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Next day has come around and everything has gone smoothly. Which is very surprising. Normally every once in a while you'd see Sun's rays act up but today they didn't. What could that mean? As you watched the bot, you didn't see a kid walk next to you. Turning your head towards them, they seemed to be crying. Kneeling in front of them, you wonder why they cry. Wondering if it was for some child banter or something like that, you give them a small smile. You ask them what the problem was and their answer left you shocked.

"Do you like Mr. Sun, Mx Y/N,' they began. You only looked at them with shock and surprise. Where did they get that idea? You do continue to look at them trying to figure out why they cry about something like that. 'All the other kids think you do. I kept telling them that something like that is not possible because Mr. Sun is a robot and you are human like me but they don't listen."

"Well you are right about one thing,' you began, causing the child to tilt their head. 'Mr. Sun is a robot and I'm a human. How would that work out?" Giggling at you as you look at Sun, the tears of the child do decrease. Seeing your look, they do tend to see that they were wrong.

"You do like Mr. Sun," they began with a tone that seemed to be edging you on.

"What?! No. Like you said. I'm human and Mr. Sun is a robot. It wouldn't work," you replied but your expression seemed to sadden. You did indeed like him but you didn't want to show it just yet. Even Moon. You liked them both. Seeing that the child has calmed down, you help him towards the others.

"Mx Y/N likes Mr. Sun," the children exploited as you and the child join them. Feeling your face heat up in embarrassment, you soon cover it. Sun seeing this, he tries to console you to the best of his ability.

"Now children. It's not nice to put two people together like that. It will make them feel uncomfortable and make them feel pressured into a relationship they don't want," Sun informed the children as he rubbed your back. Peeking out from behind your hand, you look up at Sun. Seeing him inform the children about stuff like that made you feel warm...He really knows how to handle kids and their childish personality. Wait wait wait... Ugh what am I thinking? He's a robot and I'm human... It would never work out. Keeping your face buried in your hand and Sun seeing this, he continues to console you and you both don't notice a lone kid had wandered off towards the lights.

"Hey Mx Y/N. Mr. Sun? What does this do," they questioned, causing you two to look up at the child.

"Wait don't turn the," Sun began as he practically ran towards the child but he was a bit late as the child had already turned out the lights. Sun just stood there as his eyes go white and his expression was blank. Moon's coloration began to appear and you begin to gather all the children together as you watch all the lights turn off.

"Alright everyone. Let's get you all to the naptime corner," you begin as you soon see Moon taking Sun's place. Luckily, he was not up and running just yet but you knew that if Moon saw the kids, he could hurt them. Bringing them all to the corner, your mind instantly races towards the child at the lights. Running towards them, Moon takes action and swings a hand towards you. Sliding to dodge him, you make it towards the child.

"Naughty boy. Naughty boy," Moon announced as if talking towards the child. The virus must be in control now. It would explain his sudden motion towards me. Taking the young boy to the group of children in the naptime corner, you don't realize that Moon is behind you. Making sure the kids are 'safe' together, you turn and see Moon looming over you.

"Naughty. Naughty," he announced towards you. The children crying as they don't know what is going on, Moon stops himself as he sees your arm. His expression softens and he now looks at the children. His head twitches and his eyes glitch.

"Starshine," he begins with question as he looks towards you.

"Yeah it's me Moony," you reply.

"Little stars," he begins towards the children. Unfortunately, they cower at his words. He felt sorry for scaring them and he wanted to make up for it as it wasn't really him. Looking back at the children yourself, you smile. Looking back towards Moon, you ask him to back up. He listens and backs up a bit. Looking towards the children, you reach your hand towards them.

"Come on. It's alright," you begin.

"But what if he," one of the young girls questions.

"He won't. I promise," you answer. She takes your hand and you motion her out. Helping the others out, they all stand in front of Moon but they are still a bit scared. Getting up, you walk towards Moon and stand next to him. He is also scared that he may hurt the children but you assure him that it will be alright. One at a time, you motion the kids to come forward. You stay by the kids as they all come up to Moon and they soon lighten up towards the Moon bot. Laughing with excitement, the children crowd around Moon.

"Hi Mr. Moon," one of the children begin. Surprised at their words, Moon just looks at the child with astonishment.

"Mr. Moon! Hugs for you," another child began before wrapping their arms around the bot's legs. This really took Moon by surprise and the other children joined soon after. Accepting the hugs, tears began to stain Moon's eyes. This must've felt nice after not being around children for years. Shrinking down, he too gives the children a hug.

"You too Y/N," Moon told you. You didn't know what to say back. Walking towards him, you pull his neck fabric and placed a kiss on him. This took him by surprise so much that his arms unwrapped from his hug. Taking notice of this, the kids step back and see why Moon stopped.

"Mx Y/N and Mr. Moon sitting in a tree,' the kids begin to chant. Breaking from each other, you and Moon look at the children trying to register what they are saying. 'K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes love. Then comes marriage, then comes the."

"Alright children! No need to continue," Moon informs them as he stops them from finishing that sentence. Finally understanding what they were saying, you stand in shock with a blank expression. Oh my gosh. Did I really do that in front of kids?! Ugh this is embarrassing. Covering your face again, you feel your face heat up again.

Watching from the security office, the white bunny saw everything. Glad that her virus was still working, she needed something else to do with the bot. Opening the office door, she skips out and down towards basement stairs. Descending the stairs quickly, she enters the hallway for her location. Skipping through the hall, her location comes into her line of sight.

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