The Nightmare you wished was a Bad Dream

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It was a couple of weeks into April. You were finishing up on one of the assignments Shōta had set you, listening to music to fuel your own passion of songwriting. Every few songs, a particularly interesting beat gave you a rush, and you had to write it down, counting your lucky starts that the one thing going for you was your perfect pitch. The thing you loved most about yourself, and took the most pride in, pathetic as it may have seemed.
In your element, and loving to soak up the new information Shōta had set you as an assignment (as if you were the worlds thirstiest knowledge-sponge), the crash your happy high took after that one phone call left you shaking with dread.

"I'm sorry to break the news to you so suddenly, Miss Celestie, but Aizawa is in Urgent Care. We'd like you to visit as soon as possible."

Nausea hit you like a wave. You had to sit down.

Somehow, logic still managed to function at a time of such emotional turmoil for you, and you figured that an incident involving Shōta on a day like this meant an incident involving Yuuei. All Might would've been involved, and boy, do the press love Toshi.
So you scrambled for the remote, flicking to any news channel you could find with trembling fingers — and an unwelcome yet familiar feeling of burning heat rising in your face and flooding your eyes. You hated crying, but when you panicked your body took control. You couldn't stop the salty beads from rolling down your face, stinging your skin as they dried.

Shaky breaths as you tried to compose yourself. The reporters were talking about some shit you didn't give a fuck about. Where was Shōta?! All Might this. Class 1-A that. None of it mattered.

Anger bubbled in your chest and you let out a frustrated, pained screech (almost) — it's vibrations tearing up your throat. Throwing the remote viciously and curling up on the sofa, peering over your knees in case the stupid reporter finally decided to move onto what was most important, you waited.

Your ears pricked up at the mention of his Hero name. Your heart lurched. You dropped your knees down and sat bolt upright, mouth hanging open with suspense as they revealed his current state. Alive. You could've laughed with relief.

Although you didn't stop shaking for hours after hearing the news, you didn't hesitate in racing over to the hospital mere minutes after turning off the television.

Of course, seeing his state in hospital made you cry until you felt like you'd throw up. He wasn't conscious at that moment.

Your memory failed you after that point, but you remember visiting him every day after until school resumed, and the idiot was going in to teach again.

Of course, you begged him not to go, but he was so damn stubborn. He always was.

And yet he couldn't understand why you didn't want to be a Hero. Fantastic.

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