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Taking notice that your tears have decreased drastically, Sun unwraps his arms. Backing away from him, you smile. Returning it with his own, you jump at him. This surprises him as he was not ready to catch you and the both of you land on the floor with a metallic thud. Laughing it out, you place a kiss on him. His rays spin like crazy at this. You break it and laugh towards the bot.

"I bet Moon wants his share too," you begin. This causes Sun to stop his spinning rays, hold you and sit up.

"What is it Sunny," you question as the bot's  rays retract a bit. He doesn't answer right away and he had a right but it made you nervous.

"Moony...he's. I can't hear him," Sun began.

"What do you mean Sunny," you question.

"It's okay though. I'm sure he's fine," Sun begins trying to cheer you up.

"What do you mean you can't," you begin but see something behind you two peeking around the doorway. Unfortunately for you, it retreated behind the wall before you could get a good look. You look between Sun and the door almost asking him if it would be alright if you left for a bit. Smiling and nodding his metallic head, Sun answers your look.

Scurrying to a stand, you race for the door. Calling for the children, Sun raises his arms with excitement. All the kids ran towards him with a few jumping on him, causing him to fall onto the ground. He smiled and laughed with the children. Boy, how much he missed the Daycare and children. Exiting the doors, you look around trying to locate whatever or whoever you saw. Unfortunately, the parts and services employee had left so you were on your own to find out who you had seen.

Looking around, a small glimpse of blue is caught in your line of sight to the left along with the sound of bells jingling. You follow it around the Daycare but once you get close to the end, you can't find it again. Suddenly the lights go out. Fortunately you don't hear Sun growling or hissing at the change of light. Looking into the Daycare, you don't see Sun change either. Instead you see his eyes give off a light blue glow along with his arms providing a yellow orange glow. Must've been one of the alterations to his new design.

Hearing the sound of jingling bells close by, you turn and see Moon. Or you think it's Moon. The bot was tall, about the same height as Sun. He wore a night cap like Moon did and wore a little lighter shade of blue than what Moon did. One of the differences you saw between Moon and this bot was the eyes. The right one was glowing red whereas his left was white with a blue iris but glowed the same blue as Sun. The stars on his hat and pants glowed and he wore a dark purple bow around his waist. His arms glowed with a semi dark blue color.

"M-Moony," you question, not knowing if this really was Moon.

"Hey Starshine," the bot replied. It really is you! Jumping at the bot, he catches you and holds you up. Smiling with tears flowing, the bot smiles back. Bringing your head towards his face plating, you take him by surprise as you give him a kiss. Soon breaking from it, you notice his eyes glitching.

"Your eyes," you begin, not really wanting to alarm the bot. He tilts his head wondering what you meant but then remembered something. Shrugging it off until one question is brought up, he smiles towards you and you return it.

"I missed you. I missed you both," you continue as tears continue to stream from your eyes.

"We're both here now, right,' Moon begins as he looks at you with a bit of concern. 'We're not going anywhere." Looking up at him, you see his smile as small as it was. Wondering about it, you see his head slightly twitch.

"Are you okay? What about the virus," you question.

"Mostly gone...It would be nice to have it fully gone but I can manage," Moon replies as he lets you down. Telling him that you've been working on the antivirus more and more on your days off, you two hear Sun.

"Almost forgot. Both me and Sun had an idea for the little stars. A little surprise for seeing me again," Moon began as he turns his head towards the Daycare windows. Telling him that you'll see him in there, he begins to climb the siding of the Daycare. Watching as he nears the top, you begin to head back towards the doors.

"Now children. Can you tell me what is missing," Sun begins with question as he kneels to the kids' height. Bringing puzzling expressions, the children begin to think.

"Uhm, naptime? When the lights are out, we go have naptime," one child begins.

"Technically right but you already had naptime. The lights will be out another time so you can play games with someone," Sun replies.

"Oh I know. Mr. Moon," another child somewhat shouts.

"Right you are friend. If I'm here, that means Mr. Moon should be nearby," Sun begins. Soon enough, Moon's laughter could be heard throughout the Daycare.

"Where is he," one of the children questioned as they all looked around the Daycare.

"Why not try the structures? But be careful. This is Mr. Moon's first time playing hide n' seek," Sun informed the children. They nodded their heads and giggled as they all left to find Moon. Walking through the doors, you see Sun also looking around for Moon. Calling to the bot, you point up. Smiling at his brother, Moon returns it. Something did make you wonder. When they were both rebuilt, was that the first time they saw each other? The kids being a bit disappointed that they can't find Moon, they exit the structures. Upon exiting, some of them look up as a small blue glow was seen above them.

"Found you Mr. Moon," one of them announced.

"You sure did. Does this mean I won," Moon questioned. All the children, you and Sun laugh at Moon.

"What's so funny," Moon questioned as he came to the ground.

"Nothing Moony. You'll learn," Sun told the bot. Moon tilted his head but laughed it off with you all shortly after. Walking to both bots, you smile at them as you've missed them...so much.

Sun: Hey Moony. What if we showed Y/N some affection..or whatever it's called.

Moon: It'll take them by surprise so why not.

Both of them leaning down to your level, they smile. You continue yours as you are not aware what they are about to do. The children chuckle and giggle thinking the two bots are being silly but they stop when they see that Sun and Moon both place a kiss on either side of your face. Like they had thought, it did take you by surprise and you just stood there after they stood back up.

"This was Sunny's idea by the way," Moon began, putting Sun under the bus. You look at the two and Sun shrinks on himself almost in embarrassment but you just smiled as you pull on their arms, wanting to return the action.

"Cooties," the children began as they watched.

"True children. We all have them. When you're much older, you'll be doing this with someone you love. Besides, your parents give you a kiss goodnight so this shouldn't be any different," you began as you move to Moon.

"Bleh," they return, sticking out their tongues.

"Now children. What would you like to do? Finger paint? Puppet shows? Arts and Crafts or watch us exchange more cooties," Moon questioned staying leaned to you. All the children chanted what they wanted to do as they did not want to watch you three kiss anymore. Chuckling, Sun makes his way to the light switch to turn the lights back on as it would be hard to do anything like that in the dark.

"For the record you two,' you begin. Sun soon returns shortly and tilts his head as he doesn't know what you are saying. Same with Moon. 'I love you both too." Their faces light up as they were not expecting those words. Smiling with each other, you three hug each other. Man you were all glad to be back together.

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