The Nine of You

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The eight of you got to the edge of Yuuei, and started straight up at the huge wall.

"Well how the fuck do we get over that?" Hanta asks.
Todoroki points to you, still looking at Hanta. You nod.
A look of understanding washes over his face.
"Ahhh, I see." He nods and pulls Eijiro and Denki to his sides before nodding at you.

Your Quirk is "Impenetrable Bubbles", and the name just about sums it up — you can create them wherever you like and at any size so long as you can see where, and only you can move or pop them. For the most part.

Any kind of crushing, fire, punching, explosions, freezing — you name it — has no effect on your bubbles, but anything to do with surface manipulation or just complete destruction (Like a certain villain is capable of achieving) will indefinitely cause your bubble to crumble. However it does take a physical toll on you if overused, and the bubbles have time limits depending on their size.

So, you create a bubble around the three of them and lift them high up over the wall, before pulling Izuku and Kyoka to yourself, and motioning for Shoto to stick with Mina. You make two more bubbles around the three of you and the other two before rising up to the same level as the boys, grinning at them as you float the lot of you down to the floor, popping the bubbles.

"So, I guess that's 'how the fuck' we get over the wall." Kyoka smiles at Hanta, making him chuckle.
"Yeah, yeah. Come on, I know just what spot to go to." He beckons you as he starts to walk, and you all follow suit.

You walk through the streets of Mustafu and chat happily but quietly with your friends, with Shoto remarking;
"I didn't expect you to be such a troublemaker in your second week here."
"What, you don't like it?"
"No, it was just unexpected. I don't think I would have enough confidence two weeks into a new school to do something like this. It's... impressive."
You smile at him, and he manages to smile back.
"Thanks, Shoto. But hey, I think you're still just as impressive — because I would not expect someone like you to be up for sneaking out of school."
"Someone... like me?" He tilts his head.
"Oh. You know, a 'quiet boy'."
"Ah. You think I would be too reserved?"
"Something like that, but you're not. You're fun!"
"...Thank you, Xiomara."

Your phone lights up in your hand. Your heart lurches, and you look at the screen, before letting out a relieved breath.

 Your heart lurches, and you look at the screen, before letting out a relieved breath

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You smile at his text, and fire another one back

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You smile at his text, and fire another one back.

You smile at his text, and fire another one back

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You announce to the rest of your group that you'd be heading back, and would find them in a few minutes

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You announce to the rest of your group that you'd be heading back, and would find them in a few minutes. Kyoka protests. "What? What could you possibly have left that you need right now?"
She rolls her eyes. "Fine. That's valid, I guess."
"Don't take too long." Eijiro says.
"Don't get caught." Denki advises.

You nod, falling back and jogging to the Yuuei wall again, and sailing over using a bubble. You walk to the dormitory building of Class 1-C, and Shinsou meets you halfway.

"Stargazing? Really? You're breaking out of school to stargaze?"
"You better stop talking." You say jokingly, smiling as you turn around and walk with him to the wall.
"Or what?"
"Or I'll leave you behind."
"...No you won't."
"Oh? And why's that?"
"'Cause. It's me."
"I've got eight other people waiting for me."
"Damn." He pauses. "Why so many?"
"Because Class 1-A knows how to have fun."
"Yeah, well, so do I."
"Good for you."

You walk in silence for a little while, but the two of you don't feel awkward.
"How'd you get over the wall?"
"My Quirk."
"You afraid of heights?"
"...I don't think so..."

You get to the wall, and he looks straight up, and then back at you.
"That's pretty high."
"A high wall."
"Really... uh... really tall."
You nod. He swallows.

"You're scared of heights, aren't you?"
You raise your eyebrow at him and fold your arms.
"It'll only take a second."
"Can I close my eyes?"
"Go for it."
He squeezes them shut, and you pull him to your side, encapsulating yourselves in a bubble and shooting over the wall. The bubble pops, and he opens one eye.

"...That was it?"
He opens the other eye, and stops tensing up.

"Oh, wait, shit, we gotta go back in."
"Back into Yuuei?! Why?"
"No, back in the bubble."
He whirls around, checking your surroundings with wide eyes. "Why?"
"To catch up with the others."
"...Can we stay close to the ground?"
"Uh... yeah. Probably."
"Okay then."

You shoot off after the others, in your little bubble.

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