Part 14

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One Saturday afternoon, a few weeks after Abigail was born, Rory and Logan were sitting at the table with Millie, eating lunch. They'd both finished eating but Millie hadn't. She always took a little longer to eat, especially when she was getting distracted.

"What are you doing?" Rory asked. She was watching Millie rip her sandwich into a bunch of tiny pieces

"Making it little" Millie said

"Why are you doing that?"

"I don't know" Millie shrugged

Abigail started crying.

"I've got her" Logan said. He got up and got Abigail out of the swing that she was in, in the living room. Just as he was about to sit back down, there was a knock at the door. When he opened the door he was shocked to see who was there. "What are you doing here?"

Mitchum's eyes went from Logan, down to the tiny, 4 week old baby he was holding, and back up at Logan. He'd heard from Logan that Rory gave birth, but that was it. He didn't know the baby's name or see pictures or anything. "Can I come in?" He asked

"What are you doing here?" Logan asked again. Logan and Rory had been living in that house in Palo Alto for over 4 years and not once had Mitchum been there. Not only that but Logan was weary of letting Mitchum be around Millie. Mitchum hated Millie, simply for being born. Logan didn't want Millie getting hurt, and he had a feeling that Mitchum being around would hurt her.

"Am I not allowed to visit my son, and his family?"

"You've never visited. In fact from the time we told you that Rory was pregnant the first time, until Millie was 17 months old, you didn't speak to me at all"

"Logan, who's at the-" Rory started asking, as she walked to the door, but stopped when she saw Mitchum.

"Hello Rory, you look well" Mitchum said

"Um...thank you" she looked at Logan, who looked less than happy to see his father. "I'm just gonna.." she took Abigail from Logan and headed back into the kitchen where Millie was still ripping up her sandwich, oblivious to what was going on. She put Abigail back in the swing and moved it into the kitchen so she could clean up a little. She was kind of hoping that Mitchum wouldn't come inside but a minute later Logan walked into the kitchen with Mitchum.

"I'm sorry" Logan mouthed

"Hello Amelia" Mitchum said

Millie just stared at Mitchum. She knew who he was, but she didn't really know him. She'd only ever seen him a handful of times and the last time was almost a year ago.

"Millie, do you wanna say hi?" Logan asked

Millie shook her head and went back to eating her sandwich. Was it rude? Yes. Was Millie only 3 years old, and unaware of it being rude? Also yes.

They stood there in awkward silence for a few minutes, until Millie broke the silence.


"Yes baby"

"I'm done"

"Ok" Rory said. "Why don't you go upstairs and play, and I'll come up soon?"

"Can Abby come too?"

"I'll bring her with me"

Millie got up and went upstairs. Rory and Logan were standing next to each other on one side of the island, and Mitchum was across from them.

"Abby?" Mitchum asked

"The baby" Logan told him "Abigail"

"It's a lovely name" Mitchum said

"Thank you" Rory said

"What are you doing here, dad?" Logan asked. A little harsh, yes. But he was tired of his parents' crap. They treat him, his fiancé, and his daughter like crap, and then his dad just shows up at his house on a random Saturday?

"I feel bad" Mitchum said "about the way that I've treated you"

Rory grabbed Logan's hand.

"I wanna make things right" he continued

"What does that mean?" Logan asked.

"I wanna have a real relationship with you. No screaming, no judgment, we put everything that happened behind us and start fresh" Mitchum said. Obviously he couldn't promise they'd never fight, and Logan knew that wasn't what he meant. "Your mother agreed"

"Does that include Rory?" Logan asked. His parents wanted a relationship with him? Fine. Obviously that included his kids, but what about Rory? The never really liked her to begin with, let alone when she got pregnant. He wasn't gonna let them continue to be rude and disrespectful towards her.

"Yes" Mitchum said

Logan was quiet for a moment. "Ok"

"Ok?" Mitchum asked

"Yeah. Ok"


Rory and Logan were sitting in the living room, watching millie talk Mitchum's ear off about the zoo. She'd warmed up to him very fast. Logan was feeding Abigail.

"-and then we got to see the monkeys, and they were really cute"

"You go to the zoo a lot?" Mitchum asked

"Every Sunday" Rory told him

"I like the monkeys" Millie said

"I can tell" Mitchum said

"Do you like monkeys?" Millie asked

"Sure" Mitchum said

Mitchum had no idea how to interact with a little kid. Even with Honor's kids, you could definitely tell that he didn't know how to talk to kids. But Logan could see that he was trying and that's what mattered to him.

"Monkeys are the best animal, because they're the smartest" Millie said

"Oh yeah?" Mitchum asked

"Yeah. And Abby likes monkeys too" Millie said before running off.

Mitchum turned to Logan. "The newborn likes monkeys?"

"She's 3 years old, dad" Logan said, just as Rory's cell phone rang. She went into the kitchen and answered it.

"What's up, mom?"

"Are you guys coming for thanksgiving? I need to know how many people to prepare for"

"We're not coming" Rory told her. She would've liked to go, but thanksgiving was only 2 weeks away and the thought of taking a 6 week old baby on an 8 hour flight was enough for Rory and Logan to decide not to.

"What? But I wanted to see you guys"

"You're not the one who has to sit with a newborn and a 3 year old on a plane for 8 hours" Rory said "besides do you know how hard it is to back for a newborn? They have so much stuff and somehow all of it is a necessity"

"You couldn't have gotten pregnant just a few weeks a earlier?"

Rory lowered her voice "considering that I wasn't actually planning on getting pregnant, I'm gonna go with no"

"What if we come to you?" Lorelai asked

"All of you?" Rory asked. Thanksgiving that year was gonna be Lorelai, Luke, April, Liz, TJ, Doula, Richard, Emily, Jess, and Jess's girlfriend

"I will do all the work. Food, hotels, flight, whatever. If everyone's willing to go there, is that ok?"

"I guess it's fine"


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