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You didn't know what to do. Moon was. He's. You close your eyes, hoping this was just a bad dream. Once you open them, his broken figure is still there. Tears begin to flood your eyesight as you look at him. You soon crawl towards him. Once you reach him, you can see that oil had seeped from the hole in his face and it had stained both the floor and the right side of his face. The children have now left the structures and have gotten close to the two of you.

"Stay where you are, kids. We don't want you to get hurt by the broken metal," you tell the kids and they understand as they stay where they are.

"S-s-s-st-star-star-shine," Moon squeaked. You look back at him and put your hand atop him, trying to give him assurance. Not wanting to risk more tears flooding your eyes and stream from them, you don't reply to him.

"W-w-w-war-warning. Hap-p-p-py Saf-tey M-m-m-mo-mode Birth-happy-day-Sun-ny c-c-contact. I-I-I we l-l-love," Moon glitched, his voice switching between his and Sun's. Unable to control your tears, they begin to stream down your face. You had to find some way to help him. To help THEM. They are both in pain. You just had to.

Sun: M-Moony? Everything...

Moon: Su-nny...It'll be all-all alright... J-just..

Looking around hoping to find something to use, his left hand found its way to yours. Looking back at him, you can see that he has turned his head to you and you see his red eye flickering. His expression read fear and sadness. Removing your hand from under his, you bring it up to his face plating and begin to rub it trying to sooth him. Remembering that all employees have walkies, you retract your hand and grab yours. Bringing it towards your face, you call out for help.

"Anyone available at the moment," you begin, trying to keep your tears inside. Soon getting an answer, you sniffle and bring your arm up to wipe away any tears.

"I am in need of assistance. I'm with,' you begin but pause as you remember that staff have said that they are all fearful of Moon after what had happened. 'I'm with Moon."

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH THAT BOT?! HE KILLED," someone began on the other end.

"I DON'T HAVE TIME TO ARGUE ABOUT THIS,' you respond with a shout. 'The lights in the daycare went out while I was cleaning the party rooms,' you continue with a lie. 'I think something or someone is trying to get rid of both Sun and Moon. I only say that because of how destroyed Moon is." You look at him and the light in his eye seems to be fading.

"He's barely functioning. I need someone here now," you finish.

"Y/N, you can't be," someone began.

"NOW," you yell, not knowing if they could hear the distress in your voice. Nothing from the other end. You're not sure if they are just ignoring you or if someone is coming to help.

"Hmmm hmm hm hm hm hm hm hmm hmmm," Moon began with a hum. You look at him as your tears continued to flow from your eyes. His eye scanned as it shifted across you, possibly for any sudden behavior change. Seeing no change, he sings the song hoping it would calm you and the children. Seeing it take effect and calm you a bit, his volume lowers as his systems begin to shut down.

Moon: S-s-sor-ry Sunny...

"Moony? Stay on. Okay? Please," you plea the bot as you try to pick him up to rest him against your shoulder. His eye still flickering with dull lighting, it's pretty much too late. Holding him up, as best as you could with one arm, his systems fully shut down. His red eye fading to black with his expression blanking out.

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