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⚠️ Slight Strong Language? ⚠️

It's spooky season. The whole Pizzaplex has many, many decorations throughout the place. Even the Daycare. Little bats hung from the ceiling and tiny spiders stuck to the windows and netting. The children have come in all dressed up in many different costumes. Sun, Moon and you smile at their outfits as the spooky day approaches. That day actually. Both the bots knew what Halloween was but they really never did anything for it other than make little decorations for the Daycare. Looking at the bots, something crosses your mind. Have they ever gone out for Halloween?

"See you tomorrow friends! Have a fazerific day," Sun exclaims as you three watch the kids leave with their parents. As you all watch them leave, Sun begins to turn to clean everything up. As he reaches a table, it looks like there were some little pieces of cut fabric and something intrigues him.

"Hey, Y/N. What were our little friends wearing? It is that Halloween holiday right," Sun questions before you head behind the desk.

"Those are called costumes Sunny. How long have you known of the Halloween holiday? You should know what costumes are," you reply.

"We never really did a lot of research on the holiday. Just the basic stuff," Moon piped in.

"Costumes should be part of the basics though," you reply. You walk behind the desk and scroll through the closing checklist on a monitor. Checking them off as you go, you get sight of Sun carrying many different supplies, a thought comes to mind and you smirk.

"What's with the side smile," Moon questions.

"Noooooo reason," you reply as you look at him. Tilting his head a bit, Moon looks at Sun then back at you as it hit him.

"Oh no no. I'm not wearing one," he replied as he crossed his metallic arms.

"C'mon Moony. It could be fun. I could even make you your own," Sun nagged. As much as he was against it, he sighed in defeat.

The two in party rooms as they wanted to surprise you, Moon is impressed by Sun's sewing. Still not wanting to wear it, he puts it on.

"Y/N, why do we have to wear these costume things? Can't we just go as ourselves," Moon questions as he looks at his costume.

"You can take it off later,' you begin as you take a drink of your fizzyfaz. 'You've got to embrace the whole Halloween feel. How're you doing Sunny?" Suddenly the party room door that Sunny entered opened.

"I'm doing okay. Just a couple more stitches then it'll be done," Sun answers as he 'throws' an arm out the door and moves it around. When he retracted his arm, the door closed. Chuckling at the movements, the door for Moon's room opened causing you to bring your attention to it.

"Ready Y/N," Moon questioned.

"Yep," you reply.

"You won't laugh will you," Moon wonders.

"No. Now come out," you begin before taking another drink. Stepping into the doorway, you can see his costume. Upon seeing it, you spit out the fizzyfaz in disbelief as you did not expect a werewolf costume.

"Daddy," you question, the word not quite registering. Still looking at him, Moon just looking at you like 'what?' He knew what you had said and had to calculate what he was going to do about it. (Wanted to put that little joke in here 😏)

"I'm just going to ignore what you said... Uhm. What do you think," he questions, snapping you from your stare. I can't say that he looks INSANELY cute but I have to tell him the truth. Hwoo boy. Damn. Uh. What do I say?

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