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A few more days have gone by and the Daycare is still closed as an investigation has started three days after the events involving you. A vehicle rolling up to the Plex, comes to a park. The lights in the Daycare are turned out for the day as Moon wanted his time. Sometimes the virus has controlled the bot and he's gone on a rampage a few times but after them, he's been able to control it or let Sun back in. Opening one of the doors and entering the building, Vanessa meets two people and gives them both hugs, one of them not so tight. Looking at his hands, Moon can't help but tear up. 'Feeling' Sun the same, Moon brings his hands up to his faceplate.

Moon: They're gonna come back, right?

Sun: You heard Officer Vanessa. They need rest before they come back in. It'll...be okay. I hope...

Heading towards the doors of the Superstar Daycare, Vanessa and the two figures make their way through the doors shortly. Walking through, one of them slightly tears up at the scenery of the hall. Walking further, the three begin to talk to one another about the events that had happened. Moon ready to switch the lights back on, the giant door opens. Looking in that direction, he stands and stares as he sees the same three figures. Trying to figure out who they are, he scans them. One he recognizes as Vanessa, a second as someone he's never seen before and the third. It couldn't be. Racing as he opens the doors and running up the stairs almost tripping over himself. The oil-like tears in his eyes, he reaches the end of the darkness and light.

"Moon. Didn't think I'd see you," Vanessa began.

"Well considering I have the lights off," Moon began as he looked at her. She told him something else but he didn't want to acknowledge her. He wanted to see if who he scanned was really there. Reaching towards the third person, Sun's colors took place and his hand landed on the third person's left arm. Feeling this action, they turned their head towards the bot and when Moon saw who it was, his tears flowed.

"Y/N," he questioned. You only give the bot a smile with a tilt of your head. Yes his tears may be happy one's but his face read a frown of shock. He knew what Vanessa had said about you needing to rest for a couple days but he didn't think that it would only be a few days after the events.

"It's good to see you Moony," you began with a smile.

"B-but Vanessa said that you," Moon began.

"I'm fine Moony. Really. I'll be alright," you interrupt as you bring your left arm up and cupped his faceplating.

Sun: Let me say hi too, Moony.

Stepping into the light, Moon changes into Sun. Surprisingly, Sun doesn't have to reboot. Leaning down to give you a hug, Sun wraps his arms around you being careful with your arm.

"It's good to see you too Sunny," you respond to the bot.

"We thought we wouldn't see you again," Sun began.

Moon: Mostly you being emotional about it.

Sun: I was NOT!

Breaking the hug, Sunny comes to a sit in front of you. Leaving your hand on his faceplate, you scan it. It might've been hard to see it before but you knew there were chips and cracks in the plating. Smiling as you are happy that they're both fixed, you look at the Sun bot. Not understanding your look, other than for happiness, Sun returns it with his own smile.

"Thanks for calling the authorities you two. Thank you for being there for me," you inform him as you scoot a bit closer to the bot. Noticing your movement, Sun tilts his head in wonder.

Sun: They're doing it again.

Moon: Doing what?

Leaning towards his faceplating, Sun remembers what you did the Sunday before but he couldn't understand why you'd do it now. Soon understanding as you leave a kiss on him, his rays spin like crazy and he just sits in a slouch with shock. Giggling, you look at him and something tells you that he might overheat.

"Alright Sunny. Cool your circuits bud," you inform the bot and his rays do slow.

Moon: *hmph*

Sun: Jealous?

Moon: Uh..no. I'm not jealous.

Sun: *smirking*

Moon: I'M NOT! I-I'm happy that you...got that from them...

Sun: You ARE jealous. You like them too.

Moon: Maybe... So what if I do?

Looking at you, Sun smiles.

"Moony needs love too," Sun began with cheer before scooting back a bit. Moon's coloration taking place, he seems a bit shy.

"Uh. Uhm S-starshine. Can I get one too," he questioned as he kept pointing to his left cheek.

"You'll get yours soon enough, Moony," you reply. His expression saddens as his posture slouches. He was hoping to get his share of it. Chuckling at him, you can't help but begin to laugh. He looks at you and wonders why the laughter. Continuing your laughter, he tilts his head.

"I never said how soon," you inform the Moon bot. This somewhat makes him perk up but he does still seem a bit saddened at the fact he hasn't received his share. Turning his head and looking away, you roll your eyes and grab hold of the fabric around his metal neck. This action surprises him but it really surprises him when you pull him close and give him his kiss. Vanessa and your friend just stare in shock at your motion. Breaking it, you lean back and you can see that Moon does not move as he is insanely shocked at what happened. His expression is just...blank. They. They just.

"Alright you two. It's time for Y/N to get back home and rest for tomorrow," Vanessa began as if talking towards Sun and Moon.

"I'll see you boys tomorrow," you tell the bot, hoping Sun heard you. Walking out with your friend, you wave back towards Vanessa and she returns it. As she watches the two of you exiting the Daycare, she turns towards the bot and her eyes anger.

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