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Rebooting, his arm does tend to fall back into place. Walking to the front of him, you stare at the bot. A small whir can be heard from the bot and he is soon back. You smile at Sun and he the same but you worry about Moon.

"Sunny,' you begin and the bot looks at you with question. 'Moony feels the same as you. He's scared to hurt others. He even said that he can't control it and it's painful. I want to help. The both of you."

"How will you do that Sunray," Sun questioned.

"Maybe if we head to parts and service," you begin but Sun stops you.

"No no. We can't go there,' Sun begins, resulting in you giving him a questionable expression. 'I'm certain they are all nice and kind down there but we can't go there."

"Sunny it's alright,' you begin but he just shakes his head. 'Are you scared of them?" Nodding his head in response, you can't help but feel concerned for him. Why? What about parts and service scares him? Looking at the bot with a tilt of your head, he takes notice.

"I've been down there a few times but I don't like it because I'm afraid," Sun replied.

"Of what Sunny,' you begin with question but his rays just shrink. "Scared of being remodeled? Decommissioned?" The second seemed to hit it right on the nail as he shrank on himself.

"I don't want to be. I've been nothing but good and kind to the children. Every time I go down there, I'm scared that I'll be decommissioned a-and I don't want to be! I can't be! I've done nothing against my programming that could get me decommissioned but I'm just afraid that every time I go down there, that I might be," Sun rambled.

"Alright. I understand. If it makes you happier, I can try to analyze how to remove the virus to help you both," you reply but you were soon scooped up by Sun into a hug.

"OH THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU!!!!! OH HOO HOO," Sun exclaimed with excitement. Squeezing you tighter in the hug, your face begins to squish against his metal.

"Suhnny...I can't," you begin. Looking at you, Sun releases his hug and you fall to the ground to your feet.

"Oh Sunray I'm so sorry. I was just so excited I guess I went a bit overboard," Sun apologized as he pat your head. Telling him it's alright, you help him with any necessary cleaning within the Daycare.

Sunday was somewhat 'boring' but you made the most of it. You worked on trying to figure out how to get rid of the virus. It was hard at first as you've never done any kind of maintenance on a robot before but you are thankful they kept the manual for Sun. It made it easier for you to understand how he worked and his personality. Same with Moon. Like Sun had said, Moon was completely different before the virus. He was more subtle and he was incharge of naptime. But...that was the only time Moon was out.

"Hopefully when we get rid of the virus, Moon can come out more," you think out loud.

"I hope so too. Moony's never played games with our friends before. I'm sure he'd love it," Sun responded. Taking you by surprise as you thought he was off considering how quiet he was, you can't help but smile.

Sun: You hear that Moony? Once the virus is gone, you can come out more and play with the kids.

Moon: *Laughs* Can't wait.

Continuing, you find out that it'll be harder as you'll need an antivirus. Your expression reads worry and this concerns Sun as he looks at you. Shaking your head, you give him a smile.

"Don't worry. I'll fix him," you tell the Sun bot before putting back his plating. His expression saddens with concern. Moving his head towards you, you give him a kiss. His whole body reacts to this as he's surprised by your motion and his rays spin like crazy. I should've done this earlier.

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