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Hiding in a back corner of a party room, you are unsure of what is up with this new rabbit. They had a knife and began walking up towards you on the stairs.

"Let's have some fun," you hear. You come to a small stand and soon see the red eyes of the rabbit. Quickly sitting back in the corner, you do what you can not to make a sound. Luckily you're nowhere near them but if they do enter the party room, you would be trapped. You start to overthink your hiding spot. Coming to a stand, you run towards the door but just as it opens, the rabbit stands on the other side with the knife in hand.

"There you are," she acknowledged. This isn't good. You're trapped in the room. She was just...standing there. Doing nothing. As you take a step back, she pushes you down and you land with a slight thud. Looking up at the rabbit, you can't help but feel scared. You want Moon to help but earlier you saw the rabbit hunched over a bunch of silhouettes. One of them seemed like a robot silhouette and it was on the ground but that wouldn't be like Sun or Moon. What did she do?! Sirens blaring a few miles from the Plex, vehicles racing towards the building.

Moon, still with the kids, the silence gets to him in an uncomfortable way. His eyes shifting around the stairwell and the party rooms, trying to locate you. Unfortunately, he is unable to. Soon enough, the party room door, closest to the Freddy gate, opened and the rabbit skipped out towards the gate. Moon becoming really concerned for you, turns back towards the children.

"C-can you all st-stay here for me? Sunny is a-asking for my assistance," Moon started with a slight fib. Still scared, they nod their heads. Pretty much racing out the doors, Moon makes his way towards the stairs.

Sun: Moony! You can't just leave the children alone!

Moon: I'm aware but Y/N is our best-best friend-end-end. We need to help them!

Running up the stairs and running towards the last party room door it opened but unfortunately, he could not see you. Scanning for your body heat, his scans find you but you're tucked in a corner. Almost tumbling over his own footing as he semi-runs to you, he reaches your side. It's clear to him that you're still breathing but he still had a bad feeling about you. Grabbing you and pulling you to his metallic chest in a one arm hold, your eyes do blink open but you do squint at the brightness of his red eyes.

"Su-nny," you begin, not knowing it was Moon.

"I'm here, Starshine. I'm here," Moon replied. Wincing at his words, you turn your head away from him as his voice was a bit harsh on your ears.

"Mmed," you began but to him, it sounded a bit muffled. Bringing his head down and laying it atop yours, black oil-like tears began to shed his vibrant red eyes. Trying to blink them away, they continue. Next thing he knows is the sound of the massive Daycare door as it opens. Wondering why it's so dark in there, switching on their spotlights and flashlights, the authorities and paramedics pass through the Freddy gate. Hearing the crying children below, the authorities head down to the stairs to see the reason behind their cries. The paramedics walking down the corridor, a door opens to their left. Hearing the robotic voice of Moon, they walk in. Hearing the footsteps and the shut of the door, Moon raises and slightly turns his head. The oil-like tears have now fallen from his eyes and his big smile has faded into a frown as he's not sure why the rabbit did such a thing. Walking towards the two of you, the paramedics are unaware that the bot was trying to keep his 'harmful' code inside.

"DON'T come closer," Moon began as he turned towards them. They couldn't. They had to see what they would be working with. Once they took another step closer, Moon growled, staring them down.

"Stay away,' Moon began with a shout as he held you. Not listening to the robot, the paramedics inch closer, closing the gap once again. Soon reaching towards you, Moon's grasp on you tightened as he flinched. 'DON'T TOUCH THEM!"

"Hlpmm' 'sssssss' 'hlpoooo," you began. Moon looked at you but you turned your head again due to his eyes.

"We're gonna need help getting a victim away from a robot in the Daycare," one of the paramedics spoke through a radio.

"Copy that. On our way," someone on the other end replied. Inching closer to you two, the paramedics are cautious of Moon as his behavior did change. It seemed as he became agitated, annoyed and protective all at the same time. Still growling, Moon doesn't loosen his grasp on you.

"Mmmrrrrmmurrtss," you squeak. Understanding your injuries but not wanting to pass you over to the professionals, Moon keeps looking between you and the medics.

Sun: Moon you have to let them go with the professionals.

Moon: But I can't just..

Sun: If they don't get proper treatment, their condition could get worse. Please Nightlight. Let them go.

The oil-like tears staining his faceplate as he doesn't want to let you go, Moon looks at the medics with a bit of uncertainty. His grip loosening, the medics rush to your aid.

"We've got the victim but we will need a gurney up here," a medic spoke through their radio.

"We've already got one and we're nearing your location," one on the other end replied. Looking at you as the medics take hold, Moon just sits with worry, concern and sadness in his eyes. Soon, the Daycare door slides open. Down below, the authorities calm the children as much as they can.

"What were you kiddos doing by yourselves? Who's looking after you," one of them questioned the kids. Without saying a word, they point to where they last saw Moon. Looking up to where they were all pointing, the authorities bring their flashlights up and saw the medics bring you out of the party room with Moon behind them, watching. Feeling the light of their flashlights, Moon shields himself a bit as a couple of Sun's rays sprout from the head. Turning off the lights, Moon doesn't even acknowledge the police. He just stares in the direction the medics and you went. Soon though, his eyes go black and he just collapses to his knees as if passing out or shutting down.

"One of you go check that bot, another check the lights and another go get the parents of these kids. We must notify the staff that the Daycare should be closed for a while," an officer began, calling out orders. Staying with the kids, three of the other officers followed their words. Two heading up the stairs and the other checking the lights.

"It seems the switch is on. We should find a breaker or something along those lines," the 'light' officer suggested to her colleague. Getting a nod in agreement, she leaves the Daycare to find a breaker. We really didn't see anyone in here and this is the pinpoint location of the call. Did that bot call us? Looking up towards Moon and the other officer, the 'Daycare' officer stares in wonder.

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