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Thursday has come around and it was time for you to come in. Unfortunately, you were only getting trained in the new position. Knowing you though, you'd pick up on everything quickly. Walking towards the security office, you open the door and meet a new guard.

"You must be Y/N," she begins as she turns to you.

"That's my name don't wear it out," you joke but she looks at you with annoyance.

"Right. Uhm yes that's me. Nice to meet you. You must be Vanessa," you question. Vanessa soon nods her head and soon comes to a stand from her chair and heads out the door. You follow behind and the two of you begin to make your way up an escalator.

"A lot has changed since you've been gone," Vanessa begins.

"You know that I worked here," you question.

"Yep. Darryl and Charlotte won't shut up about you. When you were here, you were the best security guard we had," Vanessa answered as you two ascended a second escalator. Nodding your head in agreement, you two reach the second floor of the lobby. 

"We now have a Daycare for the youngsters and an animatronic we call Sundrop takes care of them,' Vanessa begins. Why does that somewhat surprise me? Normally people would take care of kids. Not robots. Then again, Freddy and the others tend to care for kids a bit. 'There is now a third floor, Fazer Blast and Monty Golf." Man, a lot has changed. You both soon enter through a door with the words 'SUPERSTAR DAYCARE' and you begin to wonder. Great. I'm going to be working in a Daycare. Yippee...That means I have to clean a bunch of crawling tubes. Bleh. But hey, I'm not going to be the only one. I've got that robot's help. Getting closer to the entrance to the actual Daycare, you look around at the surroundings. Brick walls, dark blue ceiling that fades to day sky and posters of two robots. Two? Vanessa said one. Was the other never made or decommissioned? The door opens as you both get close, the both of you enter. You are soon greeted with a cheerful, childish music choice and kid laughter and screams of joy. Nothing I'm a stranger too. Well except the music but the kid laughter and screams make me feel at home. Vanessa motioning you to follow her through a small gate with Freddy's face on it, you acknowledge the motion and follow. You both walk down the walkway, passing multiple different rooms and you get a nice overview of the Daycare. Unfortunately, you can't seem to see the animatronic as the place is full of color. You both begin to head down a staircase and soon make it to the bottom before heading towards the doors. What is this animatronic like?


Hey everyone. I have returned with a third  chapter. ONE DAY after beginning this. Man I'm working quickly. More than I expected. See you all soon

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