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Reaching for your punch card to clock out, you don't notice that Sunny is gone. After 'punching' out, you suddenly notice the silence. You look around wanting to locate Sun. Not seeing any part of his light colored metal or red colored pants, you walk around the Daycare looking for him. Soon enough, a low mechanical laughter is heard and it seems to be coming from the play structures. Sunny? Walking towards the laughter, you begin to climb through the play structure. Just like any horror film. I'm going towards the menacing laughter instead of leaving. What is with me? Continuing through the structure, you see a red light. Stopping, you study the light. Watching it closely, it moves. This startles you and you begin to crawl out of the structure. Looking back, you see the light moving closer. Crawling faster, you hope to get out. Almost at the exit, you are dragged back. You turn over and see a pair of red eyes.

"Naughty. Naughty," a voice begins.

"Sunny," you question.

"Quite the opposite, Starshine. Call me Moon," the voice replied as a light silver and dark blue, almost black face leans forward. This must be the other animatronic that I saw on the other poster. So he's called Moon...

"Uuh, Moon? Where's Sunny," you ask.

"Right here Starshine," Moon answered as he pulled you closer. Most likely meaning HE is Sun.

"You should be sleeping, little one. It's past your bedtime," Moon began. He can't be serious. Does he think I'm a kid?! Kicking his faceplate and getting out of his grasp, you scurry out of the structure. Hearing his laughter behind, you turn your head and see him crawling and jumping creepily towards you. Why didn't I listen to Sunny?

"Where do you think you're going," Moon began as he landed in front of you, causing you to skid to a stop. What the? He was behind me a second ago! Running in the opposite direction and keeping an eye on him, you tumble over a tower of the toy like barrels.

"ARGH! Clean up clean up," Moon aggravates. Leaving the barrels, you climb into another structure. Okay so, he's got the same 'code' as Sunny? Pretty much a clean freak?

"Knock knock," you hear nearby. Covering your mouth not wanting to make a sound, a hiss manages to escape your teeth. You turn and see no sign of Moon. Something burns. Almost like a papercut? You look at your arms but no sign of a cut. Looking at your right leg, you can see four scratches running towards your ankle. G-great. That's fine. I've got scratches, most likely from Moon when he dragged me back and I am 'playing' hide and seek with him. What's next?

"Nighty night," Moon produces. This sounded close. REAL close. Turning around, you see the red light from his eyes and you knew this was your sign to get out of there. Crawling through the tubing of the structure, you can hear his laughter again, this time a few inches behind you. Trying to crawl faster, your leg protests as the burning feeling travels through your whole leg. You stop and just lay, wanting the pain to stop. Coming up to you, Moon pauses. His eyes glitch with his head twitching.

"S-starshine," Moon begins as he reaches towards you. You don't respond, wanting him to leave.

"Starshine," Moon repeats. All you do is turn your head slightly to look at him. Your expression was that of slight pain, fear and sadness. Leaning towards you more, his head twitches again, signifying for you to leave while you could. Getting up and crawling through the tube, his laughter echoes. C'mon. Just a little more until I'm out of this and I can run to the lights. Nearing an exit, you look around to see if you can see him. No sign. Good. Now I just have to get to the switch. But it's on the other side of the Daycare... Making a run for it, you fear that Moon could be waiting for his chance. Boy, were you right.

"Good night," Moon announces as he lands over you. Seriously?! Not now. Bringing a hand up, his laughter continues. Shielding yourself with your arms and closing your eyes, you wait for the claws to make impact. Fortunately, the lights instantly come on. Removing your arms you see Sunny still with white eyes. Sunny?


Hey everyone. I'm back with chapter 7. This might or might not be the only chapter today as I working later in the day. But after that, I'll be working on more chapters 😉 Throughout this chapter, I was listening to 'Rises the Moon by maruwhat' See you all soon

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