The Night Out.

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Your chest was beating so hard you heard it behind your eardrums.
Mina giggled.
Sero pressed his finger to his lips.
Kyoka interlaced her fingers with yours, and hooked her arm around Mina's, who tried to get Kirishima to shut up about not bringing Bakugou.

"You know he'd just do his signature 'Tch' and turn us down. Or, he'd snitch."
"I still think we should bring Izuku." You say.
"Oh my god, we totally should." Kyoka smiles.
"I'll go get him." You slip out of Kyoka's grip and step past Denki and Todoroki, and make your way to Izuku's dorm.

As you make your way upstairs, you hear Denki ask
"You know, 'Roki, I had no idea you'd be up for something like this."
His monotone reply was; "I think... it sounds fun. And it'll tick off my old man too."
"...You're just doing this to piss off your dad?"
"No, I like hanging out with you guys too." You smile to yourself as you hear that, and their voices fade while you tread along the 2nd floor to Izuku's room.

Miraculously, he hasn't locked his door, and you open it silently while trying your best to suppress a laugh. He looks like a little puppy while he's asleep, and you gently shake his shoulder to wake him.

After a sharp intake of breath, he rolls over onto his front and mumbles.
"Hey. Psst. Izuku."
He rolls over and looks at you, whispering back, sounding very confused.
"Wha— Xio?? Why are you here?" He sits up, now wide awake.
"We're sneaking out."
"Huh?! Wh-why?"
"Because we wanna have fun. Please come with us!"
"I... I don't know..."
"Oh, come on!" You whine. "It's not like it's a school night."
"Well, I guess that's true." He pauses "Who else is there?"
"Shoto, Kyoka, Eijiro, Denki, Mina, Hanta and me."
"That's a lot..."
"It's not that many."
"But it'll be eight of us with me tagging along."
"The more the merrier. Come on." You tug on his arm and he reluctantly gets up.
"Can I change?"
"Be down in five." You nod, as you leave.
"Yeah, okay!" He starts to smile, albeit shakily. Mission successful!

As you get back down, the group looks at you expectantly.
"He's coming." You grin, and they whisper happily amongst themselves. A few minutes later, Izuku plods down the stairs, pulling on a jacket.
"So... where are we going?" He asks, looking around at everyone.

You grin, and look over at Hanta.
"We're gonna go watch some stars."

Okay, yeah, not as rebellious as gatecrashing the nearest party, or stealing some alcohol, but even just breaking out of campus to go for a walk at 1AM would be punished pretty severely.

Not to mention you weren't planning to come back before 8, at the latest. So yeah, still very risky.

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