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Almost 4 months since then, you almost forget your partners' absence. Fortunately, all their posters remind you. The first couple weeks, you have asked to take some time off away from work. You've also asked parts and services to give you weekly updates. From what they've said, they have been able to get the torso and legs of the endo rebuilt. The tests they've done have gone really well and that made you smile and all the other updates but you were uncertain when they'd be finished. The 4th month coming to an end, something about loneliness does become a bit comforting. It was strange as you are not one to like doing things alone or being alone but you do live alone so...why was this any different?

More updates about the two should be coming up soon and this made you nervous. You haven't seen or heard anything about them for two weeks. Did they have to restart? Was it not working out? I should've just finished the antivirus on my days off. I should've been IN the Daycare to stop everything from happening.

"Mx Y/N? You okay," a child questioned. You looked at them wondering why they asked you. Before you could question them, you could feel tears on your face. Wiping them away quickly, you smile at the child. Nodding your head as an answer, the child smiles with a chuckle.

"You are not that good at lying. Mr. Sun says lying is bad. But that's okay. I'm not good at lying either," the child replies. Chuckling, you smile at the child.

"Mr. Sun is right. Lying is bad as you can get in trouble from it and even if it comforts some people, it's not healthy," you respond. Looking at the other children, you see the 'Sun and Moon absence' effect take place. Walking over to them and gathering them for naptime, you grab all the pillows and blankets needed. As you walk to the naptime corner, you glance over and catch sight of the light switch. Sun's little "Don't touch!" and "Lights on!" notes stay surrounding it. Getting all the children settled, you take another look at the switch. Coming to a stand, you head towards it. As you join it, you bring a hand up to turn off the lights. There is a bit of hesitation as you've only turned the lights out once before but you made up your mind and turned them off.

All tests have run smoothly but there was just one more. Starting up, his eyes blink open. His eyes fully opening, he looks at the employee blankly.

"Welcome back bud. Tell me. What is your name," the parts and services employee questioned.

"Sun, Sunny, Sundrop, Sunrise," he answered.

"Where do you work," the employee questioned.

"Superstar Daycare," the bot answered.

"Who is your partner," the employee questioned. There was a bit of silence between the two but the bot soon provided an answer. The employee smiled a bit and it somewhat worried the bot. Shaking their head to tell the bot it was nothing. Walking over to gather something as a little pit stop, they head out of parts and services.

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