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Friday comes around, you put on your uniform. To your hopes, it was the same as it was 3 years before. As much as you didn't like getting up early, you don't mind the early morning shift for this job. 5:36 The Daycare opens at 7 so you've got time before you have to be there but it does take a while. Grabbing breakfast to go and your keys, you leave the front door. Closing it, you unlock your car, get in and start driving. 6:00 Arriving in the parking lot, you find a spot. Walking in the doors, you make your way to the security office, grab the Daycare key and make your way up. Climbing the staircase, you catch a glimpse of something in your line of sight. You turned towards it but it wasn't there. Shrugging it off, you continue to the Daycare. 6:06 Reaching the big garage like door, it opens, letting you head inside. Walking towards the Freddy faced gate, you open it and walk down the corridor to the stairs. Climbing down, landing on the lower floor, you head to the Daycare doors. You unlock the door and head inside. First thing you see is Sundrop walking out onto a balcony on the other side of the Daycare. Reaching his arms up for a 'stretch,' and jumps into the ballpit below. Balls splash as he lands in it and soon enough, he exits as he walks over a small bridge. You can see his smile across his face as he skips towards you.

"Y/N! You're here early," Sundrop began as he neared you.

"Never too early for work," you begin as you get your punch card to clock in. Closing the gap between the two of you, Sundrop stands next to you. As you clock in, you can see him looming over you. From this, you nearly jump back. I'm never gonna get used to how tall he is. 6:18

"Readyfortoday,' Sundrop begins with excitement. Nodding your head in agreement, you turn to put your card back in the holder. 'Oooh I'm so excited to see the little sunbeams again! Oooh hoo hoo! We're gonna have so much fun! There's so much fun we can do!" Spreading his arms out, he leans down for a hug. You shudder at this as you're not one for hugs but as he hugged you, something felt...different about this one. Letting you go, Sundrop prances around the Daycare full of joy for the upcoming day. 6:27 33 minutes until we open this place. What can I do?

You look towards Sundrop as he messes with the layed out papers on the coloring table. Oh boy was he excited. He's always happy to see his little friends. Shuffling the papers around and laying them back down, Sundrop sits as he waits. His smile growing with excitement.

"Oh I can't wait," Sundrop exclaims as he lays back.

"Hey, Sunny,' you begin catching his attention. He sits up quickly and skips towards you. 'Since it's my first official day, what do you want me to do?"

"Oh Sunray,' he begins. Your expression lightens up with surprise. 'I-it is alright I call you that, right?"

"If I can call you Sunny. We're coworkers. We should have names for each other that way we're not just saying our actual names," you reply. Sun let's out a little giggle at your words.

"Well. In the past, staff has normally just stayed behind the desk. You can do that and watch what I do if you'd like or you can keep an eye on my maintenance as I am just a robot," Sun replied.

"You are not just a robot, Sunny. You're more than that. It may take time to really figure that out but just from looking at you, I can see that you're more than walking, talking metal," you assure the bot. He smiles at your words and takes note of the time; 6:57

"Would ya look at that. It's almost time for opening," Sun acknowledged. You too look at a clock on the wall and can see that he's correct. In a couple minutes, your first day as a Daycare Attendant would begin.


Hey everyone. Man, I need to slow down with these. But I'm excited to be writing a new type of story that I want to get as much out as I can. Oh boy! See you all soon

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