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It was creeping up on 9AM when you all finally got back into Yuuei, having snuck successfully back in with no questions asked.

Well, almost no questions.

After walking Shinsou back to his dormitory building, you stepped into your own to find Iida Tenya lecturing your group. His arms were folded, he was tapping his foot, every now and then he would do his "knife-hand" thing angrily...


You didn't know how he knew, but you couldn't really be bothered to find out, either. You were too tired to care.

"Ah, Celestie! Where have you been?" He interrogates you as soon as you open the door.
"Uhh... I got up early to go for a walk...?"
He huffs. "Oh, really? Well, I believe you haven't been in your room since approximately 4AM. Did you happen to walk multiple laps around the entirety of Yuuei for the better part of five hours?!" Well fuck, you couldn't just say "Yes." to that, coul—

You just said "Yes." to that.

"This is absolutely ridiculous! You can't expect me to believe the eight of you were out of your rooms but still on campus since 4AM!"
"The nine of us." Denki corrected him.
You all stared at him like he was an absolute fucking idiot. He was. Kyoka trod down hard on his foot, discreetly. He flinched.
"Nine?" Iida repeated suspiciously. "Who else was there?"
"Denki can't count." Hanta says.
"I find that difficult to believe considering you just lied to me seconds ago."
"No, he's really stupid." Hanta insists.
Iida sighs. "Fine. I can tell you won't reveal that to me. I'd have to access the school security system to find out."

You all stared at him, dumbfounded. Sure, he was Class Rep, and a goody two-shoes, but was he seriously about to tell on all of you?! Not to mention figure out that Shinsou tagged along too, which could fuck up any chance he had of joining the Hero Course.

He couldn't quite meet your eyes as he spoke,
"I hope you all have a pleasant day, but I highly recommend that you all rest for all of it." making you fear for the worst;
He was going to snitch.

Shoto spoke up. "Tenya, I know that we aren't supposed to sneak out, and I understand that you feel responsible to report this as our Class Representative, but don't tell me you're about to jeopardise your friendship with all of us just to save your own back." He said as he stepped forward, actually shocking you.

You stepped up to him and gently turned him to yourself. "We can't decide for him. He could get in a lot of trouble if we get caught and he didn't say anything."
"I won't forgive him. It's not even serio—!"
"It could have been." You say gently. "I know it would've been unlikely, but there's still a chance it could've been bad."
"There were n— eight of us. All together. We would have been fine. Nothing went wrong anyway." He said bitterly, casting a look at Iida over his shoulder.

"I'm sorry Iida. We just wanted to watch the stars." Izuku said before turning away.
"If you do tell on us, at least let me take most of the blame. It was my plan anyway." Hanta chimes in, before following behind.

Nobody else had anything to say. Some of them didn't even look at Iida as they turned away, each to their own dorms.

You felt bad that he had to choose between his friends and his responsibilities, but you really hoped he made the right call.

Chasing Someone Else's Dreams - MHA OC ficWhere stories live. Discover now