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You paced as you waited for the exam to end. Nezu said that it was timed, and all of the exams were taking place simultaneously in the multiple 'arenas' scattered around Yuuei.

Taking a moment to think to yourself — and mostly trying to get your damn mind off of the influx of thoughts and hopeless strategies you were fumbling about with in your head — you started to actually wonder just how big this school was. I mean, seriously? You'd been pacing up and down for a bit before realising that this dump was massive. Which section were you going to be in? Open space? Maze? Abandoned building?

You're not sure about other Hero schools (and you knew full well that society's safety was precariously balanced on the abilities of Pro Heroes, so the schools had to be extra) but this seemed a little excessive. Could you technically say that each school was its own mini-town? Because there were literal mini towns inside of Yuuei. So was Yuuei like its own... actual town, kind of? Wait, how big does something have to be to classify as a town? Are there factors that make something geographically or socially considered a 'town'?

Damn — stupid trains of thought, how is any of this relevant?! Okay. Stop asking yourself so many questions. Focus, Xio. Strategise.

You know Shōta like the back of your hand. You'd trained together, and yes, him being a Pro means that he'd definitely be able to read more about you during those sessions than vice versa, but didn't it still mean you had more of a read on him than anybody else? His weapons. Quirk and Binding Cloths. Quirk: Erasure. What did that mean? He could get rid of your Bubbles. There would be no way to sneak them behind him once he saw you, no way to protect yourself from his Quirk even if you were already inside one. Once he activates it, they all pop. Even if you did get the upper hand, what would you do? I mean, from there it would be easy, actually. Just use one Bubble to keep his face away from your general direction, and make another around him entirely to stop him from using anything else.

He's like a damn ninja, Jesus, with those stupid ninja stars and that stupid Binding Cloth. Genuinely a terrifying opponent. So what if he saw you? What could you even do? If he managed to pin your arms to your sides you were done for, and your Hero costume didn't really come with any defence mechanisms against that.

Being realistic, he was probably going to see you before you saw him. So your Quirk was probably going to get Erased. So what do you even do in that situation? Just bloody sprint? To be fair, he's a 38-year-old man and you're a pretty fit 16-year-old girl. So... maybe you'd be alright with full-on sprinting towards the exit? Or had he thought of that? Oh god.

'I'm gonna fail this stupid exam. I'm gonna fail it. Oh Lord, oh God, I am so totally screwed.'

At least you were going against him after Yaomomo and Todoroki. Oh! And technically you could just try to put the handcuffs on him, but honestly how would you even do that? He's practically a ninja, like you thought before.

Before you knew it, that deafening buzzer sound went off, and the previous teams' timer had run out.

Meaning: You were up next.

Chasing Someone Else's Dreams - MHA OC ficWhere stories live. Discover now