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Alarm blaring as morning has hovered over the horizon, it's 10:30, you snore as you are still sleeping. Turning over, you yawn as your eyes come to an open. Sitting up, you throw your legs over the edge and lean to turn off the alarm. Coming to a stand, you walk towards your drawer to gather clothes for the day ahead. Next heading towards the bathroom, you brush your teeth and hair before heading to the kitchen for some breakfast. Turning on the television, you scroll through the channels until you find one station that peaks your interest. Eating the morning meal, a jar to your left is caught in your field of vision. Looking towards it, you are reminded of what it was for. The label reading 'House money.' Unfortunately, the jar barely had any money in it as you've had to use it for bills and other necessities. Sighing, you turn off the television and dispose your dishes in the sink, grab your keys and head out the door. Opening your car door and climbing inside, you drive off to your job. (You drive a 1987 Pontiac Firebird)

Getting close, you enter the parking lot. Turning off the car and getting out, you look at the building and sigh.

"Why did I choose this place out of all the other options I had," you ask yourself as you begin to head inside. What made me think that working for the news would be better than working with kids and angered parents? (You used to work at the Pizzaplex but ended up getting tired of it) Entering the building, you head towards your cubicle. Turning a corner, you can see three boxes filled with your papers of different stories.

"Hey Markus. What's going on," you ask your colleague.

"Didn't you read your email? They're replacing you," he replied as he continued his work. YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING!! Storming to find your boss, you soon find her. Waiting patiently, she turns towards you.

"If it isn't Y/N. The couch potato. You know, this is the tenth time this month that you've missed your 5:30 shift. It's no wonder we're getting rid of you,' she began. Clearly angry with her, you keep your cool. 'I really thought I'd give you a second chance here. You've done this triple the amount last year but I'm afraid that I have no other choice but to fire you. You might want to finish gathering your belongings before your replacement arrives." Gritting your teeth, you storm towards the front entrance. Taking your keys out of your pocket, you get in your car and drive back home.

Sitting on the couch, you rub the back of your head and neck. Great. Now I don't have a job buuuuuuut I was never cut out for it anyway. They paid me less than minimum wage. Looking up, something comes across your mind. Maybe. Just maybe, you could go back. Things must've changed from the last time you were there. Plus the pay rate was $30 an hour. Maybe it's the same. Taking your phone from your pocket, you dial up the Pizzaplex. Your call soon being answered, you ask if there are any job openings. Getting an answer, you wonder when would be a great time to head in.

"Thursday would be great if that works for you. Also Y/N, for this job opening, we will have to give you some sort of training as changes have occurred here," the other person answered. Letting them know that Thursday works perfectly, you thank them and hang up. Alright. That's four days from now. Gotta get ready for the new position. What could it be? Aah no worries. No matter what it is, I'll enjoy it. Hopefully the uniform is still the same.


Hey everyone. Second chapter done in the same day. Nice. Hopefully I can get the next chapter written within the next couple of days but who knows. I might need some time or I might already have it written out. See you all soon.

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