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Surprisingly, you had Mondays off. It somewhat did seem weird to you as a full time worker but you could only work 40 hours a week. Even if you weren't there with them, you would still be working on finding a way to create an antivirus for Moon. You couldn't let him go through the pain anymore. Looking at your clock, you see that it is 3:27. I hope Sunny's doing okay without me there. You were partially right. He was doing okay but it did feel lonely being the only one there with the kids. He manages though. He smiles and laughs with the kids as they play games. He also checks in on the kids at the craft table to see what they are doing. Out of nowhere, the lights go out. All the kids wonder what is going on as the lights have been on for so long. Growling and hissing at this, Sun is nowhere to be seen as Moon takes his place.

Moon: You alright, Sunny?

Sun: Give me about 5 minutes and I'll be a-okay.

Looking around, Moon tries to figure out what caused the lights to go out suddenly. No sign of anything yet which is unfortunate because their uninvited guest began making their way down the walkway towards the stairs. Hearing the children crying in fear, Moon turns to try to calm them down but to no effect. Trying again, the kids continue to cry in fear towards Moon. Sensing the guest nearby, Moon turns around and can see them. A white, light brown and gray stitched rabbit with red eyes and a big gaping smile was standing there in the doorway.

"Are you having fun yet," his guest questioned. Moon didn't respond as he thought that was rhetorical. Turning back towards the children to make sure they are still behind him, his eyes glitch and his head twitches.

"Naughty children. Naughty," Moon begins as he brings his arms up. This frightens the children more and as he reaches for them, his eyes glitch and his head twitches again. Turning back towards his uninvited guest, his expression shrinks further into fear as his guest is recoiled in his memory.

Sun: Moony? What's going on?

Moon: They're-the-s-s-s-same-vi-virus-per-person-the-who-in-in-me-implanted-person.

It was all fumbled up but Sun understood him perfectly.

Sun: You're glitching out, Nightlight. How're the children?

Moon: They're-they f-f-f-fine. They are.

Scanning over the rabbit, Moon finds something they're hiding.

Moon: C-c-c-contact-Y/N-Y/N-Crow-b-b-b-bar. Crowbar.

Taking immediate action, Sun contacts you and the authorities. Scurrying to get your things, you hope that what Sun had told you is nothing but it gave you a bad feeling...Racing out the front door and getting in your car, you begin your journey to the Pizzaplex.

"Wh-what do yo-you you want from from want what me," Moon questioned as his head plating sparked from taking a blow from an end of the crowbar.

"I already got what I needed from you. What I want is that new staff member I've heard about," the rabbit replied. Moon just looked at her with shock and fear. Scanning the rabbit again, Moon sees something else she's hiding.

Moon: Sunny-ny-ny-T-t-tell-Y/N-Y/N-n-n-not-to-come-here-Come-tell-Sunny.

Little did he know, you had just made it to the Pizzaplex and are now banging your whole body into the glass doors. Why are they locked?! The Plex is open! Cracks have appeared in the doors and you think that with a couple more bangs, the door would break. Being right, the glass breaks and you fall into the foyer. Minor cuts do appear on your arms and face, you come to a stand and race through the second set of doors. As you run through the lobby, you notice the security office door wide open. Vanessa shouldn't be here right now...She's the nightly security guard...Somethings not right. Passing the office, you head up towards the Daycare. The children screaming and crying in fear, more so towards the rabbit than Moon, the rabbit chuckles as she looks at the Daycare Attendant. She's done enough damage to him already, hoping that this would get a rise out of you. The children have tried to stop the rabbit from doing what she did but why would she listen to kids?

"They'll will never c-come here come will never," Moon glitched as he turned his body towards the rabbit.

"Why do you," she begins with question but the Daycare door pulls open with you running through. Why is it dark? Sunny never turns out the lights while we're open. Looking into the Daycare, you can barely make out a white silhouette hunched over tiny silhouettes. Making your way down towards the stairs, the rabbit makes her way from Moon and the kids to you. Stopping in your tracks as you see her at the bottom of the stairs, Moon looks at the two of you with worry and fear as he's unaware of why the rabbit wants you. Backing up the stairs, the rabbit takes a few steps towards you. Reaching behind her, you can see her pull out a knife. Almost tumbling up the stairs, you scurry as you turn to continue your climb. The rabbit climbing the stairs much slower, most likely to possibly toy with you, you dive into a party room. Down in the Daycare, Moon tries to assure the children that everything is fine.

"Where's Mr. Sun," a kid cried.

"He's busy at the moment and a-a-a-asked me to ta-a-a-ke over for him," Moon replied as the glitch began to settle.

Sun: Our right arm is busted, Moony. More so off our endo but still. How will we help Y/N?

Moon: We have a whole other arm, Sun. We'll help them.

Looking back at the stairs, Moon sees no sign of you but can see as the rabbit neared the top of the stairs. As he steps forward to find and help you, he feels the tug of his pants. Turning his head and torso back, he spots a child holding him place not wanting him to leave.

"Please don't leave. I'm scared. Stay," they questioned the bot. Looking at them all and up the stairs, Moon debates what he should do. He's the main security bot of the whole place but he's also a Daycare Attendant. He can't just leave the children alone.

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