Exam Week

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Before you know it, your first month at Yuuei is over. Although the relief of Izuku now understanding exactly who you are comforts you a little, the fact remains that Written Exams are beginning in a couple of days.

It'd always bugged you that you apparently couldn't tell anybody about your relationships with many of Japan's top Heroes — but you understood how those 'secrets' were only secret so that you wouldn't be targeted by villains. Obviously, Shō tried to play it off as being secret so that 'Other kids don't treat you differently', but as you got older, you soon figured out the real reason. Sure, that was still partly true, but if they treated you any differently it would just mean you needed to get some new friends. Right?

But you know Izuku won't treat you any differently; he does have the heart of a true Hero, after all. So rather than worrying about that, you turn your attention to the Exam Week on your calendar that bores into your eyes every time you look over at it.

Two more days. One weekend. Just a few more hours of study before your first ever public school exam. Where is Yaomomo?

You reach over to your nightstand and grab your phone.

You grab your notebooks and begin to head down to the common room, spotting Eijiro as you walk

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You grab your notebooks and begin to head down to the common room, spotting Eijiro as you walk.

"Hey, Kiri." You smile.
"Oh, hi Xio. Where're you headed?"
"Studying with Yaomomo in the common room. You?"
"I'm with Bakugou."
Your heart lurches with hatred at his name, but you show no emotion. "Oh, really? That's cool. Good luck, then."
"You too!"

Breathing deeply to calm yourself, you speed down the stairs and make your way over to one of the couches in the common room, taking a seat and splaying out your notes on the table in front of you. As you wait for Momo, you scan over your flash cards and summary notes, lips twitching as you soundlessly recite them to yourself.

The door opens, you glance up to see Bakugou before looking back down at your notes again; you don't even want to look at him. He, however, seems to have other plans, sauntering over to you.

"What are you doing?" He asks, deadpan.
"What does it look like?" You don't look up at him.
"Tch. I mean what subject."
"Use your eyes." You gesture to the notes which pretty obviously covers topics for the first exam you have.
"You could've just told me."
"You could've just kept on walking."
Silence. He scoffs again, before leaving to meet with Eijiro. You relax a little. Honestly, you expected him to try and fight you after all that attitude you gave him.

Seconds later, the door opens again, and you smile up at Momo as she walks towards you. "Hey, what took you so long?"
"Oh, my apologies, Xiomara, I was distracted along the way." She sits gracefully beside you, laying out her own notes as you begin to study together. Iida was visiting his family today, so he couldn't join the two of you.

[Time-skip, 1 week.]

Sighing, you sunk down into the sofa in the common room along with Shouji Mezo, Tokoyami Fumikage, Ochako and Hagakure Toru.

"I am so glad those written exams are over." Toru sighs, apparently leaning onto Ochako.
"You and me both. I don't think I'd be able to manage another one." She chuckles.
Mezo speaks up, with Fumikage nodding along. "Don't forget we still have the practical exam, too."
Ochako waves her hand dismissively. "Kendo said that one of the older students mentioned it was gonna be battling robots again."
Toru chimes in, "It'll be a breeze!"
"Was it that easy for you all before?"

They turn to look at you.
"Oh, right, you didn't do the entrance exam, did you, Xiomara?" Fumi asks, receiving a shake of your head in response. Ochako leans towards you.
"Don't sweat it, it was totally easy! Apart from those zero-pointers. But you've just gotta run from those."
"Oh, yeah, Izuku told me about that." You recall.
"He did? Oh, is that what he was looking for you for last week? Did he want to tell you what our practical exam might be?"
"Uh," You can't exactly tell her what you two were actually talking about. "yeah, yes, that's what he told me."
Ochako smiles at you. "Deku's so nice, isn't he?" Her eyes almost sparkle at the thought of him, and you can just about pick up a dusting of colour on her cheeks.
The others hum in agreement, and you nod, smiling at Ochako... and getting a little... idea.

"We must still prepare ourselves for the practical exam. Both physically and mentally." Fumikage says wisely.
"Yeah, you're right. I'm beat after all of those written exams. I need some sleep." Toru stands up and stretches, yawning as she speaks. Ochako follows suit, waving to you three as she follows Hagakure to their dormitory floor.

"Are you guys sure it'll be the same exam?" You turn your attention back to Mezo, who shrugs.
"I don't know, but it'll be somewhat similar. There's only so much they can test us on physically, and it's bound to be something that uses our Quirks."
"Or our wits." Fumikage adds.
"Oh, true. It might be a puzzle." You add, trying to think of what the exam could possibly entail. You could ask Shōta, but he definitely won't tell you. Maybe you could get a hint, though...

"Whatever it is, I'm sure we'll all pass. Well, you two will at least, you're super strong." You grin at them.
"Thanks." Fumikage murmurs.
"You are too, Xio. I've seen a little bit of your Quirk, and I've got to say, it really is impressive." Mezo replies, and stands up with you. You move around the table between the three of you to hug him, and then pat Fumikage's head as you leave.

"Goodnight, guys."
"See you." They chime in unison.

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