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Tears continue to flow, you wonder if anyone is coming to help. Letting the bot down, you retract your hand and take hold of your walkie. Bringing it to your face but as you were about to say something, nothing came out. Please...Somebody help them. As you were about to contact someone, the giant Daycare door opens. The children looked up and saw three people. It seemed they were running as they took a few seconds to get to the stairs. One of them looked to be wearing the uniform for parts and services and the other two wore police vests. You could hear their footsteps but you didn't want to look at them.

"Y/N? Can I take the bot," the parts and services employee questioned. You didn't respond. You couldn't say anything. Your co-worker. No. PARTNER was laying dismantled before you and it left you speechless and filled with fear and sadness. Asking again, you turn towards the cops.

"I-i-it was someone in a white, light brown and light gray rabbit suit. She's the one who did this. She was the one who tried to kill me. I think she did it because I'm trying to help him with a virus in his coding. But I think she found out I'm still here and went after them," you informed the two. Looking towards the parts and services employee, you give an expression that read plea.

"Fix him. Fix THEM. Please," you pleaded. Looking towards the Moon bot, they take a deep breath before nodding. Calling for additional help, you look back at the bot. We're gonna help you. Just..please be the same you when you wake.

"Y/N,' the employee began. You look towards them and something tells you that it is not a good thing they were about to say. 'We're gonna have to rebuild a whole new body for the two. But also if something happens to go wrong with it, we will be making two bodies. The time would be longer if we did make two bodies. Unfortunately, since the company is a 'bit' tight on maintenance money and all, we will have to build one. We can get both of them into the same but it will be a bit difficult to adjust for the two."

"Do whatever, just please. Fix them. You can take my expenses to fix them, I don't care just please...You HAVE to fix them," you plead. Soon seeing the giant door open, two other employees from parts and services make their way down into the Daycare. Following what the first employee instructed, you watch as they carry Moon out of the Daycare. Unfortunately, your tears, that have been put on pause ever since you talked to the cops, began to stream your eyesight again. Covering your face with your hand, the cops and children rub your back to try to calm you down and assure you everything will be alright.

You're More (Sun and Moon x reader)Where stories live. Discover now