Part 3

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The week in Stars Hollow went by quickly and before they knew it, it was Sunday night and Rory and Logan were back home in Palo Alto. On Monday morning Rory and Logan got up and got themselves ready for work before Logan went downstairs to make breakfast and Rory went to get Millie ready.

Rory walked into Millie's room and gently kissed her cheek. "It's time to get up, baby"

"No!" Millie whined. Much like her mother, she was not an early bird.

"Yes" Rory said. She picked Millie up, allowing her to wrap herself around her and just stayed there for a minute. Once Millie woke up a little more Rory brought her into the bathroom and sat her on the counter, next to the sink. "Here" she handed Millie her toothbrush. "What do you want in your hair?"

"Like you!" Millie said, excitedly. Every single morning Millie brushed her teeth while either Rory or Logan did her hair and if Rory was doing it, Millie would say she wanted her hair however Rory had done hers. That day Rory's hair was just twisted up into a clip, so she sprayed some water on Millie's hair and brushed it before putting it into a similar clip.

"Thank you" Millie said with a smile

"You're welcome" Rory kissed the top of her head "let's get you dressed so you can have breakfast"

"I wanna wear this"

Rory looked at her daughter who was wearing footsie pajamas with monkeys on them. She was already judged enough by other parents just because of her age (even if she really wasn't that young when she had Millie, but she was several years younger than most of the other parents at Millie's preschool), she really didn't want to be the mother who sent her kid to daycare in pajamas. At the same time she hated that she cared what anyone else thought. "You can't go to school in pajamas, but you can wear whatever clothes you want" she knew that Millie would pick leggings and a monkey T-shirt, and that was fine with her.

"Monkey shirt!"


Logan dropped Millie off at daycare, and 6 hours later, Rory picked her up.

"Mama!" Millie ran to Rory and wrapped herself around her legs. To say that Millie wasn't a fan of daycare would be an understatement. She hated not being with Rory and Logan, and it didn't matter which one of them dropped her off in the morning, she always cried. Although the teacher assured them that she always calmed down within a few minutes and had fun during the day.

"Hi baby!" Rory bent down to pick her up so she could hug her better.

"Hi Rory" Maggie said

"Was she ok?" Rory asked. Millie still had her arms around Rory's neck, holding on very tight.

"She seemed a little tired, but she was great" Maggie said "she didn't want to eat her lunch though, so she's probably hungry"

"Ok" Rory said. She got Millie in the car and they drove home.

"Where's daddy?" Millie asked.

"He's still at work, he'll be home soon"

It was only 3:30 in the afternoon. Typically it was easier for Rory to leave work than it was for Logan, so most days, he dropped Millie off and Rory picked her up.

"I want daddy to come" Millie pouted

"I know"

Later that night Logan was getting Millie ready for bed, while Rory tried to get a little bit of house work done.

"Come here, let's brush your teeth" Logan said, after giving Millie a bath and getting her dressed.

"I don't wanna" Millie whined.

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