun, feeling a bit guilty, Vanessa pats the bots' back before heading back to the security office.

Moon: Don't feel guilty Sunny. If we were to blame anyone, it should be me.

Sun: But you had to keep an eye on the children. What if that rabbit went after the kids? There was nothing you could've done, Nightlight.

Moon: You couldn't either.

Standing and staring at the spot behind the empty desk, Sun's eyes saddened. His rays even retract far into his head as he's not sure when he'd see you again. Both of them didn't know when they'd see you again. Seeing you made them feel...safe. Like insanely safe. Nobody has made them feel that way at all.

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